Understudy Joined: 5/31/11
Some people just work for the paycheck - and it is a wonderful role, of course, to have on one's resume.
I am kinda torn on how to proceed on stuff like this? If she was to revoke that statement should she be allowed to go on? Would I feel okay about buying a ticket? Personally, I think it would distract from my enjoyment of this specific piece, especially. It comes easily to just say "I changed. Didn't mean it" in order to try to protect an engagement like this.
I see that she was in Hadestown in London, but I don't remember her. Was she in the ensemble?
Boy is she in for a rude awakening when she finds out what the show is about.
People are formed by the way they are raised. As long as we allow this religious brainwashing, legally, we will have situations like this.
We should not judge her as if she is a bad person, but we should judge the source of this evil. She can't help that she mistakenly thinks that these ideas have anything to do with identity or the truth.
Of course it is very difficult to put restrictions on brainwashing your children or restrictions on how judgemental you can teach them to be, backed up by religion, so not even legitimate reasons, but a good start would be to ban religion from schools, and develop a lesson plan where kids are taught about all sides of this problem. That way they will be less world alienated in the future.
BS....she's an adult, and fully capable of thinking for herself.
Understudy Joined: 5/31/11
Dave28282 said: "People are formed by the way they are raised. As long as we allow this religious brainwashing, legally, we will have situations like this.
We should not judge her as if she is a bad person, but we should judge the source of this evil. She can't help that she mistakenly thinks that these ideas have anything to do with identity or the truth.
Of course it is very difficult to put restrictions on brainwashing your children or restrictions on how judgemental you can teach them to be, backed up by religion, so not even legitimate reasons, but a good start would be to ban religion from schools, and develop a lesson plan where kids are taught about all sides of this problem. That way they will be less world alienated in the future."
Leaving aside the idea of legally restricting religious education, can't I 'judge' the "source of the evil" and the person that chooses to disseminates this kind of thinking even further? The internet is full of stories of people who broke free of the indoctrination they received (see reddit's r/exmormon for example). I don't think she should just receive a pass because of her father / her upbringing. Actions have consequences and now she's gotta face the music. "Hate the game, not the player (or the sin not the sinner)" does not apply for me here.
I agree, you have a good point, the sinner is just as wrong as the game.
But I know Christians too who are certain that their god loves homosexuality, but that shows the hypocrisy of it all. I don't mind if everyone makes up what their god thinks, but I just don't accept "because I made up that my god thinks this" or "I choose to turn words in the bible like this" as the only reason for any thought or judgement.
This disconnect from reality is dangerous because people are not taking responsibility.
Just because the Christians I know happen to have made up that their god thinks something that matches my ideas doesn't mean it is less wrong to use it as a free pass for their ideas and actions as if they are approved in some twisted way. That is avoiding responsibility.
So the core of the problem is indeed just as bad as the sinners who follow it, but fighting the core seems like a better solution to me than cleaning up the mess afterwards and expecting from every indoctrinated world alienated person to change overnight and suddenly experiencing the revelation and introduction to reality and being mentally stable enough to handle it. Don't forget these people might have never known anything else. And, like I said, just the negative judgements are not all of the problem.
As a gay man who's also a licensed therapist, I could tell this actress a few things.
First of all. yes, dear, people are born gay. The fact that you weren't does not give you the knowledge or the authority to believe that no one is. Second of all, both the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association do not support conversion therapy. If I were straight, practiced it and were sued for malpractice, I'd risk losing my license. Some states have introduced legislation to ban it.
If the producers wish to hire her for this production, that's their right. If she's hypocrite enough to accept a good role in a musical that presents LGBTQ people in a positive light just to further her career, that's her right. Not buying a ticket to said show is my right.
Paging Alice Walker.
Dave28282 said: "I agree, you have a good point, the sinner is just as wrong as the game.
But I know Christians too who are certain that their god loves homosexuality, but that shows the hypocrisyof it all. I don't mind if everyone makes up what their god thinks, but I just don't accept "because I made up that my god thinks this" or "I choose to turn words in the bible like this"as the only reason for any thought or judgement.
This disconnect from reality is dangerous because people are not taking responsibility.
Just because the Christians I know happen to have made up that their god thinks something that matches my ideas doesn't mean it is less wrong to use it as a free pass for their ideas and actions as if they are approved in some twisted way. That is avoiding responsibility.
