Finally, NYC announces adult night!
Jan 21 and March 4.
Also, Jewish night on Jan 28, and Gay night on Feb 11.
Bumping again to (re)mention Boston adult night!
An NC-17 "Spelling Bee"
On Dec. 1, there will be a special "for mature audiences only" performance of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" at the Wilbur Theatre. Jay Reiss, who originated the role of vice principal Douglas Panch on Broadway and writes some of the definitions and sentences used in the show, says that during rehearsals, he would sometimes, as he puts it, "cross the line a bit . . . and use some material that was pretty filthy." Boston cast members have also contributed to the script. No one under 17 will be admitted. 617-931-2787,
source (Boston Globe)
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Bumping for more Boston love.
Saw it for my ninth time last night and it was simply phenomenal. The best I've seen yet. Everyone was just so high energy and it was just really amazing.
We ended up having dinner at the same restaurant as Aaron. It was pretty amusing. We sent a cup of Earl Grey tea compliments of us over to his table and after the show he thanked me and said he enjoyed it. And Stanley's father was there!
And this past Sunday Jared gave me a backstage tour which was also an awesome experience.
I love this cast more than I can possibly say. I'm really excited for Adults Only Night, but I don't know how it'll be here in Boston, but in others, are they really strict about the age limit? I'm just one year under and I'd do almost anything to go, but I'm getting nervous about not being able to get in.
I really wish I could come to Boston for adult night.
But I'm so busy I will be lucky to see the show in NYC in the next month, let alone travel 4 hours to boston!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
Seeing spelling bee in NYC in April, but I wish I was old enough for adult night.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/12/05
Yeah, seeing Adult Night would be an interesting experience.
I just wanted to join in the "Bee Love." I haven't seen the show yet but I'm sure I will someday. I have the soundtrack and I love it! It looks so funny and sweet!
I'm sure adult night WOULD be funny, but I'd be happy just to see the regular show sometime.
we saw the broadway production on th'giving eve. so much fun! barrett foa was ADORABLE ... we wanted to take him home. for a donation to B'WAY CARES, we got a poster featuring charicatures of the cast and all their signatures.
now, could you use that in a sentence please ...
I love that charicature, they were selling them at the flea market.
I saw the Bee again Sunday night. I sat in the student rush seats which were perfect and right next to Jesus. It was also my first time seeing Barret Foa and Jessica-Snow Wilson. Barret wasn't bad but I just perfer Jesse's interpretation of Leaf. There were some things Jessica-Snow Wilson did as Olive that I loved and somethings I didn't. She played Olive more timid than Celia did, and got a lot more confident by the end. I loved how in the end she was standing the way Rona taught her to.
Having never seen Celia, could some of you go into more detail about how she portrayed Olive? From what I've gathered reading through this thread, she was fantastic. But how so?
I'm a Boston Bee fan, and my first intro to Olive was Jenni Barber. She has an incredibly strong soprano, but it's hidden until "The I Love You Song" and then she just stays strong until the end. But there was always a quiet sweetness to her, even in the end.
I've seen Jessica-Snow Wilson, and I found her Olive to be more confident to begin with. As a result, I didn't feel quite as sympathetic towards her Olive, only because I knew she'd be able to rise above it. With Jenni Barber, there's always that moment after "The I Love You Song" that I'm terrified that this poor girl will never get over this parental negligence. At the end of the show, you're like, "Whew, she grew up just fine."
I saw Celia tonight in Les Miz, I miss her. I do love Snow too though, they are very different.
Also, the Bee cast was fantastic today at the Gypsy of the Year competition, by far my favorite (but maybe that is me being biased)
Understudy Joined: 8/6/06
this may be hidden somewhere within the 67 pages of this thread, but i'm seeing the show for the first time in Seattle in a few weeks, and I'm dying to be chosen as a guest speller. Any tips for getting chosen, or is it just kind of by chance? Also, do I go up to the people in the lobby, or wait for them to come up to me? I can't wait to see it. Thanks!
I hope I can see the Bee in Chicago when I am there this weekend, but I don't think I will have time.
Stand-by Joined: 4/17/06
what does everybody think of the videos from the tour cast i was watching them on _------ (y'all know what i mean)
I don't know about the tour cast, but the Boston/SF bee is love. They've officially announced that they're closing on December 31st, and I'm quite sad.
i actually preffered to tour cast to bway, with some exceptions that i would prefer not to mention. the tour cast is amazing, they all bring their own individuality to the roles, and they're all super nice people.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
I wish Celia was on when I saw the show in NYC in March.
I wish I could see the Boston cast again before the show closes up there!
liotte, come up to Boston!
And this goes for all Bostonians (and those in the general area), go support the show in its final weeks! I went tonight, and the orchestra was sadly less than half full. It's been like that the past couple times I went, including weekends.
Understudy Joined: 8/26/06
I also jusy got back from the Boston bee. I had never seen the show - i tried the lottery twice in New York (and lost shockingly). I finally won the lotto in Boston, which actually isn't much of a lotto (hint hint to those scared to take a chance).
The show it very fun, the cast is extremely talented - I walked out feeling great.
And my confession is that I am the world worst speller. Well I get my letters confused... Yes I'm outing myself to crzy as the idiot who spelt Mexicans with a 'k'. Eat that up people.
I was actually glad to have messed up though. I didn't like being on the stage. It was fun for a few minutes, but I felt like I was missing out on a lot.
I was sitting right behind you! You certainly threw everyone off by spelling "Mexicans" wrong. At least it wasn't "cow"!
Glad you enjoyed the show though. It's really just wonderful.
Stand-by Joined: 4/17/06