Kad, I agree with you all the way! It does seemed calculated, which is perhaps why we never care for the characters- they've been done and better previously! Thanks for cracking the case- I mean that in all sincerity, I couldn't put into words why it wasn't working and calculated seems like a good summation. I do disagree with you on the high school mention though, it's too small a show, and the point of arts education is to educate and unless this is presented as a "what not to do" I don't see it being very informative for young performers- that may sound harsh, but if it is this author's first venture, hopefully they can take the criticism and grow- I mean first show Off-Broadway in NYC is not by any means a failure. On last aside, wtf is the purpose of Canada? It could be re-set and make no difference- especially with Ocean's character- America is a democracy too lol, that was just another unnecessary head scratcher. It's also unnecessarily funny in the current political realm.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I think the authors are Canadian and they set it in their hometown.
I mean, sure that's nice, but it's only really exposed during Ocean's number and then it goes by the wayside. It just seems unnecessary.
@phillytheatreguy10, your meandering thoughts and opinions on this show frustrate me.
You say it's a cabaret piece, and that's an issue. But then the cabaret aspects aren't cabaret enough for you so maybe it's not a cabaret after all. Pick one.
You seem to be very frustrated with it being set in Canada. So what? Why is that even an issue? It's where the playwright set the show. Why is ANY show set in ANY place, if that's the argument. This is an arbitrary comment.
Your problems with the book and score are fine, but are opinions. I know many who absolutely loved this show and believe in it in making its next step forward.
You say the piece offers few standout performances and the ones that exist aren't anything "any other actor couldn't have done." There are rare cases and Im not denying it happens, but most roles on and off Broadway aren't anything "any other [qualified] actor couldn't have done" if you really think about it. Most Broadway roles are replaced. Even the standout, award winning ones. I just don't see the point of your argument here. Anyone can play Jane Doe such as anyone can play Alexander Hamilton such as anyone can play Elphaba. Anyone qualified, that is.
You also seem to be some sort of fan of Louderman, and have a vendetta against her departure from the show. It happened. And the replacement actress is giving a great performance. That's my opinion though.
I apologize if this comes off as a direct attack towards your comments, but I just feel as if you find you're personal feelings on this show to be the end all be all. The show may die right here at the Lortel, but it also may transfer. Who really knows. But I just feel as if you're frustration about the small flaws in the show are really effecting your perspective of the whole entire thing.
Its about a bunch of kids who are in some sort of purgatory warehouse after a devastating roller coaster crash. Dead, singing kids. Maybe don't take it so seriously.
The show was so awful that during the show I had wished that I was on that roller coaster with those kids
The flaws are anything but small. This is a chat board where we express our opinions. I have a BA in theatre and have great respect for it as an art form. I say that, not to sound like a snob, but merely because it seems with this piece there lacks a basic knowledge of convention and structure- you need to know the rules to break them and make an impact. That was my point in making the "we sing because we can't express ourselves any better". Many of the songs have no lead in which takes it from "I'm talking, now I'm singing" making it feel presentational and as someone suggested here calculated and disingenuous. I mentioned Canada once in my thoughts, as did the show, however the latter did so with a song and dance so much so that it's mention was jarring and made little sense to the plot. I am a fan of Louderman, that aside, I've seen her work and in stage presence alone she beats her replacement- you're glossing over the fact that I also mentioned the director as having a one track- pun unintended, view of the character and Louderman has publically said, she departed over creative differences- these boards started the rumor she was hard to work with, which is unfair. There seems to be a level of delusion with this creative team, call it young and dumb, but it's stifling anything this show could be by not admitting flaws. Finally, anyone can indeed "play" a part, but living and breathing the part is what makes a portrayal convincing and truly worthy of admiration- look at Ben Platt's work in DEH, he IS that character, he's not playing a broad idea. Similarly, this is what tipped Audra McDonald's performance in Lady Day from mere imitation to embodiment. This again, falls on the actor, but also the director and the process, and the material which is weak here at best. I'm glad it is encouraging conversation, in that it is a successful piece- you can like it, I do not. As far as meandering ideas, the fact it left so many unanswered questions in a bad way is precisely proof of my point. Also, I am a cabaret artist, and you cannot do a lot with ooo's and ahh's- what makes cabaret great is being able to remove the song from the score and not missing any back story and still convey the story of the piece- that makes any great musical theatre song IMO. I do not in any way think my thoughts are the be all end all of the show, I replied to someone's initial point about their experience. Also, if the show wasn't taking it self so seriously, maybe I wouldn't be, but when a show sets itself as something new and creative and worthy of a bigger audience when it is so heavily flawed, I wish it luck commercially, because thinking you are the best and being unwilling to listen to critics isn't the path to success- ask the creators of Finding Neverland how that went for them- interestingly enough, even during the Broadway run post opening they searched for ways to better the piece, but the damage was done. I expect when I leave a theatre to know the answers as to why now, why this story, who is the audience and what message is it trying to convey- if that's taking it too seriously, I make no apologies, someone needs to be held accountable for that! I encourage the debate to continue.
