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Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’- Page 5

Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#100Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:08pm

HogansHero said: "Why would Oak be brought back? How does his not coming back mean people will be unemployed if the show was gonna close if he had not been canned? "

The fact that he does not come back is not what ruins the show and will make people unemployed. It's the side he chose which gave the show a bad name and makes people want to stay away, even with a big new name, if they can even get it.


JayElle Profile Photo
#101Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:24pm

Vintage quoted me:  "JayElle, I know you see a lot of theater. What are you talking about? Unless it's a show like The Color Purple or Allegiance, the audience is never that diverse, and even then the majority of the audience is white. Been to an MTC show lately?...."

That's precisely my point Vintage.  There's been a  social medium uprising over the Oak/Patinkin issue. I am well aware of theaters lacking diversity, which is obviously evident in the  theater lines.  

So for those crying racism, why aren't they heading to the theater to show their support?  At least put my $ where my mouth is.  I bought a ticket for Oak's last show to say goodbye and show support that sales weren't lacking.. 

If Oak had said no to their initial request to take time off, what then?  Would the producers have closed the show and blame Oak that he short-circuited Mandy's rescue effort?  The producers botched it. And if it's true there were problems within the cast, maybe Oak took this as his out.  But I will say, he had guts to follow Groban because the comparison was inevitable. Right or wrong.

If nothing else, look at all the free publicity this show has gotten.  I don't think it will close on Aug. 13. Maybe the producers are keeping the suspense going intentionally.  Keeps it in the public eye.


HogansHero Profile Photo
#102Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:24pm

bisous3 said: "He didn't need to be "brought back". He needed to agree to stay through the dates of his original contract, giving a new "big name" lead enough time to learn the role. Not only was there not enough time for a new person to prep for an August 13th departure, from what I understand the fact that the role now is the center of this controversy they are having great difficulty finding someone who will do it that is notable enough to sell tickets. I don't know that they can afford a couple of weeks of having an understudy do it while a "star" learns it either. "

He was fired. The original contract was void and indeed he received liquidated damages for the termination. In order to come back, he would have to be " brought back." As was explained by Malloy in the first instance, the show could not stay open with Oak in it for the period you identify. And there was not then nor is there now any "star" other than the Patinkin stop the bleeding for 3 weeks flawed concept. 

What you are suggesting is delusional. and wrong. Oak was never coming back. This idea is a fantasy of people who live in denial of white privilege. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#103Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:25pm

HogansHero said: "OK kids, I hope you all had fun. Now a reality check.

Oak was the problem. He wasn't selling any tickets. The show was going to have to close when Ingrid left because of that, unless a savior (white or otherwise) came along. The savior didn't pan out. Why would Oak be brought back? How does his not coming back mean people will be unemployed if the show was gonna close if he had not been canned? 

Causation, people. Think for once in your lives.



Correct. Absolutely correct. And this post would've been perfect without the unnecessarily condescending sass you frequently seem to like to dress your posts with. Not trying to start anything...just pointing it out.

#104Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:33pm

HogansHero said: "This idea is a fantasy of people who live in denial of white privilege. 



You assume I am white.


BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#105Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:37pm

This Patinkin fallout happened one week ago during this hour.

I am absolutely amazed and astounded that we don't yet have word about the show's future, especially from a producing team that was so eager to post poorly phrased statements during the Oak fallout.

August 13 is nine days away. This is crazy.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#106Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:42pm

@JayElle "If Oak had said no to their initial request to take time off, what then?" Again he was asked nothing; he was fired. 

@BroadwayRox3588 True. I am not perfect, and sometimes it is a bit much around here.

@bisous3 I assumed nothing. Honestly, you were not the object of my comment, which was directed at a broad pathology that has manifested here. 

JayElle Profile Photo
#107Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:46pm

Even the newspapers can't get news from producers.  Perhaps they have a surprise in store. They're still selling tickets, and the producer said in the NYPost article that they are working around the clock. 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#108Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:51pm

i think they may be headed back into bat sh*t crazy mode. 

and here, despite a few errors, is a clear headed take on all this:

JayElle Profile Photo
#109Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:56pm

If Oak had said no to their initial request to take time off, what then?" Again he was asked nothing; he was fired. ...........

If he was fired, why did the producers advertise they "hoped he'd return."  

JayElle Profile Photo
#110Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 4:58pm

HogansHero said, "Again he was asked nothing; he was fired. "

What is source of info that Oak was fired or contract void?  

HogansHero Profile Photo
#111Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:00pm

because they are bat sh*t crazy. 

That comment was made at the height of spin control day, in a situation that even seasoned professionals would have been flummoxed.

That he was fired is in their own announcements and well rehearsed in the media.

Updated On: 8/4/17 at 05:00 PM

JayElle Profile Photo
#112Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:17pm

The Forbes article says it all.  Producer Hagan is a  former Wall St hedge fund guy.  It's the green. Actors are traded like stock.  Can't make the cut?  No prob, we'll sell you and buy something else.  Hate to see the show close.  I enjoyed it.


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#113Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:18pm

If anyone wants a shorter URL without all the source codes and redirects:

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#114Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:19pm

Dave28282 said: "Why are the producers and Patinkin so subordinate about false racism claims? Because they both handled in a way that was not based on truth."

This is exactly what you're also accusing Oak of, but for some reason (who could possibly guess?) you reserve pretty much all of your rancor for him.

JayElle Profile Photo
#115Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:31pm

Thanks LizzieCurry

JayElle Profile Photo
#116Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:34pm

So here we go again....I just read that even tho Joy Behar can't sing or dance, the producers asked her to do the Dolly tour.  Just sell the show on the name regardless of talent or skill.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#117Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 5:38pm

I think it was a joke on several levels

#118Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:03pm

Does anyone else find it hilarious that Cynthia claims she "never brought race into it", yet she RTd this Rafael tweet which brings race into it?

Updated On: 8/4/17 at 06:03 PM

#119Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:07pm

My current mood: I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.

#120Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:08pm

Also... huh? Is Cynthia really unaware that she is not just "one of two people", but a significant voice that sways many, many people? Just look at Prince of Egypt,

Also... "ticket sales shouldn't override a person doing his job?" Smh

#121Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:27pm

Updated On: 8/4/17 at 06:27 PM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#122Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:55pm

99% of jobs depend on sales or acquiring new customers. So yes Cynthia, it should. Some people just don't, and will never get it.


Remind me to skip anything she is in. She has quickly fallen from a fresh Broadway talent to someone I can't stand. 

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#123Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 6:57pm

And not sure how this whole "Actors are good, producers are bad" narrative started, but let's not pretend the industry would exist with just actors. 

#124Riedel on vultures circling ‘Great Comet’
Posted: 8/4/17 at 7:30pm

IdinaBellFoster said: "I don't believe they've only returned 20% of the investment. Some basic calculations prove that even with advertising/marketing accounted for, they've returned over 50% of the investment.



I was wondering this say the show is in danger of closing is one thing, but this show has been open for long enough to have returned more than that, especially with Josh at the helm for as long as he was.

Frankly this whole damn thing has gotten much too ugly. 
