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Sho's last performance tonight- Page 2

Sho's last performance tonight

Marlene Profile Photo
#25re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:49pm

yay liotte!

BB, didn't most of this happen at curtain call, minus the ad-libing during popular?

#26re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:51pm

And the thing during POPULAR those people had no idea it wasn't something they do every performance.

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BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#27re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:53pm

I have no problem with the curtain call stuff. That's where the joking should be, when they're out of character.

But the stuff during Popular is just bad behavior. Break dancing? WHo was that funny to? The cast and the people in the audience who were in on the joke. Now a majority of the audience thinks that this is an actual part of the show, and thus brings the integrity of the performance down a peg.

It has nothing to do with me not having a sense of humor. It has to do with the level that these people are performing, and the standards they should honor.

#28re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:54pm

Nothing they did ruined the integrity of the show, nor would the people who haven't seen it before think anything of it. If anything, they saw more humourous show than they would've seen otherwise. So, why does it matter if they have a little fun with it? under the user "aawolfe".

#29re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:54pm

Oh, for the love of God.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#30re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:55pm

Did they get Joe Matello's permission to do these things? Likely not. Changing direction is tacky. Period. There is a standard. You didn't see Kelli O'Hara and cast joking at her last performance.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#31re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:56pm

It seems Wicked has a lot of room in it for some playfulness during various parts - Popular being one.

I still don't get the tracksuit. I mean, if the cast wanted to get her something, give her a fake signed gold record for her future career, or something unique to Shoshana, not something that started with Idina.

But, that is just me. Again, while no huge fan of Shoshana, I am glad she was able to put together a great final show.

Now, bring on Eden.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#32re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:56pm

I am entitled to my opinion. And I imagine, a lot of people working on Broadway would feel the same way.

#33re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:59pm

Well, if there had been a scene written in Piazza where Margaret gives Clara a makeover and lessons on how to be popular, Kelli definitely could have had some fun.

"Popular" is meant to be loved by those in the audience. And Shoshana and Megan did more than that.

Popular Profile Photo
#34re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 7:59pm

I hear what you're saying BB, but it's like telling Robin Williams not to adlib. Useless. These last show antics are always going to happen.

#35re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:01pm


This thread is going to be forever.

We know what happened. We know people have different opinions. Arguing over if it was right or wrong isn't going to change anything except piss some people off! Don't we have enough argumentitive threads about "EVERYTHING WICKED!"

Take it at face value and don't go analyzing every little thing that did or may have happened.



"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178
Updated On: 1/8/06 at 08:01 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#36re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:02pm

I hear this all the time with Wicked. People breaking character in the middle of a scene. Stop singing when the mike goes out. Etc, etc, etc. There are lighthearted moments in the show, but I don't think that gives them a right to change what their director intended.

I just like to think Broadway performers hold things at a higher standard.

#37re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:05pm

Aww those pics are great! They made me sort of sad!

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

Patronus Profile Photo
#38re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:05pm

I tend to agree with Bobby on this one. I agree that there is room for fun to be had and it doesn't sound like the antics during Popular were a problem.

What I do have a problem with is the report that something in one of the scenes said "Bye Sho" on it. That is just amatuer and beyond the appopriate level of having fun.

All that being said, I really don't care all that much. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am Switzerland.

#39re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:06pm

When the hell have you ever heard about people not singing because their mic isn't working? I realize you dislike the show and anything remotely related to that topic, but seriously, you need to lay off. Stop being such a Negative Nancy.

You don't have to read, and especially participate in these threads.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#40re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:09pm

Several Wicked threads have noted that when a mike went out, performers ran off stage. I can't remember who it was, but I have read posts on this board saying so.

I like Wicked, actually. I just hate performers who can't stay in character. When you're on stage, you should be thinking about your character's intentions.

Updated On: 1/8/06 at 08:09 PM

#41re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:09pm

Awesome pictures as usual, Liotte!

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#42re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:09pm

I think the tracksuit thing is a slap in the face to both Idina and Shoshana. The tracksuit is Idina's thing, and it's so last year anyone. And isn't Shoshana allowed some individuality?

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#43re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:11pm

"I still don't get the tracksuit. I mean, if the cast wanted to get her something, give her a fake signed gold record for her future career, or something unique to Shoshana, not something that started with Idina."

If you ask me, the gold record would have been tacky. It's almost like "Wouldn't you LOVE one of these?....But you don't have one. Nor do you have a major recording contract. HAHA."

The tracksuit thing is kinda funny. It may have started with Idina, but maybe it's just a little tradition they're going with for whatever reason.

Then again, it does kind of seem like an homage to Idina.

#44re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:11pm

Oh my. The track jacket was a gag gift--not meant to be taken seriously. It gave everyone a good laugh. You people read wayyy too into these things.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#45re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:11pm

those pictures rock Liotte re: Sho's last performance tonight

::bust a move::

#46re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:12pm

It is Idina's thing, but it is Idina's Wicked thing..and it isn't the first time that something gets started that is something special to the first person it happens to and it turns into a tradition.

We are reading too much into it. I can't see why either one of them would be really insulted, especially after the weird coincidence of yesterday.

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#47re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:12pm

Did you ever think, Pj, that your opinion isn't the only one out there. Let people say what they want, and stop trying to make your opinion fact.

liotte Profile Photo
#48re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:13pm

Updated On: 1/8/06 at 08:13 PM

admanrich Profile Photo
#49re: Sho's last performance tonight
Posted: 1/8/06 at 8:14pm

I highly doubt that they would have gotten her the tracksuit if she didn't get sick yesterday.

It was basically emphasizing the weird coincidence as a joke.
