Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I'm so relieved I didn't oversell it. Cuz, you know, I'm a tad enthusiastic. I'm psyched you dug it, sabrelady. I see it Saturday night! (For the FIRST time in NY, I'm dure.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/3/06
Any word on discount tix? Student Rush? I know its sold out, but if people dont show up to their designated time slots, do they have a rush line? Discount Codes?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
In Boston, if somebody didn't show up, the people in the cancellation line would have been happy to pay twice the face value. Not that they were asked to. But if 300 people paid for the tickets and two didn't show up, it would seem there wouldn't be any incentive to sell the spaces at a discount. Things could be different here if the run extends, I suppose.
Don't have time to say much other than how badly I wish I could be in town to go again.
Just saw that the show has extended into 1st wk of May PLUS has added a 4th entrance time -think this means it ends around 11pm now. This show is rapidly approaching legendary status.
There were always 4 entrance times. And a show extending its run by 1 additional week does not a legend make. That said, guess they're going to extend 1 week at a time and see how it goes. Actually, the first weekend in May has been on sale since the end of last week, and all entrance times, including the coveted 7PM slot, are still available. They just added the weekday night shows today. Also, I see that they're not selling tickets for Friday and Saturday late shows in May, which leads me to believe that tickets aren't selling as swiftly as they could be. Still hoping they extend 1 additional week. That's when I'm available to see it. But it might behoove them to spend a little money on promotion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Once you get in the space, you'll see how this has to be an open ended run.
"Once you get in the space, you'll see how this has to be an open ended run."
Just from what I've heard and read, it would seem so. And I certainly hope so. I haven't even seen it yet and I was already planning a return visit. So, I hope it has a long run. And I know they rely heavily on word of mouth, but I still think they should spend a little money on promotion to help boost ticket sales. Their marketing strategy is downright baffling.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
If they're not inviting the press in until the 6th, perhaps they're waiting for their word of mouth. It's a risky proposition because Brantley really did not get it when he came up to see it in Boston. Shakira, however, did.
Saw it last night and was amazed. It was strange how dream like the experience becomes. Had the opportunity to be 'spirited' away by one of the witches... Truly one of the creepiest experiences of my life. Word of advice: If a character takes you by the hand or beckons you to follow them DO IT!
My question is to those who have seen it more then once. Does the experience lose it's impact once you have discovered what each room contains?
I have been wondering that, too. I have to assume having a familiarity with the space would diminish the terror-thrill of it a bit, but there are also going to be lots of rooms you don't see if you go just once, so hopefully you will find new spaces on repeat visits. The number of people who go over and over again and the number of times they go makes me think you don't lose much, but I would also love to hear about that from repeat-visitors. I'm still really hoping for an extension so I can go again.
Last night another week of tickets went on sale, to May 14. I'd say it's going to be around for a while. I mean. I hope.
I'd also like to echo the choruses of WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT.
The fact that this exists scares/thrills/amazes me so much:
Click it, but you'll wish you didn't.
I was very careful and spent enough time to find each room and back room. Was wondering if action takes place in each of these locals. I did follow the storyline on the 'Street' floor. It did cover many of the rooms.
The fight choreography is freaking amazing in the pool/card/bar room!
Aren't there like 100 rooms? It's almost impossible to see every single one on one visit, unless you just kind of run through and poke your head and pass through in but don't stay anywhere.
I keep hearing there's some sort of Narnia-like door that, if you find it, takes you to a whole other side of rooms! I tried every single door I came upon, but most that weren't obvious passageways were locked.
I saw a couple of fight scenes in that room, Snafu, and yes, they were beautiful! I didn't expect so much of it to be danced, but most things I saw were essentially that.
I'd need it to go at least into July if I want a second shot, so fingers crossed hard.
Fingers are crossed for you Emcee! I would think that theres a good chance of it running throughout the summer. Why wouldn't they? Summer is huge for business.
I've been to Sleep No More 7 times so far(tomorrow night is 8, Monday is 9, next Saturday is 10) and although it is a different experience from the first time, I don't think the space itself has lost it's impact on me. It doesn't blow me away like it did the first time, but I still marvel over it enter the Manderlay. My focus has changed from discovering rooms to following the characters, although, I still do find places and certain things(like the "Narnia" door! you wont find it on your own tho. you get taken there ;] ) that i haven't seen before.
Has anyone else on the board seen Hecate lip-sync to "Is That All There Is?" because i just saw that for the first time last time i went and i was SO freaked out after it. It's haunting the way she does it.
There's a great article on about the show. I'm finally seeing it this weekend and I'm so excited!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I went for the first time on Monday and am going again on Tuesday at 7:20.
