Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I thought it was genuinely funny and filled a Gilmore Girls void I didn't even know how I had. I really enjoyed Sutton, and I tend to find her hit or miss. Kelly Bishop is playing someone called "Fanny," which I love.
I wasn't as surprised by the ending as a lot of people (there was another thread where a lot of people seemed really thrown buy it), because everything I'd read about the show made me assume the show started after the events of the first episode.
All in all, I thought it was off to a very promising start.
I loved the scene where Kelly's character danced alone in her studio. I know it was not the intent, but it was like Kelly was saying, "Yeah, I won a Tony too. Original cast of A Chorus Line, beeyotch."
Updated On: 6/12/12 at 12:18 PM
Forgot to say, it made me smile that they used Jet-Set from Catch Me If You Can at the begining.
I enjoyed the show. There is no doubt the writer is the same writer of Gillmore Girls. Sutton Foster's character looked almost identical to the Lorelai mother character of Gillmore Girls. They way she dressed, even somewhat how she talked. And then you have Kelly Bishop from Gillmore Girls(Lorelai's mother) playing her mother in law. It will do good on ABC Family because of the audience for that network.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/21/10
Anybody watching tonight? It's very interesting.
So... is he dead?
I'm watching but not really liking this episode. It's a bit disjointed.
Ellen Greene is on tonight!!!
^ I agree. I hope it is just this episode, and not the whole series.
Dottie- You're right this is a step down from the pilot, but the show just needs to find some footing. The girls are really annoying me so far this episode.
The last 20 minutes were a bit better.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/21/10
Yes he is dead. I liked it as it went on. After the phone call to her friend, it got better and it was really nice at the end with the memorial and everything. I can't wait to see what happens next week.
The ending was nice and next week looks great. When are we going to meet Sasha's closeted dad?
I'm 50 minutes in and I'm hating the second episode. I kind of liked the first.) The girls are BEYOND annoying, and the episode has barely done ANYTHING.
I agree with not liking the first 40 minutes but when they start involving Sutton again, I warmed back up to it.
Sutton is becoming quite the television actress.
Also, did anyone else catch one of my favorite Broadway dancers, Valarie Pettiford? She was another one of the friends of Kelly Bishop.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Watching it that Ellen Greene?
ETA: Just say that post up above saying it was Ellen Greene. Shoulda read before I posted!
Updated On: 6/19/12 at 01:41 AM
Seems a bit heavy for ABC Family. Lots of drinking and dysfunctional people. Reminds me of Northern Exposure. It is really off balance, given the plot, it should be. I like Sutton so far and the mother-in-law relationship seems real. Don't know if I can take the girls...
But will this continue to be the format:
Mother in law hates daughter in lay, but they make up by the end of the episode?
Certainly seems that way seeing next weeks ep is about his will!
My mother and aunt are obsessed with this show.
Really? Pulling out the race card? Why are most of the characters on her shows white then? All the leads have been white except for Kerry Washington on Scandal (a flop)
It does sound like a bit of jealousy....or at least being territorial.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/12/10
It honestly sounded like 4 different people wrote rough drafts of a script an they sewed them all together. The show is just "awkward". Sutton seems so out of place, the plot sucks and the teenage girls aren't too Lovable.
I, for one, enjoy things for what they are. Thankfully, I don't dissect things to extreme AND I work in the film industry. I love BUNHEADS. Love the sharp intelligent dialogue. Will watch every single episode. Watching Sutton or Kelly make an isolated dance movement in front the mirror (even for a few short seconds) brings a smile to my face. Great to see that Sutton understands camera acting. Film will come easy for her due to this. Television educated Streisand about performing for a camera and helped her when the film version of FUNNY GIRL happened for her years later.
Again... I love BUNHEADS. The girl's characters will simmer down as the episodes move along. Sadly, you have to start somewhere to get somewhere. The writers know what they are doing. Be patient.