Updated On: 12/29/16 at 06:32 PMStand-by Joined: 5/3/14
I, for one, lived the show and the score. The whole story really haunts me, as does some great cabaret numbers. Regardless of the vitality of the show, the score deserves to be preserved. And considering some of what gets recorded these days.... it only seems fair to me.
Updated On: 12/29/16 at 06:59 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Robert16 said: "The show was so awful that during the show I had wished that I was on that roller coaster with those kids"
Same, though. Same.
Swing Joined: 11/16/11
You can find a few of the songs on YouTube with the original Canadian cast! Plus songs that were cut. Ocean used to do a gospel number with a Karl Marx puppet.
Swing Joined: 11/16/11
ChristianPisco said: "Yea it's sung bythe original Toronto cast from 2011"
No there isn't unfortunately they didn't get a chance to record one before the show was bought.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/21/17
They're putting up a version of it in Seattle this spring - not sure if it'll be some of the same cast that was in Chicago and NYC. Now to convince someone to make a cast recording - there's a version online of "What the World Needs Is People Like Me," which I really like, but there are a bunch of great songs that I can't find.
I really hope the Chicago/NY cast, especially Rohm, continue to Seattle. I asked Rohm if she was doing Seattle after it was announced and she said details would be announced soon. That was like 6 months ago.
I probably might go see the show when it opens in March in Seattle. If I do, I'll tell you guys how it went!
I would be surprised if any of the NY or Chicago cast members did it again in Seattle. It was praised in Chicago but got mixed to negative reviews Off-Broadway and closed after a relatively brief run. It should have a decent regional life, but a cast recording might be necessary to ensure that. I don’t know why there isn’t one.
I've been curious about "Cyclone" ever since I heard about the Chicago production. I know it got very mixed reactions in New York, but since I'm on the west coast, and this is the first time it's resurfaced since MCC, I might make the trip to Seattle to check it out for myself.
Updated On: 11/10/17 at 10:41 AM
I did enjoy the show at MCC in New York, but I can see the drawbacks and flaws that others point out. I don't know if I would fly from the West Coast to Chicago just to see it, but of course it's up to you. While in Chicago maybe you can catch some other shows too.
Thanks, macnyc. It's coming to ACT in Seattle. So for me, in Southern California, a trip to Seattle PLUS the show ticket is about the same price as a single good orchestra ticket to a Broadway show this season.
Updated On: 11/10/17 at 11:38 AM
I really did not care for this when I saw at MCC. Some fun tunes and cool effects, but other than that, the whole thing was incredibly "Meh" to me.
Final casting announced. I'm going to see it in May with my daughter (Christmas present and Mothers Day tied in one package). I'm intrigued with the premise but a bit nervous after reading some of the reivews. Oh well - always open to new experiences! Is anyone familiar with this cast?
Most of the cast are from the prior two productions and Chicago theatre actors. I think they’re exceptional and am so happy this show continues to be going places! Hopefully a broadway transfer is next! It says there will be significant changes, so I hope it’s for the better!
Ah, I SO wish I could see this again! Seeing the first preview on election day last year holds such a special place in my heart. I had such an amazing time when I didn't think it would be possible. Don't go in expecting the show to be Hamilton, but hey, it's a hell of a lot of fun. With the Broadway landscape seeming overcrowded with jukebox musicals and the like, I can't imagine this would be an unwelcome addition to next years season. In fact, a 2 show day at Ride The Cyclone and Hadestown sounds like a fantastic idea to me.
1/3 of the show has been rewritten! Can’t wait to hear what has been changed! https://instagram.com/p/Bf1wqRajmLi/
I live on the West Coast so I haven't seen previous versions of CYCLONE. But I'm seeing the Seattle production on Sunday, March 11. Will report back.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/3/14
Huge fan of this show! So happy to see that Rockwell's staging, Castillo, Tarteau, Rohm, Wardell and Hamilton are all still with this show!!! They were all so great when I saw them in Chicago a while back! Hopefully the show (which I thought was flawless to begin with, I know many people disagree with me on here) improvements are productive and are not harmful to the overall heart of the show (re: Pirate Queen). Happy to see what future productions look like!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
i know Kevin still wants to bring this in , he's apparently been eyeing the Booth.