Please post your thoughts/opinions on Christie Brinkley's turn as "Roxie Hart" in "Chicago." Aside from the brief dancing bit from "Nowadays" on Good Morning America, who knows? Thanks... RC in Austin, Texas
I'll be terribly and brutally honest.
Her performance was the worst thing I've EVER seen on a b'way stage. Bar none. She doesn't even belong on a stage for dinner theater in Wyoming for an audience of sheep.
The choreography is practically non-existent, and she is still horrid doing it. Her vocals are weak, off key and lacking any sort of professionalism. Her acting is the poster child for what not to do.
She dragged the rest of the cast down with her and my heart went out to them. How awful it must be for them.
My entire group was horrified. It was just awful.
Wow. I hope she improves over time. from RC in Austin, Texas
Featured Actor Joined: 8/4/04
Is she at least entertaining, even if for the wrong reasons?
Oh, I love drama's review.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
yah needs a singah fuh brohdway
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/27/05
Well the one positive is that she has a body her plastic surgeon must be proud of.
I find this woman disgusting, the only talent she's ever had was being pretty. Then, she seduced a millionaire rock star and got involved in any informercial that would offer her quick cash. This is not an artist, but a money-hungry woman.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
gut nuthin against huh, poisunally
Seeing that she and Billy Joel are still very close, I make no judgement on that part (or any other part) of her life. I was actually optimistic seeing this.
There was NOTHING entertaining about her performance -- even for the 'wrong' reasons. It was just painful for all involved. (If I hadn't been with a large group, I would have DEMANDED my money back.) We certainly didn't go to see her, we booked this WAY before she had been announced.
The producers and her "people" should be ashamed of themselves. I'm sure they are telling her how wonderful she is.
Sad thing: while the audience was incrdibly lackluster in their response to her all evening, there were still gads of people waiting for her at the stage door. Pathetic. Truly.
I find it appalling that one of the posters would find it necessary to make personal comments about Christie Brinkley. If you have something to say about her performance, by all means. But her private life if NOYB. "Glass houses...." Now, in this case, I do hope that she will improve as she does more and more performances. With regards to the stage door, people are genuinely interested in her. It also does her good to get encouragement from the public. I love the show after seeing it. I want it to keep on succeeding with all the Roxie's and Velma's who are utilized. Call me an optimist. Just don't call me. : ) from RC in Austin, Texas
She's worse than Melanie Griffith?
Sounds like you want a Razzie Award for actresses in "Chicago."
The Roxie Award for Worst Roxie Hart in a Musical Revival goes to ...
I wonder if Cuddles and Hunter are up in arms that this talent-free z-list twit is taking a job from an actress who's more deserving.
But this kind of stunt has been going on since before the Evelyn Nesbit days.
Christie is simply this year's "girl on a swing."
EDIT: Actually ... she's this year's "Roxie Hart."
Honey, in that case, the swing has more talent!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I had jury duty when Christie was fighting Peter Cook for the custody of their children. We saw them coming and going throughout the long proceedings. Christie seemed to be little more than an airhead, while Peter proved to be a real gentleman--at least in public. The day when she brought in all of her daughter's school projects was laughable--especially when a gust of wind scattered all the construction paper around the parking lot. Really, what do school projects have to do with mothering skills?
This is not an artist, but a money-hungry woman.
The lady rakin' in the chips is gonna be...Roxie!
The people that should be ashamed are Fran and Barry Weissler. They are the ones that put her in the show. Christie Brinkley is hardly to blame. She just accepted a job that was offered to her. The Weissler's are the money hungry ones here who will put anyone in a show that has name recognition even though that person isn't qualified for the job.
Updated On: 4/11/11 at 04:12 PM
And Christie's "people" for steering her IN that direction.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
What's somewhat funny about this is that reading these criticisms of Brinkley as Roxie, I can't help thinking that it really also describes the character. Roxie really doesn't have talent, either. It might be an interesting take...though certainly a take I would have no interest in paying to see.
It takes GREAT talent to project no talent onstage.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/27/07
I'm sorry. I would never want anyone to lose their job, but is it perhaps time to have Chicago end its run? Yes it's one of the longest running musicals in Broadway history. Bravo. But it has achieved this bragging right by chipping away at the integrity and prestige of Broadway by stunt casting more than any other show in Broadway history. It's a sad day when you don't need an ounce of singing, acting and dancing talent to STAR in a Broadway show. Period. I personally think the Weisslers just want to surpass A CHORUS LINE as the ultimate revenge for losing out on the Tony in 1976. Has any other show put more non-singers and/or dancers in a leading role than this one? Sad. Plain and simple.
She can improve over time. Her fellow cast members obviously have honed their skills over time and are fantastic talents. I'm sure they are doing everything they can to help her get better. She deserves a chance to shine. RC in Austin, Texas
Kalimba loves Zamedy.
RC, I'm sure you mean well, but read what you said - "her fellow cast members obviously have honed their skills over time...."
The operative words, "over time". Face it, Christie Brinkley isn't going to magicly get better overnight because of the talented women and men she's working with.