So the core of the problem is indeed just as bad as the sinners who follow it, but fighting the core seems like a better solution to me than cleaning up the mess afterwards and expecting from every indoctrinated world alienated person to change overnight and suddenly experiencing the revelation and introduction to reality and being mentally stable enough to handle it. Don't forget these people might have never known anything else. And, like I said, just the negative judgements are not all of the problem."
People can evolve. My aunt's been a nun for almost 70 years. She and all of her peers I know from her generation fully support LGBTQ rights and have for decades, regardless of what they were taught years ago, yet they are fully active in their church. It's not hypocrisy, it's enlightenment. Since Christ actually taught that it is wrong to judge one another, they're on solid ground. Theology has much to recommend it so banning it from schools would be censorship, but the Bible was written by human beings and its flaws can be questioned. Nothing wrong with healthy discourse.
I have a die-hard liberal friend who's in her late 50s, and has been in a committed same-sex relationship for over 10 years. Both women seem very happy, and have a beautiful home together. I've asked her recently - as I would any couple who have been together for as long as they have - if they will ever marry (as many of their friends have), as they live in Boston, MA and MA was the first groundbreaking state to allow same-sex marriage.
Her response was "Never! I can't marry Margo. I'm a Jewish woman first. I can't be in a gay marriage", and further explained how she would be shamed in her Jewish community if anyone knew she was in a lesbian relationship. (And this is Boston!) In other words - everyone knows she and Margo live together, vacation together, do everything together - but so long as they don't 'come out publicly' they're fine. (Margo is from PA, and also Jewish - about ten years her junior). They're accepted as two friends who do everything together - nothing more. I should point out that as far as I know, they do not identify as Orthodox Jews or Hasidic Jews.
On Facebook and social media, they refer to each other as their "BFFs" - not as their wife or partner. Just "BFFs" - yet in private, among their gay friends, they refer to each other as 'wife' and celebrate the day they moved in together (about six months after meeting) as their 'anniversary'.
Just wanted to share this with everyone to point out that although Christianity (and especially the Catholic Church) take the brunt of not accepting homosexuality and gay marriage, there are other religions guilty as well.
The hypocrisy of denying an entire group's existence with the assumption that their sexuality is not something of their choice while accepting a leading LGBT role is reprehensible. I hope she's dropped from the production and is forced to reflect on her ignorance.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
Regarding what dramamama and Dave were saying about being an adult vs religious childhood... The Cake, which is currently playing off broadway, has a character that grew up in a very religious setting and happens to be gay, and she is in a constant struggle with it, because she grew up being told gay is wrong. It’s a shame the play isn’t really that good though.
AADA81 said: "Since Christ actually taught that it is wrong to judge one another, they're on solid ground."
The lady in question seems to have a different interpretation of this.
What is wrong in my opinion, is deciding what god thinks and interpret things in the way that suits you, and use that as some kind of approval and/or sole reason for your thoughts and actions. No matter if it's judgement or something else. Because every Christian has very different ideas about what is good or bad, as we can see. People need to learn that it comes 100% out of themselves. There are other passages in the bible that your aunt and her peers chose to ignore. You call it enlightenment, and that might actually be a good word, as stepping away from the disconnect with real life is exactly that, but I hope they realize it comes out of themselves.
The difference is her ideas are offensive to both her fellow actors AND the play. Another example that would be offensive? An anti-semite playing Anne Frank.
Plannietink08 said: "No one has an issue with her religion. She’s free to worship as she sees fit as is everyone in the free world. The issue is her tolerance, her hypocrisy and the dangerous practise she actively promotes.
She is blaming her religion for her intolerance, hypocrisy and dangerous actions. That is not taking responsibility.
If she takes responsibility for her thoughts and actions, and admits that they come 100% out of herself, and gives actual reasons for them, then she can think whatever she wants to. "because I say my god says so" is NOT a reason.
We could argue if "we should have a problem with her" is better than "we should have a problem with her religion", but it becomes a problem if she can't separate these things. We see her as a real person with responsibilities but she does not. And that is the core of the issue. The disconnect between religion and real life.
Understudy Joined: 5/31/11
GeorgeandDot said: "The worst part is that she's playing Celie.
Gay for pay."
It adds insult to injury for sure, but someone with her background (edit: meaning her tweet and her father) should not be near this musical in general. As the company behind it I would be worried about how it reflects on the company's image and how other people in the cast & crew would feel about working with her - and I'd not be willing to take that gamble.