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Talkin' Broadway All That Chat- Page 2

Talkin' Broadway All That Chat

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#25Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:53am

i attempted to join and it took almost a month for me to be confirmed or whatever, which was obnoxious and i'd forgotten the reason why i had wanted to. and it's a very difficult site to read (like seriously why is it formatted the way it is)

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#26Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 12:00pm

(like seriously why is it formatted the way it is)

Because it was formed back when people were using 28.8 modems and low- or no-image message boards did really well since they loaded quickly.

Then everyone got used to it and the mods didn't bother to keep up with the times.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#27Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 1:03pm

You can chose to view the threads in "Flat Mode" which is much better - much closer to the 'thread' format here. Hopefully their new design if more user friendly.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

#28Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 1:30pm

The site is trapped in the past...

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#29Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 3:20pm

I agree that "Flat Mode" makes it far easier to read, but whether you are in the standard format or "Flat Mode" the posts are not arranged strictly in chronological order. Little sub-threads can be created as you don't have to respond to the thread as a whole, but you can also respond to an individual response in the middle of the thread. Let's say you read a thread in the morning that was listed as having 7 responses. You come back in the evening and it now has 12 responses. There is no guarantee that those 5 new responses are at the end of the thread. Therefore each time you see a new response was added to the thread you are forced to scroll through the entire thread searching for the new response. 


The lack of archiving posts is such a limitation to the site. If every two weeks someone sees and starts a thread on Waitress, for example, the only way for interesting discussion to occur would be for everyone who has posted in past Waitress threads to repost all their thoughts. There's zero continuity to thoughts on specific shows/topics and limited opportunity for discussion. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Skip23 Profile Photo
#30Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 3:32pm

All the replies over there feel like lectures. 

It's more fun over here. 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#31Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 3:33pm

I think that's probably one reason why the traffic there has died.  The posters there don't seem to comment a great deal on the new shows, but once you've shared your anecdotes for the tenth time about the original production of GYPSY (because the threads aren't archived) you don't feel like doing it anymore.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Jimbo2 Profile Photo
#32Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 3:54pm

I have been a member since the site first went up. The rules. They are absolutely ridiculous. I posted a message about what happened to a message post which had a link with a legit interview with an actor. I simply wanted to read it the next day and for whatever the reason, it was deleted.

They deleted my account! I was in shock. Now, I never post as whatever I post, 'the elite' disagree.

I much prefer this site, although I wish this website was a bit more friendly on my Windows 10 laptop. I use the mobile app for this site all the time!


"If we don't wake up and shake the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world, wondering why...why?"

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#33Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:04pm

What are the rules over there? I think I've seen a moderator 'warning' about posting links to bootleg videos but are there other rules that are really extreme?

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#34Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:06pm

They used to have a "no polls" rule, I think because it clogged up bandwidth and made threads super long, complete with a POLLS and "no" slash through it! 

Considering the lack of posts on Tonys night, of all nights, I don't think bandwidth is an issue anymore.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

adamgreer Profile Photo
#35Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:08pm

QueenAlice said: "What are the rules over there? I think I've seen a moderator 'warning' about posting links to bootleg videos but are there other rules that are really extreme?


One of them is they don't like "polls", but they use that definition very, very loosely.  They don't like any thread that would seem to call for lots of responses, because that pushes other threads off the board faster than they normally would be (because again, they operate in 1997 without any archives).  However, what is and is not a poll has always varied wildly depending on who posted it.  

There's lots of others, but that's just one example. 


LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#36Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:08pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

AC126748 Profile Photo
#37Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:09pm

The rules:

They will also delete anything that seems even vaguely "off topic". 

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Kad Profile Photo
#38Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:20pm

I was never really able to engage myself on that board. I have an account I haven't touched and years and maybe used it to post three or four times.

It just always felt like virtually every element of ATC was pushing me away before I ever got into it.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 11/17/16 at 04:20 PM

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#39Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:21pm

I've had a few posts deleted. You get a rather sharp email saying something about why it was deleted and that continued infractions will get you banned or something like that. Hey, it's their site, and I don't pay a subscription, so whatever. 

But the rules are not uniformly enforced. The last post of mine that was banned was something about Chenoweth appearing on a TV show. It was deleted because television is off-topic on a Broadway forum. Fair enough, but Kristin is a bonfide B'way actor and star and the posting seemed relevant and of interest to a B'way crowd. Again, their site, their rules. But shortly thereafter there was a post that was allowed to stay on basically the same theme of a stage actor on TV. I wonder if the main moderator shares oversight with others? Maybe she is stricter to the rules than other moderators? 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#40Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:22pm

The rules are probably intentionally designed to keep the board small and manageable as is fitting for the size of the overall TalkinBroadway site.  Interesting that there doesn't seem to ever have been interest in taking the site 'bigger' - to the level of Broadwayworld, or or WhatsonStage in the UK.  I think TalkinBroadway was one if not the first theatre websites, so I guess that was just a choice to keep it small.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

#41Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:30pm

QueenAlice said: "What are the rules over there? I think I've seen a moderator 'warning' about posting links to bootleg videos but are there other rules that are really extreme?"


Take a look at the rules to register, and that's just scratching the surface.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#42Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 6:18pm

Several times I see a long-winded, blathering post on ATC, and hope never to have to see it again here.  Alas, often my wish does not come true!

I certainly don't a second time. The first is more than painful enough!

It seems to be dominated by one truly obnoxious know-it-all.

A little humility would go a long way, both on these boards, and in life.

In other words...physician, heal thyself.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#43Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 10:04pm

Whizzer, if you go into flat mode you can then click "last post" at the top right on the page, which will allow you to see the most recent posts at the top of the page. And there is also a tab you can click in flat mode labeled chronological order, which is how I read that board. 

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#44Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:23pm

Thanks for the tip. I've never noticed that before and will now use it. They really still should overhaul the site. 

I remember when DL went through some major change ups in format. There was a lot of resistance from the members, but I came to appreciate the new look and feel and now wouldn't want to go back. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#45Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 3:01am

I like both boards.  Why choose between mom and dad?

newintown Profile Photo
#46Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 8:00am

AlanScott is the only poster with anything worth reading over there, and it's just not worth the time to cherry pick his comments.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#47Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 9:33am

I used to post over there way back when. I seemed to be the only one who posted freely, with a sense of humor and what came naturally. I don't think I was popular. Finally, I got sick of the lack of humor and the proliferation of stuffed shirts, and being chastised by the moderator -  Ann? I asked to have my account deleted and never returned, even to read it.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#48Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 9:35am

BTW, I'm pretty sure one of the stuffiest stuffed shirts from over there is a regular on here. I think he's in this thread, too!


newintown Profile Photo
#49Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 9:37am

Ann is the "suburban soccer mom" mentality to which I referred earlier.

I found long ago that this site had much more humor than ATC; although Jordan Catalano and themysteriousgrowl, my two favorites, seem to be kind of MIA lately. And I miss them.

By the way, here they are, discussing being discussed (I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted as "off topic):
