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Rush Drama

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#50re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:05am

So it should be either be a corrupt system or no rush at all?

Yeah, that really solves the problem.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 01:05 AM

Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:06am

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 01:06 AM

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#52re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:16am

I wasn't insinuating that either one is acceptable. I'm just saying that people are unhappy now, but I am sure people would be just as unhappy if rush was completely gotten rid of. It's up to the people involved what they want to do. I'm just saying to be aware of the repercussions.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#53re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:24am

Exactly, Emcee.

This isn't gang members shanking people in line at Jersey Boys to take advantage of tourists, or ACL's box office conspiring to give cast members' families tickets. This is fans screwing over other fans. If anyone is losing the privilege, it should be just the select few that think they're above the rules. I hope there are enough sensible Legally Blonde fans out there to stop them from getting away with it; there are many other options than losing rush altogether.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 01:24 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#54re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:25am

I didn't say you were, or imply that you thought that was a good idea. I'm saying that on the part of those with the power to make a decision, it would be a ridiculous solution. Why would those be the only options? As opposed to, you know, actually dealing with the problem. Yes, eliminating rush would put an end to the issue, but why do that instead of just stopping the favoritism?

For the record, a rhetorical question. Not everything in response to what you post is addressed TO you personally.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 01:25 AM

Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:29am

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 01:29 AM

RoseStopnikCooks Profile Photo
#56re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 8:36am

Guys, some of these people joined yesterday. It's pathetic. Just ignore them and let it go.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#57re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 1:43pm

I'm not surprised they joined yesterday to complain about this. Don't play dumb; you know if they used their real screennames they'd be ostracized in person by other Legally Blonde fans.

Why should it be let go? Because you benefit from the system? re: Rush Drama

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 01:43 PM

winter_sky Profile Photo
#58re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 2:53pm


Why is it pathetic that these people saw what happened on Sunday and felt compelled to let other people know what's been going on? I've had this account since August and I posted what I saw.

I don't really think people complaining about a theatre blatantly going against their rush policy is pathetic? The people in the box office are pathetic. The people who are just strolling up at noon to receive front row tickets are pathetic.

Do you not understand that these things are really happening? It's not just one poster trolling trying to start drama. There have been more than a few people who have posted about what happened.
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 02:53 PM

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#59re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 3:10pm

Is the rush usually this cutthroat? Or just because it was Haven's performance? I rushed Legally Blonde once at like... 6:30 PM and got tickets.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#60re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 3:14pm

LB rush can get a little intense. But this particular rush was more important because Haven was ONLY going on for Sunday and had never been on before. However, I think if anything like this happened at any would be an issue. This seems to be more an issue with the Palace Theatre box office, from what I can tell.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

winter_sky Profile Photo
#61re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 3:16pm

No it's not... it was because Haven was on as Elle. Normal every day performances are super easy to rush for. Usually if you get there at a normal time, you'll get a ticket. Last days, announced understudies, etc. will cause overnight camping out.

Apparently the people who bypassed the policy on Sunday did it again on Wednesday so apparently it's not a one time thing.

ElizabethRachel Profile Photo
#62re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 3:46pm

Basically the assumption is that they got there, had connections and got the front row tickets for both shows? Yes? Good assumption. Can't really say there is much fault in it because it was a little strange... but did it kill you or your friends who saw it? I don't know but I thought it was the BEST show I have ever seen and it wouldn't matter where I got to sit. I even offered my seat to others because that night really should have been about enjoying what the Burton had to offer. Not sulking because someone has more connections. Yes it is the principle of it all. You rush, you get there first, you get "The Seats" ... It sucks (I guess) but it happens. If you want to take it up with someone, do that. I don't really think asking anyone on a message board is going to get you the answers you want. Take some action if you feel that is what needs to be done. I just have to say, Haven Burton pwns. I would post that is “Haven Burton as Elle?” but that thread is whack.

#63re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 9:24pm

But it's true, it's really not a really big deal. Especially if you got seats and saw it. I mean, if you didn't get seats because of it, fine, but if you did, why bother?

Updated On: 3/9/08 at 09:24 PM

winter_sky Profile Photo
#64re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 9:28pm

Technically 8 people. re: Rush Drama

adamgreer Profile Photo
#65re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 9:49pm

What is missing in this entire discussion is the fact that the show was FAR from sold out Sunday evening (not sure about the matinee). I was sitting in one of the mezzanine boxes, and the mezz was maybe 3/4 full. The balcony was less than half-full. So, no one was "prevented" from seeing Haven Burton as Elle, or seeing the show in general. There were plenty of seats available.

When Aida was running, and I used to rush that show, the guy at the box office used to offer the people who didn't get rush tickets the "obstructed" seats in the balcony, which were never all that obstructed. Do they still do that?

winter_sky Profile Photo
#66re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 10:16pm

So the people who actually complied with the rush policy and might have been first time viewers should have paid at least 2x the rush price because of a few spoiled people who abuse rush and have seen the show over 30 times?

