bumping this up- I took a Bee virgin to the show tonight, and she *loved* it. We won the lotto and sat in the bleachers, in the seats that (spoiler?) get hit with the popcorn by Chip. She not only loved the show itself (music, sentences, etc.) but she loved all of that interactive stuff- having Leaf climb over us, getting hit with the flag, the popcorn, etc. On the way home my friend actually said that she didn't want to watch any movies or tv for the rest of the night, as "nothing is going to be as good as that [Bee] was."
Add one more person to the Bee love. :)
I took my cousin last week for the first time and she loved it. It's a nice fun show. If you are diehard (like the amazing Liotte (I want to see it with her) fans of this show, does this make you a BEEhead?
BEEhead- heh. I like it. :)
Best intro ever tonight: one of the audience spellers was dressed in these HUGE shaggy boots (looked like she was wearing a sheepdog on each foot), long pants, sweatshirt, and HUGE knit hat/wrap type thing (not sure what it was- it looked like a hat and a scarf had a baby), and her intro was something like "Ms._____ was elimiated from last year's Bee because she was suffering from hypothermia." Could not stop laughing!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I think those of us who have professed love for Spelling Bee and have gone to see it more than once belong to the Bee Hive
I also get a kick out of seeing the people who were guest spellers, Marigold or Barfee's real and fake mom's (Joan and Sheila) mingle with the audience or the cast after the performance. They really feel as if they have momentary celebrity status.
I've noticed that cast always goes out of their way to say something special to them.
Creative Lunatic-
Thanks for the welcome aboard. Also, thanks for the beautiful post on 12/20 7:16 p.m. - your response to EDB. It expresses perfectly so much of why I am so nuts about this show!
Someone mentioned the art in the lobby and that there were photos of the cast as youngsters??? Aach, I didn't even notice that! Another reason to go back. I did notice the sign that said something about 'only positive attitudes' allowed, which was funny because I was sort of grouchy when I first got there (bad bus trip up to NY).
Chorus Member Joined: 11/24/05
i'm going on wednesday mat, my little sister and i are gonna do Standing Room, (gonna get there like 930ish just to make sure we get tix. cause i REALLY need to see this show.) and i was just wondering, she's 4'7", is there some kind of wall or bar that is going to block her view? and also, she *really* wants to be a speller, how does that work?
and also (sorry for all the questions!) if we get standing room tix, and then win lotto, can we give them our standing room tix back?
Updated On: 12/24/05 at 11:33 PM
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Harpo---Thanks for the appreciation of what I wrote.
I think that I'm at the stage now that when I bring new people to the show--I imagine ahead of time of who I think they will feel a strong connection to. I love watching their reactions and get an additional vicarious pleasure from seeing the show through their eyes.
Yes--you must go back and see the lobby pictures. They are worth the price of admission.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Here's something that justifies our Spelling Bee love --Entertainment Weekly has named it as one of top ten best shows for 2005. Please note that none of the other Tony nominated musicals made the list. Check out page 156--Great picture and blurb.
CL- can you scan that for me? I'm out of the country and can't get the magazine!!
Leah, you should be ok with standing room if they are sold out for the wed matinee, don't know if they will be that early in the am. Maybe cuz of the holidays. If you win lotto, you can't give back the SRO, you can try to sell them to someone else. To be a speller, get there a half hour before the show starts and sign up with someone in the lobby. Then hope they pick you.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/24/05
just got home from the matinee! i LOVE LOVE LOVED it! we did standing room, and i thought it was fine, and we could see everything perfectly. the cast is sooo amazing, especially Celia and Jesse. it's such a smart, relatable show with such great music, i'm going to DEFINITELY go back soon. of the spellers, there was one little boy with a mohawk who got his second word correct, which he wasn't suppose to do haha and everyone was REALLY impressed, it was so funny... and logainne's joke that changes was about the holidays and how she's half jewish and half christian and it stresses her out, it was really funny.
afterwards, the cast was SOO sweet and i saw all of them in the lobby (except sarah, but she might have come out later) signing and talking to fans, it was really great!
I saw the show tonight, I love it!
Deborah, I hope your ankle feels better soon!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Liotte---I've been out of town too. I am sorry that I did not keep magazine to scan for you. Perhaps you can still obtain it.
What happened to Deborah's ankle? Did she injure it during the show?
Yeah, she twisted it during the show. Don't worry about the magazine, it's ok!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
Did Deborah twist it during her Six Languages number? That sounds dramatic and upsetting. Was she able to finish and how did the audience and the rest of cast respond?
You are our designated official Bee reporter since the rest of us can't go as often.
Nope, she twisted it coming down the stairs after the cast followed the last speller to her seat in the audience. She just tripped going down the last step and kinda fell down, but got back up and limped onto the stage. After that is MUE, so she was able to ice and wrap it, her Six Languages dance was great as always and she appeared to be fine for the rest of the show. Afterwards she was hurting a lot though and limping on it. Hopefully she will heal very quickly!!
I am joining in on the bee love now that i have actually seen it and was wondering if anyone could please pm me about getting a color program at the show and if they are available online (not the playbill, the program just for clarifiaction). Thanks!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
I just found this thread and must say that this should have won best Musical. I saw it for the first time right before Christmas and it was so funny. My two favorites were Celia and Jesse without a doubt. The introductions add so much to the show too. One guy was named Mr. Green, and the first time he came up they said "Mr. Green is a product of Mr. Yellow and Ms. Blue." The second time it was "Mr. Green enjoys studying spelling with Prof. Plum in the library with the candlestick." There was another guy who was actually wearing a watch on each hand, and Lisa said "Mr. ____ thought about wearing a watch on both hands once, but thought it would look silly." Greg and Lisa are great at delivering the sentences. It was the night the transit strike ended, so Sarah talked about that and got a lot of applause. Then, as she was walking away, she turned back and said something like "dads, I don't wanta see Brokeback Mountain one more time. Seven times is enough!!" It was so funny. The cast was awesome afterwards too. Everyone came out except Dan, and they were all great. I hope the cast stays longer. I really can't imagine the show without them. I will definately be going back.
I haven't seen the show in so long! A Bee visit this week is definitely in order.
Only saw it once. Sadly due to time and money multiple visits to shows are near impossible for me now. But Spelling Bee is one of my favorites. A visit is definitely in order for me, too! LOVE Jesse!
I just got my boss at my work-study job hooked on it, and now it's always playing whenever I come into the office!
Also, people have been singing it at auditions here at school - don't know where they got the music (I'm assuming it isn't out yet).
Featured Actor Joined: 1/4/06
canNOT wait untill it comes to Chicago... ROAD TRIP!!
I am still asking about buying a program....anyone, anyone?
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I honestly don't think I have ever seen the type of program you are interested in for this show or I certainly would have one.
I know that they sell show paraphenalia(CDs, book bags, magnets, mugs, t-shirts, posters and buttons) at a concession stand on both levels. If you walk in the main entrance at Circle in The Square where tickets are sold when a performance is letting out--you could inquire at the stand or even just ask the box office during regular hours. Your inquiry does make me curious since so many other shows do a brisk business selling such programs and they are wonderful keepsakes...
If you discover that such a program exists, please post the information.
i saw it for a second time, on the 28th, and loved it
we did standing room(right next to leah5290 actually)and came across a very annoying usher, w/curly hair, has anyone else come across him as well?
but besides that, I LOVE SPELLING BEE WITH ALL MY HEART, my favorite show!