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Spelling Bee love!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1250Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/15/06 at 3:58am

Jud, I'd heard about that drunk lady! I just didn't realize how bizarre it was. Wow.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#1251Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/17/06 at 3:20am

First off I would like to say that this is my first post and I'm proud it's going towards showing my love for Spelling Bee! I would also like to add how Just finished reading all 51 pages of this and... wow.

I have never actually seen the show thanks to the fact that I live in Canada but I do have the cast recording and I love it to no end! One day (soon hopfuly) I plan on going to NYC to see it.

Finally I was extreamly excited when I got the vocal and piano selections for this show. Mainly because I couldn't find it anywhere (w/o ordering it) but finally I found it in a tiny music store on some random street in Vienna. That was a good day that I thought you should all know about.

"You kicked the director at your audition?!?!" "I told him not to hug me!!!"

liotte Profile Photo
#1252Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/17/06 at 1:06pm

Welcome to BWW and glad you share the Bee love!!

Jud Faginsky
#1253Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/22/06 at 4:51pm

Yes, the drunk lady was really something. I wish I could get back to SF to see the show one more time before it closes, but it's not going to happen. Welcome to BWW, Kitten. I remember reading all the pages on this board back in the winter, and it was only about 20 pages then. But this is the best board!
One more thing, I read the word chimerical in a book I was reading a couple of weeks ago. I think that's the first time I've ever read it.
Updated On: 8/22/06 at 04:51 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1254Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 11:54am

So, the Boston cast has been announced!

Does anyone know which of the standbys will also be going? I assume since Jim Cashman isn't, then Michelle Noh (his wife) isn't, either.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Pippin Profile Photo
#1255Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 12:29pm

I performed in "I sing" with Jared Gertner. he is hilarious and a wonderful performer. he will make a great barfee!!!

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#1256Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 12:38pm

Stanley's my faaaaavorite. I'm glad the Bostonians will get to see him! And the rest of the SF cast is truly great. - most underrated performers on broadway

liotte Profile Photo
#1257Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 12:48pm

On my way to Hawaii a couple weeks ago, I had a 4 hour layover in San Fran. If security wasn't such a pain to get through, I would have left the airport to go see the matinee!!

jarretSF Profile Photo
#1258Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 4:36pm

I just bought my tickets for closing night in SF. Spelling Bee I booked 2nd Row Center!

But I am happy Boston will get to see most of our cast!

Some people come into our lives and quietly go, others stay a while, and leave footprints on our heart, and we are never the same.

MyMeredithMonster Profile Photo
#1259Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 8:06pm

I'll probably be almost right in front of you on closing night Jarrett. I'm in the middle of the first row.

"Yeah, Clarissa, explain it all."

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#1260Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 9:03pm

I cannot wait ot go see it in NY this year. I love Barrett Foa, and hte rest of the cast.

Does anyone know when / if it is gonig to close this year?

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1261Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 9:54pm

I performed in "I sing" with Jared Gertner. he is hilarious and a wonderful performer. he will make a great barfee!!!

He already does! Spelling Bee

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

liotte Profile Photo
#1262Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/24/06 at 11:32pm

I will get up to Boston to see the Bee up there! Then I can see most of the SF crew.

I just got home from the Bee in Chicago, very fun and the cast is still great and full of energy! I heard a new word- astronomers. And Logainne's speech (snakes on a plane) was hysterical.

And James Earl Jones II would like me to say that he is distantly related to THE James Earl Jones :)

#1263Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/26/06 at 10:24pm

Ahh! I just got all excited!! On the news they are talking about how some rodent is on the run and they said "capybara!"

Sorry if that was considered off-topic/threadjacking.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

sabrelady Profile Photo
#1264Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/26/06 at 11:12pm

Just back frm New York last wkend. The neices, my sis her husband & i went to the Bee. (2nd time for me) and my bro in law got to be a speller! Made the whole trip for him, he's still telling people about his Broadway "debut". The cast was great and afterwards took pictures w my neice who was just beside herself with excitement. The "rant" was also about "snakes in a plane" very funny. A GOOD time for all!

#1265Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 12:58am

is anyone else here sad about the Celia/Eponine rumors that are swirling about? I would really miss her in the Bee. But maybe she would just take a leave of absence from the Bee since Les Mis. is slated to be a short run? Updated On: 1/18/07 at 12:58 AM

#1266Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 1:00am

She's been in the Bee since the beginning (I think)- I wouldn't be surprised if she was "ready" to leave...

Of course, she will be missed; I adore her Olive but they must move on at some point.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

liotte Profile Photo
#1267Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 1:31am

I am sad whenever ANYONE leaves the Bee cast. Next april will be a very sad month for me.

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#1268Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 1:55am

a bit off topic, but i know those who enjoy this thread would appreciate this. Maurice went on as Leaf on Friday. very exciting and he was very good! Just thought I'd share

Updated On: 8/27/06 at 01:55 AM

liotte Profile Photo
#1269Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 2:05am

Wow! That's awesome, I wish I could have been there to see him!

Hopefully he will do it again. And Kate will be Marcy Park again too. And Lisa Y will be Olive.

#1270Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 4:27pm

For as many times as I have seen this show(I have lost count), can you believe that I have never seen Todd in the show? I have seen Kate for Olive, Sarah stiles for Logainne, Maurice for Chip and for Mitch, and Lisa Yuen for Marcy twice. Since Panch, Barfee, and Leaf have all had replacements, I have seen other people play those roles but I have never seen anyone play Rona except for Lisa H...not that I am complaining! I would like to see Todd sometime though.

#1271Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 4:31pm

Todd's the only current understudy I haven't seen also. The only regular I never got to see was Jay Reiss. The only three that have been there every time I've gone have been Lisa H., Greg, & Derrick.

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#1272Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 4:32pm

liotte -

What is happening next april? Are certain cast members leaving the show?

liotte Profile Photo
#1273Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 6:54pm

I've seen all the understudies in all the roles that they play, just missed the ones in which people went on in roles they aren't supposed to do because of emergency covers.

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#1274Spelling Bee
Posted: 8/27/06 at 6:55pm

Do you know if any cast changes are coming up? Is anyone leaving the show?