ElizabethRachel Profile Photo
#67re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 10:25pm

I am more saying that bringing this up with the Box office, instead of the "fans" on this message board would probably be of more help. Also yeah it would suck because it isn't cool, BUT it happens. People break rules and get away with it. Way of life, if you want to do something about it, again... talk to someone who has control over that.

Also, I personally hope Haven's days as Elle grow. With the amazing show she put on, I am sure she will get another chance to kick some tush in that role! Just breathe. If not, I wouldn't be surprised if it were on YouTube very soon.

I am not trying to be rude but crap happens... thats all.

alex2155 Profile Photo
#68re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:10pm

I don't see the problem with these people showing up at 11:55 and getting rush tickets. As long as they didn't cut anyone already in line and there are tickets left, who cares. Even if they showed up 5 minutes before long as there are rush tickets left they should be entitled to get them. The only thing getting there early or camping out really does is ensure you get tickets. But if they don't sell with all the early people, it's better to sell them and to leave them empty.

#69re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:29pm

alex2155, there were people that were in line that did not get tickets, it says that like 10 times in the thread. Try reading the whole thread before commenting.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#70re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:32pm

Has anyone who was ACTUALLY told they were sold out posted? It's been a lot of "as I understand it"... Which...we all know hearsay isn't accepted as evidence...

Not saying it did or didn't happen, but I don't think we've heard from someone actually turned away.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#71re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:36pm

Okay, I wasn't going to say anything or get involved, but I just feel like I have to say something. What happened on Sunday was completely disgusting, unfair, and WRONG, and I question anyone's judgment if they don't see that. I was first on the rush line, I was there the entire time, and I saw it all go down. What happened was that there was a long, long line of people waiting for rush. At 11:55, these four people showed up, got in the middle of the line (cut, I guess), and went up to the window, said something to the woman working there, and then went to stand off to the side. The woman working at the box office TOLD PEOPLE on the rush line that they were sold out of rush tickets for the show. And then, later, the four of them waltzed up to the window, and came away with four rush tickets to the matinee and the night show (Seats AA 101-107 for both performances).

If you're going to try and tell me that isn't shady or something going on that shouldn't be, then I have no words for you. I think it's completely wrong for the box office to be able to manipulate tickets than that. It wasn't for cast members' families, they didn't pay the house seat price for them. (Don't believe me? I can provide a picture of the tickets that they posted on facebook. You can see the $26.50 price if you look close enough.) They were regular, stagedoor johnny type fans who see the show a lot, who abused a "friendship" with someone working at the box office in order to obtain tickets unfairly.

Furthermore, ElizabethRachel, while your "**** happens, move on" attitude is very endearing and compassionate, I doubt you'd be so calm and willing to move on if YOU'D been the one screwed out of tickets because of this incident. Why should anyone shut up and move on? I think it's completely appropriate to let people know what's going on, and as this is a message board about the goings on in the theatre world, it's completely on-topic. Don't think people aren't complaining to the management of the theatre as well. I did so today, and I know that others did the same after the show last night. Until something is done about it, though, I don't see any reason to stop discussing it or complaining.

And if it was a one time thing, that would still be wrong, but apparently the SAME thing happened on Wednesday night, the same four people, the same seats. I'm sorry, but that just disgusts me.

Yes, it would suck if they got rid of rush altogether, and I know that's a possible outcome of being willing to say something about this, but seriously, I would rather not have rush than have this continue to happen over and over again. But hopefully, the box office will decide to remedy the situation by firing those employees responsible for allowing this to happen, and no longer allowing the fans who took advantage of rush like that to purchase student tickets to the show. That's the solution I'd propose.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 11:36 PM

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#72re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:43pm

Why didn't one of you speak up to the box office personnel if you thought something fishy was going on? Or even before the show? You should've gotten a house or box office manager and alerted them that you think something sketchy was happening. Complaining on BWW is dumb.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#73re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:46pm

"Why didn't one of you speak up to the box office personnel if you thought something fishy was going on? Or even before the show? You should've gotten a house or box office manager and alerted them that you think something sketchy was happening. Complaining on BWW is dumb."

What good would speaking to the people who manipulated the tickets to begin with do? And I personally didn't want to cause a scene the night of the show, since I know the people who got the tickets and knew it would've created a huge problem. Once I had time to sort out my thoughts and go to the theatre by myself, I did complain there.

I see nothing dumb about letting fans of the show know how corrupt the rush policy is. Why should they waste their time getting there early if certain fans can decide they want to go and screw others out of tickets anytime they please?

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

alex2155 Profile Photo
#74re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:54pm

Oh well thats different...thank you for explaining it Kelly2.
And Smurfet...sorry I just got bored reading the whole thread, so I just read 3/4 of page one and the 3rd page...guess I should have read the whole thing, but it seemed like no one really knew what happened for sure and people were talking about rush being about waiting for the box office to open and such (which I think it absurd if there are rush tickets left even after the box office open). But now that I just read that they got tickets after the box office said they were out, then that changes things and I think someone needs to investigate this issue.
