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Rush Drama

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#75re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:56pm

I'm sure not the entire staff of the Palace Theater worked together to manipulate rush so that these people could get tickets. There are other people there as well. I'm sure they wouldn't have caused a scene that night - whoever you may have told would probably investigate the matter and interview box office personnel or the like. Maybe another ticket seller noticed something a little weird but chose not to say anything, or maybe there's a camera or something - who knows.

I was saying complaining about it was dumb because I thought none of you rushers did anything (with someone saying "I hope someone calls the box office!"). I'm glad you did.
Updated On: 3/6/08 at 11:56 PM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#76re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 12:19am

"I'm sure not the entire staff of the Palace Theater worked together to manipulate rush so that these people could get tickets. There are other people there as well. I'm sure they wouldn't have caused a scene that night - whoever you may have told would probably investigate the matter and interview box office personnel or the like. Maybe another ticket seller noticed something a little weird but chose not to say anything, or maybe there's a camera or something - who knows.

I was saying complaining about it was dumb because I thought none of you rushers did anything (with someone saying "I hope someone calls the box office!"). I'm glad you did. "

Well, I can't really speak for anyone else, but I personally made sure I did something besides complain about it. And it's hard to know who exactly was involved in what happened with the tickets, which is why I chose to wait and then speak to house management directly.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

ElizabethRachel Profile Photo
#77re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:16am

You do not know how I would feel if I were in the same situation so lets not cross that bridge.

Apparently my "move on" attitude clouds the fact that this is upsetting to me in the same. It majorly sucks that people got screwed out of tickets because there were unjust behaviors going on. Yet at the same time, whats done is done. Unless someone is going to bring it up to management (which I think Kelly? said she was, as well as another friend of mine. Clarified) then I didn't get why it was being foucused on so much. I just have never understood what ranting on the computer would do to solve a problem. Usually it just causes more.

I just think it sucks that all you see about this show these days is the drama surrounding it. =( No matter what good goes on there is like 2000 bad.

Also do you think they will admit that unfair play was going on?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#78re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:31am

"I just think it sucks that all you see about this show these days is the drama surrounding it. =( No matter what good goes on there is like 2000 bad. "

I see a lot of good in the show, specific performances, a lot about the show itself, etc. And I've been seeing it since it opened in April. And I have to say, there was never any of this drama over the summer. Everyone was very polite, respectful, and just there to enjoy the show. I don't know what happened, but somewhere around August the show began to attract a different breed of fans, and they brought all sorts of craziness and drama to the show. I can think of a few people in particular. And they have made it very hard to just appreciate the show for what it is, because they sit in the front row and scream and holler so loudly that patrons have to complain to the ushers about the noise they're making, and are bothersome to the actors onstage. People feel the need to create imaginary "friendships" and try to one up each other in being the "biggest and best" Legally Blonde fan ever. News flash, the biggest and best fan isn't the one who makes everything about the show about them and their friends. It's about supporting the show and not NEEDING to be at the stagedoor every night and scream and shout to get attention for yourself while you're watching it. These attention-seeking kids who've started coming to the show en masse have created every problem that is there now.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

winter_sky Profile Photo
#79re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:33am

I actually think talking about the situation on this site is helpful, Elizabeth Rachel. People who read this thread might pay a little more attention to what is happening at rush and the more people voicing concern to the managers, the better.

Let's be real though...half the drama in this show is caused by the fans, the other half is the actors and the crew bringing it on themselves.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#80re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:37am

"Let's be real though...half the drama in this show is caused by the fans, the other half is the actors and the crew bringing it on themselves."

The way the actors are wouldn't be a problem if some of the fans weren't so freakin' crazy....people should know how to behave and draw the line in "stagedoor" situations by now.

To elaborate, maybe if fans didn't misinterpret the smallest bit of kindness/friendliness on the part of anyone in the show as "omg let's be bff! you should totes stalk me on facebook and we should hang all the time!", then there wouldn't be a problem. Being a fan of a show doesn't entitle you to being a part of an actor's personal life, sorry.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 3/7/08 at 01:37 AM

winter_sky Profile Photo
#81re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:46am

Kelly2, I completely agree. There is a line and at that show it seems like common courtesy goes right out the window. There are more than a few people who I see commenting on actor's myspace/facebooks daily. It's a BIT too much. I think that LB isn't the only show where this fanaticism takes place (SA is way creepier to me) but most of the people who behave this way at LB are adults which to me is inherently weirder than fangirly teenagers.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#82re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:51am

"Kelly2, I completely agree. There is a line and at that show it seems like common courtesy goes right out the window. There are more than a few people who I see commenting on actor's myspace/facebooks daily. It's a BIT too much. I think that LB isn't the only show where this fanaticism takes place (SA is way creepier to me) but most of the people who behave this way at LB are adults which to me is inherently weirder than fangirly teenagers."

