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Spelling Bee love!

#200re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 10:38pm

Great L - is any of the cast coming to Chicago?

iwearshoes Profile Photo
#201re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 10:44pm

Glad it was a good show! any news about the programs? :)

#202re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 10:45pm

I think I am so confused it is not even funny.

Someone sent me an invitation to the myspace group for celia. I thought it was LoreliGilmore. And I thought Loreli Gilmore was Sammie. However, looking at this thread, it looks like someone is sammie.

I just PMed LoreliGilmore thinking she is sammie.

PLEASE HELP! I am confused and now I think I confused other people by PMing them.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

liotte Profile Photo
#203re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 10:45pm

I don't think any of the cast is coming to Chicago, but who knows.

Programs will be out at the end of January!

iwearshoes Profile Photo
#204re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 10:52pm

Thanks so much! After watching that video here about the understudies I would love to see them so glad you enjoyed it.

Feathah Profile Photo
#205re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 11:06pm

Back from the Bee tonight! My favorite - Jesse Tyler Ferguson - was out as was Celia Keenan Bolger. But I am thrilled to report that Todd Buonopane was outstanding as Leaf Coneybear! Completely different take on the role. Instead of doing an imitation of Jesse's Leaf he made the role his own and it worked in every way. Kate Wetherhead went on as Olive and also did an incredible job. I'm not sure how many times she has gone on but you'd think she played the part every night.

Spelling Bee has been a favorite show of mine for some time now. Completely original, touching and hilarious. It's the show I recommend to everyone.

Celebrity spotting! When Mr. Panch came down the aisle at the start of the show and hit some audience members in the face with the American flag - who did he hit? Jeremy Piven!

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace)

liotte Profile Photo
#206re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/10/06 at 11:13pm

I didn't see Jeremy Piven, but I chatted with Todd after the show for awhile and he mentioned him being there.

I've seen Todd as Barfee, Panch, and Coneybear, seen Lisa as Rona and Marcy, and Kate as Logainne and Olive. Now I just need to see Willis go on!

Feathah Profile Photo
#207re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 10:42am

Liotte - I think I was standing next to you when you talked to Todd. You've seen the show 19 times?

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace)

liotte Profile Photo
#208re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 12:10pm

Yeah, that was me.

#209re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 3:57pm

bump, I guess.

I'm seeing Bee next week-
Should I buy the recording and get to know the music a bit first, or will all the jokes be spoiled? I'm very tempted to get the CD, but I don't want to ruin it for myself.

Any advice would be appreciated. re: Spelling Bee love!

#210re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 4:07pm

I always wanted to know what that was about

Creative Lunatic
#211re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 4:08pm

ihearttheatre----Be patient. I think it will be more thrilling to experience the music for the first time at the live performance. You can buy the recording ahead of time so you can rush from theater and play it to relive your time at The Bee----
but don't you dare break that wrapping seal ahead of time. It is comparable to ripping tag off mattress---punishable by I don't know what----bee lovers help me here...
Report back--

#212re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 4:30pm

Thanks. I'll try my best to control myself- I def. would not want to be punished by the same unknown force that punishes mattress tag ripper-offers. haha

#213re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 7:27pm

saw this in october, and loved it!
got my cd signed!
celia is the best, and said i was an angel, and something about the sweetest person in the world (i drew a cartoon of the cast which is hanging in the green room- made me feel good)
cant wait for the program! (need to buy it)



QMAN03 Profile Photo
#214re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 7:48pm

No way. The I love you song is the best song in the show. But six languages rocks as well (as does M.U.E.)

#215re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 7:59pm

oh, and woe is me is second best!

"be smart, be cool, be an adult, be remarkably adroit, in social situations!!!!..."


QMAN03 Profile Photo
#216re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 8:01pm

What about the first song. It's probably the catchiest song in the show.

#217re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 8:04pm

yeah, that one is good, i dont listen to it a lot, but yeah, i also love the prayer of the comfort counselor!! derrick baskin has an incredible voice!

i really love all the songs!

and my friend the dictionary, CELIA ROCKS!

but still, 'I SPEAK SIX LANGUAGES!!!!' rules. period.

QMAN03 Profile Photo
#218re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 8:15pm

Ya. I never skip a song. Everyone is worth a listen. I can't wait for the tour. I will go see it like every performance. Ah, I love this show.

liotte Profile Photo
#219re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/11/06 at 10:44pm

QMAN, that's how I am with the show, I want to go to every performance. Since I'm in NYC though, I practically do.

liotte Profile Photo
#220re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/13/06 at 8:55am

*bumping up so soulman83 can add his name to the thread!*

Creative Lunatic
#221re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/13/06 at 9:20am

Excellent and appropriate suggestion as always Liotte--Soulman--Jump on board...

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#222re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/13/06 at 11:47am

Hi, my name is Liz and I'm a Bee addict.

"Hi Liz."

Yeah. The Bee's becoming one of my favorite shows VERY quickly - Six Languages and Woe is Me own the world.

Um. I heart the shirt I'm wearing in my avatar. Sarah and Jesse are my favorites. And that's about all. re: Spelling Bee love!

liotte Profile Photo
#223re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/13/06 at 4:03pm

Might hit up the lotto again tonight, yay!

bigrab1018 Profile Photo
#224re: Spelling Bee love!
Posted: 1/13/06 at 4:34pm


i saw Willis go on as chip. he was very good besides one mixed up line in M.U.E.

"Billy, put down that phylactery...we're Episcopalian." - Spelling Bee
