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Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show- Page 2

Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show

GClef2 Profile Photo
#25re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 11:06am

ACL-THAT HAPPENED IN A PRODUCTION OF FULL MONTY THAT I SAW TOO! wierd? or just horny stage managers?

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

whatacharacter Profile Photo
#26re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 11:13am

I was in the first row of aida a few years back...Heather was still in, but Taylor Dayne was Amneris...anyways, during the opening when all of the girls are in chains, these two girls were laughing hysterically the whole time. For the netire two minute scene. it was a little distracting to say the least. At one point Heather glared at one of the girls, but it didn't help.

#27re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:06pm

people in 80's clothing singing about weddings.....

a stagehand at the lion king nonchalantly walks out to unhook somebody off of a costume...

....vampires too!

#28re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:17pm

Sitting in the front row of Chicago and seeing Bebe do a split in front of me...enough said.

#29re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:24pm

Sitting in the front, far right for Dracula, I got to see Tom Hewitt and his doubles (as well as the other vampires) getting hoisted up in the air offstage.

#30re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:29pm

Sitting in the front row at "Hairspray" and looking up Harvey Fierstein's dress. Not a pretty sight.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#31re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:32pm

Pong in the middle of a musical that takes place in 1985.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#32re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:40pm

mrslovett7, the reason that the guy in the chair is a stand-in is because Jonathan Pryce wouldn't have enough time to be there and get around to the other side in time for his entrance. and the guy who plays the stand-in has a wig and is Ton Galanich, u/s for Lawrence.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#33re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:49pm

I was sitting far right for Into the Woods and saw Laura Benanti jumping up and down to get herself pumped before her entrance.

The other day while ushering I saw a stagehand reflected in the mirror during "Springtime for Hitler."

Tag Profile Photo
#34re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 12:54pm

You can see everything in that Producer's mirror, including the audience.

#35re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 1:01pm

"people in 80's clothing singing about weddings.....

....vampires too! "

----> I love when people think they're witty.
Updated On: 6/2/06 at 01:01 PM

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#36re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 1:06pm

Yes, I'm quite aware of that, but you're not supposed to see a stagehand hanging out in the wings. I'm not trying to be witty.

overthemoon419 Profile Photo
#37re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 1:07pm

Me too, RentBoy. It never gets old, does it?

At the Rocky Horror revival, I was in the rush seats and got to see:
-Phantoms tossing candy to one another during Dick Cavett's Act 2 Monologue.
-Jarrod Emick holding the light/hiding behind the couch for the Frank+Janet scene.

At other shows, I could see them prepping Rocky before his entrance and I also Jarrod Emick, definitely out of character ('nuff said).

And while it kills me to put this, Drew Sarich's wig fiasco at Lestat. My heart was breaking because I knew he was struggling with the damn thing the whole act.

Not Broadway, but at MGM when I was younger, I was at the Indiana Jones show and after the boulder rolled over Indy, I saw a crew person help him up and ask, "You all right, Fred?"

"It's not for sissies, contrary to popular belief." - Tommy Tune, on musical theatre.

My avatar: Yummy, no?

WiiCKED x3
#38re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 2:19pm

"I sat in the front row off to the left in DRS and in the scene where Sherie's character said, "Is there a Dr...whatever his name is?" and he snaps. It wasn't actually Jonathan Pryce it wsa some extra with a wig on. I guess Pryce had a qucik costume change.

Also I could see everything happening back stage. When things went rolling off there were stage crews to catch them and at one point when Freddy is in the wheelchair, the stage guy missed him and started running after him backstage hahaha it was really amusing. "

Ahh, don't even get me started. Sherie's character has a name: Christine Colgate.
And the doctors name is : Dr. Emil Shuffhausen.

Just in case you wanted to make sense the next time you posted something with the topic of DRS in it.

#39re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 3:05pm

The ensemble boys in Hairspray are always goofing off and doing something when they are all behind the "Miss Teenage Hairspray" tally board when they think no one's paying attention to them. Last Sunday, they were doing karate kicks at one another.

