She doesn't deserve the chance to do it in front of a paying audience. She's 57 years old: when is she going to "hone her craft"? The time for that is before she is ever given a job, but certainly before she actually PERFORMS. Daniel Radcliffe (while not giving a perfect performance) has been acting PROFESSIONALLY since he was 12. To prepare for his role (of approximately the same challenges and difficulty as that of Roxy) he worked for a YEAR to get his dancing and singing skills up to par.
How much rehearsal time do these stunt casts actually get before being transplanted into the show?
Usually around 2-3 weeks.
Let's never forget the ORIGINAL< Original CHICAGO in 1975!
Look at that cast! The ultimate Fosse dancers!
The ultimate musical , imho, unfortunately overlooked at the time what with all the ACL hoopla. One of the most exciting nights in my theatre going EVER! And definitely not this black box, no costume Weissler version. However, I DID get to see the very first (of 4 perfs) (Weissler) CHICAGO at CITY CENTER before the Bway transfer, which I have to admit was ultra exciting! THAT cast and the production was pretty damn excellent...but let's all remember that the Weissler production was billed as a "concert" version. Nevertheless, the audience response was PURE ECSTASY. For the last 10 years, it has largely been an embarrassment. Fosse is turning over in his grave.
And not with the full cast, I assume... Still, depending on how hard the dance captain drills her, that should reasonably be enough, no?
I'm curious if theatre critics of theatre columnists will be reviewing Christie Brinkley as the newest "Roxie", if at all. On a side note, I'll be listening to a lot of Broadway on Sirius XM online, as I have a few days of rest following a hernia procedure I'm having today. Right now, I'm listening to "All That Jazz." I still say there should be an updated cast album of "Chicago". from RC in Austin, Texas
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Is anyone willing to bet that Brinkley departs the show prematurely after injuring herself or for a "conflict in scheduling"?
How about a revival of I Do I Do with Brinkley & The Hoff?
Do all these celebrities who've joined Chicago over the years actually bring much of a bump to box-office takings? I mean, nice and all as she seems, there's hardly a stampede of people rushing to the Ambassador to see Christie Brinkley.
Do all these celebrities who've joined Chicago over the years actually bring much of a bump to box-office takings? I mean, nice and all as she seems, there's hardly a stampede of people rushing to the Ambassador to see Christie Brinkley.
It's not that much the box office bump, it's that they bring attention back to the show. The show really costs 2 cents to run, they can hold on for another while.
Has anyone else seen it recently? I'm curious as to what impact she's having on the box office and what that will be for her first full week. I'd like to be optimistic and hopes she grows more comfortable in her role as "Roxie. I've been on the computer more than usual, resting up from a recent surgery. from RC in Austin, Texas
Well, Christie's critics have been unusually quiet. So, the optimist in me hopes that this means she's improving as she goes along. from RC in Austin, Texas
Her "critcs have been unusually quiet?" What does that mean? Are you suggesting that those of us that have seen her should be rushing back to the theater nary a week later to let you know she still sucks? RIDICULOUS.
Not too many folks here go to see the show on any sort of regular basis....and I certainly wouldn't give the production another red cent of my hard earned money for what they've allowed to transpire on that stage.
Do you want us to KEEP reminding you that she is an embarrassment? If we did, you'd be telling us we are heartless. But by no means should you take the lack of additional comments to mean "no news is good news". Take it to mean we have enough common senses not to subject ourselves to the atrocity that is performing.
And remember: I LIKE the show -- just not in this current state!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Geez. way to just jump all over someone for asking a simple question, dramamama. And besides, isn't "atrocity" just the teeniest bit of an extreme a word choice to describe a poor performance?
Updated On: 4/16/11 at 12:08 PM
It was not an answer to his OP. It was the constant defense of something the poster has not seen, that the poster insists on rehashing.
And of course, "atrocity" is being used in perspective of performances and b'way -- not in a worldwide way, at all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
I hear you, but you're a teacher, yes? Atrocity is a very extreme word, with horrific connotations. Even appalling, the least synonym for atrocity, seems a trifle extreme. The only reason I take you to task here is well, a) you're a teacher, and b) I've seen you take another poster to task for using "disaster" regarding a seating location. Fair's fair.
In any case, I haven't seen OP defending Ms Brinkley's performance, but rather being optimistic (in his own words "So, the optimist in me hopes that this means she's improving as she goes along.") and asking reasonable if naive questions. I fully understand you were disappointed by your latest foray to CHICAGO, but I fear your frustration with that is spilling over to the point you're expressing hostility towards the OP.
I was going to say more...but's just not worth it.
Thank you Ghostlight for rushing to my defense. "'Ahve always depended on the kindness of strangers." Anyway, I am a teacher too... of 4 and 5 year olds ...who incidentally are capable of demonstrating an amazing sense of maturity at times, unlike some who are older than they. If overreacting was an earthquake, then 611 would be an 8.5 on the Richter Scale. Obviously... I thought.... my post was geared towards those who might have an interest in the show, who might have seen it and who might be willing to share their unexpressed opinions...good or not. Any show or performer will have its critics. I know that. But who knows, there might be other audience members who have a different opinion? It's not always about "one" person's views. I'd like to see a variety of views, if that's possible. Eve Harrington in All About Eve: "All I asked was a simple question." (wink) Best wishes to Christie and the enormously talented cast of "Chicago." from RC in Austin, Texas... a Pre-K Teacher
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Don't be too harsh on dramamama, FANatic. S/he was responsible for a lot of people coming in to see the show, and if Brinkley was that bad, that must have been tough to deal with. Still, it was a bit of a tirade against someone amusing him/herself post surgery.
It's funny, FANatic, I recently ran into the reverse situation regarding HIGH. I did not like the play at all (though I loved the performers), and I was accused of having ulterior motives and wanting the show to fail because I kept conversation alive as regards to the show. The truth was that while I thought the writing subpar, I wanted to hear others' thoughts. Far from wanting to sway peoples' opinions against the show, I was dying to be told it had gotten better.
Now that I dropped out of the discussion as a result of being chastised, the HIGH threads have dropped off the board, and no one is discussing the show at all. I'd always thought a healthy debate was a good thing.
I have seen many, many incarnations of CHICAGO, and now, maybe I'll have to check out this one. I'll chime in if I do. Feel better soon.
Updated On: 4/16/11 at 02:48 PM
Without casting aspersions on contrast to some of the worst Roxies, who (if any) of the replacements have been regarded as up to scratch?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
Brooke Shields was good
Bebe as Roxie sucked
Melanie Griffith -was cute and funny/way underated
the critics went in to kill her
She doesn't even belong on a stage for dinner theater in Wyoming for an audience of sheep.
Awww, why the hate for Wyoming?
Only because it seemed fitting with the sheep section of the snark.
I had a friend who saw her last night, and apparently Christie was losing her voice partway through Act I and they planned to throw on her understudy. Brinkley finished the show though, but my friend was extremely unhappy with her since she noted that she butchered her songs.