On my first time, I had a lot of neat experiences but missed most of the show itself. I spent most of the time exploring the space, opening drawers, reading letters and spent nearly 45 minutes on a personal journey with one of the nurses.
When I first entered the space, I saw the Macbeths at the bathtub but then quickly discovered a long hallway of rooms. I wound up alone with a tailor, or barricaded the windows and doors and performed some sort of ceremony on me. Ashes, Holy Water and a necklace. After he threw me back into the play, I was marked for the rest of the night. Many characters came to me when they saw the necklace. They'd touch it and lead me somewhere. But it was almost all 1-on-1's so I'm afraid I missed most of the story.
Some other things I saw:
-Hecate singing "Is That All There Is?". Extraordinary. She gave me a ring that she discovered in her meal.
-A nurse took me on a long journey. She became ill and coughed up a nail into the palm of my hand.
-Lady MacDuff sat with me on the couch.
-and, of course.... the witch orgy, for lack of a better description.
Any recommendations on how to really enhance the storytelling? I so enjoyed it but would like to see the story unfold. I'm wondering if getting to the front of the elevator and being the first thrown out might help. I felt that I missed "the beginning" by being the last off the elevator.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I went for the first time on Monday and am going again on Tuesday at 7:20.
On my first time, I had a lot of neat experiences but missed most of the show itself. I spent most of the time exploring the space, opening drawers, reading letters and spent nearly 45 minutes on a personal journey with one of the nurses.
When I first entered the space, I saw the Macbeths at the bathtub but then quickly discovered a long hallway of rooms. I wound up alone with a tailor, or barricaded the windows and doors and performed some sort of ceremony on me. Ashes, Holy Water and a necklace. After he threw me back into the play, I was marked for the rest of the night. Many characters came to me when they saw the necklace. They'd touch it and lead me somewhere. But it was almost all 1-on-1's so I'm afraid I missed most of the story.
Some other things I saw:
-Hecate singing "Is That All There Is?". Extraordinary. She gave me a ring that she discovered in her meal.
-A nurse took me on a long journey. She became ill and coughed up a nail into the palm of my hand.
-Lady MacDuff sat with me on the couch.
-and, of course.... the witch orgy, for lack of a better description.
Any recommendations on how to really enhance the storytelling? I so enjoyed it but would like to see the story unfold. I'm wondering if getting to the front of the elevator and being the first thrown out might help. I felt that I missed "the beginning" by being the last off the elevator.
Swing Joined: 3/18/11
I went for the 3rd time (1st time in NY) this past Saturday and still loved it! I feel like I covered the whole space and spent even more time exploring in rooms than i did in Boston. While I wasn't seeking them out, scenes just kept erupting around me. I'd seen many of them before but there seemed to be even more characters this time so I definitely saw some things I'd never seen before. I had a couple of "close" encounters though nothing compares to the intimate experience I had the first time I went. A friend saw "Is that All there Is?" and she (also a 3-timer) said it was the most intense thing she'd experienced so far (though she hasn't had much luck with the more intimate encounters.) I also did discover the "Narnia" door quite by accident! I kept trying to get through a locked door and suddenly it opened and people kept streaming through it. Once they stopped coming at me, I went through and found myself in. . .well, you'll just have to find it for yourself!
The layout for NY was much more disorienting than Boston but that made it even better!
yay_gerb, I saw that (in the red dress, right?) and I couldn't figure out what the heck it was!
@theatertrash I think the best way to watch the story unfold would be just to follow some of the main characters. Maybe start out with Macbeth or Lady Macbeth and follow one of them around for a whole cycle. They both have really incredible tracks and i've followed them around numerous times, especially the lady. Following Lady Macduff is good (i havent followed Macduff for a full cycle yet) but she has fewer encounters with other characters. The witches do a lot together and they go back and forth to a lot of different characters. Just try to split up the time you spend with each character. The nurses are less involved in the Macbeth story, as far as i know.
Finally got my tickets for May. Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it! I know that the less you know going into it, the better the experience is supposed to be. But I'll be very disappointed if I miss the witches rave. Can someone who has seen the NY production please PM me and let me know approx. when and where to look for it? At least what floor it takes place on. I'd really appreciate it. I'm almost certain that I'll be seeing the show more than once, but I'm going with an out of town (actually out of Country) friend who will be visiting, and I really want him to have the best possible experience, as it will most likely be his one and only time seeing it. Any suggestions on how to maximize our experience will be greatly appreciated!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
As for the Narnia door... you may have just screwed my second trip. Now I want to spend the entire time searching for it. Can you give us a clue?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Luscious, stop reading spoilers, especially about the one-on-one encounters.
Swing Joined: 3/18/11