#40re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 3:17pm

Something I wasnt supposed to see at a Broadway show, that's easy Melanie Griffith trying to sing & dance in the show Chicago.

But seriously a few years back at Flower Drum song during the show's big finale one of the gal's cleavage kept popping out of her top.

#41re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 3:35pm

It always amazes me that people backstage don't realize how much the audience can see. First of all, I like to live by a simple rule: if you can see them, they can see you (except in special cases due to extreme lighting, or being behind a scrim or something). There are times when masking isn't able to cover every angle and you can't avoid being seen, but you shouldn't hang out in that area if you don't have to. When I sit on the extreme sides for a show I think it's so disrespectful for an actor or stagehand (especially one not dressed in black) to just stand there in view of the audience when in all likelihood they could step a foot or two to the side where they would be hidden, without affecting their job. I find that a lot of actors and crew feel that if only about 50 people on the side can see them, then somehow they're not really in view of the audience. But each one of those people is an individual who is now staring at someone in a bathrobe or a t-shirt and jeans when they're supposed to be in the land of Oz, or an opera house, or a French revolution or whatever.

I know there are times when it can't be helped, but whenever I'm in that situation I try to think that whoever I can see out there paid $100 to see the show, not to watch people standing in the wings, so I try to spend as little time in that area as possible, and be as unobtrusive as possible (not messing around with people, etc), so if they can see me, hopefully they won't be distracted and will forget about it quickly.

/ Rant off

#42re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 4:43pm

hey,.listen. you probably are a nice i'm gonna lay off this.
but come on,...give people a break. no need to attack my nature of post.
everyone does it..and im sure you have too.
many people post whatever they feel on get over your 'hoity toity' self and stop gettin' all up in my grill,..take a chillax pill and enjoy the reads as I do.
(that's my urban lolita side comin' out with long press-ons and big gold earrings to boot).

:) smilin back at ya...ya sexy beast!

sunflower12063 Profile Photo
#43re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 4:54pm

During Into the Woods, original Broadway cast, the castle would not go down under the stage. It just got stuck. Tom Aldridge, who played the narrator came out on stage and said "Even in fairytails, not everything works. We'll be right back."

They closed the curtain, but not all the way and several people came on stage to get that castle to descend under the stage.

"I'm like a helmet without a head" -

#44re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:00pm

Nothing really humorous: (all of these are the touring productions, BTW)

I could see the guys removing the white sheets during the Phantom Overture.

I could a see a light guy during Evita.

At Wicked I saw people changing really fast in the wings, actors getting in place for an entrance, and crew guys moving things (nothing really distracting, except maybe the guy on the other end of the lion's tail).

-- SDG

suzycat Profile Photo
#45re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:01pm

I was at Jarrod Emick's last performace of Rocky Horror and throughout the whole show all the cast members were trying to pull his pants down. It must have been some sort of inside joke. He managed to escape unscathed... until the curtain call. Let's just say he goes commando.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#46re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:04pm

LOL TO JARROD EMICK! I love Rocky Horror, such a fun show, I miss it re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show.

showbiz287 Profile Photo
#47re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:09pm


the thing about Indiana Jones Stunt Show at MGM is supposed to happen that way. It wasn't something that you weren't supposed to see. But, as you said you were younger, so maybe you didn't understand. (that kinda came out harsh, but not ment in bad way, its just FYI)


"I'll eat some breakfast, then change the world."

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#48re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:13pm

Not a Broadway show, but it's the first thing I though of:

I saw "Life in the Theater" at West End last year. We were pretty upfront. Patrick Stewart was sitting in a chair, wearing shorts. And, well, we ended up with a CLEAR view of his balls.

Classy story, huh?

#49re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
Posted: 6/2/06 at 5:14pm

Idina Menzel once sneezed during "Popular." I was like, "What did that girl just do?" And then she wiped her nose and I realized it was a full-out sneeze. She kept it quiet, but me and my killer seats noticed only too well. re: Something you weren't supposed to see during a Broadway show