Especially of late, yes, the "line" so to speak has gone completely out the window for some, but thankfully, there are plenty of fans at the show who are completely respectful of the "barricades" so to speak, and have no problem not being best friends with the performers. Sadly, those people are completely overshadowed by the unending antics of a few attention-seeking fans who want nothing more than to have Nikki (or whoever) to omgz! wave at them from the stage. I don't know how to stress enough that the show is not ABOUT you (not you, but in general), or your friends, or whatever you think its about that's making you act that way.

But this has gone completely off the subject of the thread, though I think it's something worth talking about, as well.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 3/7/08 at 01:51 AM

Posted: 3/7/08 at 1:52am

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 01:52 AM

#84re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:27am

This thread, or rather the situation that warranted it, is so unfortunate.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#85re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 10:19am

The situation sucks. Oh well.

but more importantly, I find it ironic that you, Kelly2, out of ALL people are talking about crossing lines with the performers and attention-seeking is just completely ironic to me. Can we say HYPOCRITE?

#86re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 10:58am


how has the hypocrisy of kelly2 gone unnoticed until now?

weren't you basically banned from stagedoor for creating such drama?

get a life. grow up.

Posted: 3/7/08 at 10:59am

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 10:59 AM

ElizabethRachel Profile Photo
#88re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 12:15pm

"** prepares popcorn ** "

Kettle Corn perhaps? That is the good stuff!

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#89re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 12:26pm

"but more importantly, I find it ironic that you, Kelly2, out of ALL people are talking about crossing lines with the performers and attention-seeking is just completely ironic to me. Can we say HYPOCRITE?"

Really? Because I find it ironic that you, BARNONE, who sold your friends out to a performer to attempt and befriend her, would even have the gall to say a word to me in this thread. I, unlike the people I talk about, don't claim to be friends with anyone, nor do I expect that in return for being a fan. And THAT'S the difference


how has the hypocrisy of kelly2 gone unnoticed until now?

weren't you basically banned from stagedoor for creating such drama?

get a life. grow up."

Nope, not at all. See, some people? When they have personal issues? Settle it away from the stagedoor, and don't have the need to create a huge pathetic issue over it at the show? That's how MATURE people deal with things, though I can't imagine why you or anyone else who was involved would know what the mature thing to do was, since you/they have made it COMPLETELY clear by their actions that they're content to act like six year olds.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#90re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:01pm

i could care less at this point. Updated On: 3/7/08 at 02:01 PM

Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:08pm

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 02:08 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#92re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:11pm

Ooh boy. This IS going to be good, isn't it?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

winter_sky Profile Photo
#93re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:52pm

Wow, this is going to end badly.

Kelly's "hypocrisy", while unfortunate, does not really affect the actual drama that the thread was started for.

4 people obtained 8 front row tickets without having to rush. That's the issue, not Kelly's and KeepitPositive's drama. I don't think Kelly is complaining about HER tickets to that particular show but for the people who got screwed out of tickets because of these four people. KeepitPositive can deny it all he wants but it's not just Kelly who saw what happened on Sunday.

Honestly, can this please not turn into a "crazy fan" vs. "crazy fan"? It's been done.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#94re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 2:54pm

This is getting out of hand. People should stop taking pleasure in the vicious attacks going on against multiple people on these boards. Perhaps a public forum is not the best place to have it out and you all should take it off the boards. Kelly said she went to the box offiec. I am sure they will investigate and if they find foul play, they will take care of it. On the other hand, they may find that there was information that the rush line wasn't privy to and these people did pay full price for the tickets or something to that matter. Regardless, the matter has been brought to the attention of people and this senseless bashing of each other will not accomplish anything else.
I can't vouch for what really happened, but I know the four people accused and they could afford to pay full price for rush seats if they wanted to. That being said, I have no idea what went on....but this definitely isn't helping.

Put away your popcorn, stop enjoying this and settle it off the boards.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

ruprecht Profile Photo
#95re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 3:03pm

If this really happened the only "culprit" would be the people/person in the box office who should know better and be FIRED! As for this entire thread, all this for Haven Burton, really???

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#96re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 3:05pm

It was hardly worth all this, that's for sure. I will agree, if this did in fact happen, the Blonde producers have a MUCH bigger problem on their hands than a bunch of overzealous sadly misguided stagedoor freaks.

Posted: 3/7/08 at 3:13pm

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 03:13 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#98re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/7/08 at 3:21pm

Put away your popcorn, stop enjoying this and settle it off the boards.

Funny, the people who are enjoying the proverbial popcorn are not the ones who can (or need to) "settle it."

And yeah, so long as this absurdity is going to take place in public view, the, well, public is entitled to laugh at it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#99re: Rush Drama
Posted: 3/8/08 at 12:12am

The public SHOULD laugh at it, it's pretty hilarious, I think.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
