So a Bee related item- Just came home from "Don't Quit Your Night Job" which Sarah Saltzberg helped write and performed in, and tonight Deborah Craig and Josh Gad also performed. SOOOO FUNNY!!! Mad props to everyone for a job well done!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
It was very nice meeting you tonight!! We'll have to chat again at the next DQYNJ!
Saw the Bee tonight, wanted to give a shoutout to Maurice Murphy, who went on as Mitch Mahoney. I've seen him go on before and he has always been good, but tonight was just amazing, spot on and fantastic!
Lisa H, hope all the sneezes go away!! :)
Have a good trip Deborah SSSSSSSSSS Craig!! :)
I just read through all of that. :]
I've been listening to the cast recording more and more now, and could not be any more in love with it.
You read through the whole thread?? That is some Bee dedication!!
haha, thank you.
I don't think I'm quite as dedicated as you though. :]
I don't think anyone is as dedicated as me, that's ok though.
We welcome anyone, whether they have seen the show 100 times, or never at all and just love the cast recording.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
Just got home from closing night in SF!
it was really depressing to say good bye to the cast. but they're going to do awesome in boston! and it was a great closing night.
can't wait till bee comes to cali on tour!
Did they do anything different because it was closing night?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/4/05
No, they didn't do anything special last night, but the show was amazing. One of the best I've see. It was really sad, though. There were quite a few tears during, and after, the show. It was a great night.
I wish I got to see them!
At least I can go on Oct 1 in boston! Anyone know if they have rush or a lotto?
Anyone know how the tour is doing? I'll be seeing them once or twice in Philly and am pretty interested. Reviews, any understudies gone on yet?
I was wondering the same thing. Have any understudies been on yet? I am pretty new to the board but I have seen the show 5 times now in NY and was pretty excited to see I knew of the Olive/Logainne cover on the tour from seeing her in some shows she has done the past few years in college. She is so talented and is always so gracious whenever I have approached her- tiny little girl with a huge voice and presence, stole every show I saw her in. If anyone knows of vacations, please post here so I can go see her. I would be very grateful!
Boston bios up!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
"Anyone know how the tour is doing? I'll be seeing them once or twice in Philly and am pretty interested. Reviews, any understudies gone on yet?"
Didn't the tour just start? I mean, none of these peope are Donna Murphy or John Lloyd Young, so the understudies are unlikely to have gone on.
From Sara Inbar's bio:
"She very
much looks forward to a whole new administration in 2008."
haha. I <3 Sara Inbar. She is just so nice and amazing.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
Sara is amazing. I miss her! The east coast is very lucky to get such an amazingt cast.
i'm anxious to hear how the boston V.P. Panch is. So you'll have to let us SFers know.
She is absolutely adorable and a great Logainne. Not that I've seen any others. :)
The new Panch looks like Anthony Stewart Head.
Don't worry clang, I will definitely review the show in Boston!