I have yet to see Jacqui go on! Hopefully I will catch her soon!
Have fun seeing the tour, lite! Be sure to post a review!
Review and video!
Okay, so I saw the national tour and before I'm going on the Christmas vacation, I'd like to post my report (not too detail, so please ask if you have any Q).
First of all, this Segerstrom Hall is Huuuuuuuuuge, it's Orchestra plus tri level balconies. It feels like 3000 seats but I guess it's about 2200? I got my tix at Goldstar Event for $30 (Orchestra section) and I got row R center seat. While the viewing from row R is actually good, since each row is far apart (unlike Broadway theatres), row R feels like row ZZ. They made these giganic banners (you know those banners like "no bully zone") and they still seem to be tiny in this venue. I had to use my binocular all the time to see the cast's facial expression.
The major changes in the tour company is that Jesus comes out from the upstage, not from the audience. But maybe just for this venue? BTW, there were no posters or anything about the cast's elementary school photo or projects in the lobby.
I liked Eric Petersen (Barfee) and Sarah Stiles (Logainne), and Michael Zahler (Leaf) stole the audience's heart. Sarah was good but not as nerdy as Sarah Saltberg and she didn't do a political rant. She did do a rant about celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Kuwanza, but I guess she didn't do any Bush bashing because Orange County is a republican town.
I enjoyed the show, and I was reminded how much I like the show itself. And after the curtain call, Mr. Panch and Ms. Pererri said that they needed to call back one of the spellers b/c while they thought she misspelled Jihard, actually her spelling is okay in another dictionary (or something like that). So she came on the stage, and they said that they needed to give her another chance. When they said the guest word announcer was such and such, she burst into laugher as apparently she knew this person. It was her BF! He said the word is "marry" and the sentence is "Will you marry me?" It was cute!
That is an awesome proposal story from the show! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it!
Chorus Member Joined: 4/14/06
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Other than the fact that it's closing in a week, it's doing pretty damn well.
I went on Friday for my 12th time and it was absolutely fantastic. Veronica was on for Marcy and Evan was for Mitch and in general the entire show was going in a completely different direction. I'll probably be going this Wednesday and then to the closing on Sunday (I originally wanted to go twice on Friday but that doesn't look like it's going to happen).
If anyone is in the area and they still haven't seen it, there's only one week left! Hurry!
I really love this cast more than I can possibly say.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
No, after it closes they're just going their seperate ways. I just bought my ticket for the last show, in center Row A-who else is going?
Aaron actually just announced that he'll be understudying Mark and Paul in A Chorus Line on Broadway, Betsy is doing Ace in San Diego, Stanley told me he'll be going back to New York and taking an extended break for a while, and I'm not sure what everyone else will be doing.
This is a little late, but I happened to be in Lake Tahoe visiting family last week and realized the tour was a few hours away. Knowing it was my only chance to see it, I rented a car and went and saw the show. The theatre was kind of a let down space wise. It was dumpy and I was shocked to see a first national tour there. However, I was thrilled once the show started.
I have seen it bunch of times in NY because a friend is an intern at 321 and I have to say, having not seen the other two casts, everyone should see this group. It is very strong all around. Jennifer Simard is a hoot and brings a very sardonic take to the role. Lauren Worsham is a sweet Olive and has a really, really pretty voice, Eric Petersen is very different but hysterical and in general the whole show was funny, but also really real- a lot of the heavier moments landed for me that had not in NY. I also saw Chuck Rea go on as Panch and though he looks young, he did a really nice job.
Exciting for me was that Dana Steingold, who I have seen do some shows the past 4 years at NYU was on for Sarah Stiles as Logan. She was absolutely phenomenal. (I'm sure Sarah is great too!!) I may be bias because I love her from before and she is always fabulous and always so sweet when I meet her after a show, but I think Michael Zahler (Leaf) would be an excellent NY replacement and she should move up soon.
They were totally audience favorites. The audience fell in love with Michael right away and Dana was adorable and very funny but also really thoughtful in the role. Her version is a little sweeter than robotic but just as funny and when she got out, the audienced actually oohed and aawed which I have not seen happen in NY for that character. During the reprise she actually looked like she was fighting back tears. Michael also got the oohs and aaws and they made a great pair through the whole show as Dan Dad/Logan. He is absoutley fabulous too. I wanted to stay and see them after the show but I had to rush out because I had to drive back.
I am thrilled I got to catch this cast. Everyone should go and I hope someone else gets to see Dana go on. She is fantastic. As a side note to those who really know the shows/casts, I noticed she covers all four womes roles. Is that usually how it is done? I don't remember seeing that in NY. Has it happened before?
Updated On: 12/30/06 at 03:05 PM
William Finn interview:
Wait, is she the new Logainne?! YAY for her!!!
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Oh my goodness I am excited.
EDIT: So wait...is it official?
Updated On: 1/6/07 at 03:53 PM
I think she is just covering while Sarah Saltzberg is out right now for her working vacation. I will ask Sara I tomorrow night when I see the show.
And I got my tickets for Adult Night, hooray!!!!
Wait, what?
I tried lotto on Wednesday (didn't win) but didn't see Sara Inbar's name on the boards. Did I totally miss something here?
If so, I need to see Spelling Bee before going back to Boston.
That is awesome. Yay Sara Inbar!
I just noticed her name today, I don't know how long she has been here for or how long she is staying. Will ask her tomorrow.
Ask her if she brought her finger puppets with her.
This is wonderful news.
Ok, I'll try to remember that! I don't recall finger puppets from when I saw her in Boston...
The puppets were from the last show, I believe. I wasn't there, but it sounds like it was hilarious.