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Talkin' Broadway All That Chat- Page 3

Talkin' Broadway All That Chat

Jimbo2 Profile Photo
#50Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 11:15am

I'm very surprised that the thread hasn't been deleted yet-it definitely does not follow their TOS. Perhaps they have a lawyer reviewing it :)

"If we don't wake up and shake the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world, wondering why...why?"

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#51Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 11:23am

newintown said: "By the way, here they are, discussing being discussed (I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted as "off topic):

I posted this earlier in this thread an am starting to wonder if I've been muted...

Also, I totally agree re: the lack of humor and wit. It's just dry over there. Like the type of people you see sharing crunchy bad JPGs about wine or coffee on facebook, or who buy "Sarcasm is just one service I offer" placards in Times Square because they think they're witty.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#52Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 11:29am

It's the rules. The moderator is definitely not moderate.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#53Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/18/16 at 11:53am

I hadn't visited that site in YEARS (perhaps a decade or so) and only posted there twice.  Visiting it now, it is certainly a much improved environment in terms of tone and temperament (it used to be horrifically vicious over there), but it also seems pretty dead.  Or perhaps that is the format?  The majority of the threads seem to be admin announcements or press releases.  Everybody thinks their favorite board is better or smarter or what have you.    I tried that board a long time ago and it was an awful experience.  Maybe I'll try it again and see if it's better this time around.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#54Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 7:36am

Does anyone remember That's All Chat? It was a board about All That Chat. Very funny and very vicious.

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#55Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 9:03am

Never heard of that but I do remember the Forbidden Broadway parody. :) :) :)

#56Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 9:39am

The fellow named "Finally" seems to take the administration of All That Chat very much to heart. Is he someone who's associated with ATC in some way?

I can’t even imagine in thinking back what I could have put in my posts on ATC that is keeping “finally” and “shadowlight” [a/k/a "darkstar"] and “whereismikeyfl” feeling so vivid in their anger well over four years later.

Also, I really have no clear idea why the person named “finally” continued to click on the YouTubes, and clicking the ATC posts when they couldn’t have been more clearly marked with my screen name.

Freddie (BklynBoy, whose last post on ATC was in summer 2012 - that's right, over four years ago) :)

Updated On: 11/25/16 at 09:39 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#57Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 11:49am

astromiami said: "Does anyone remember That's All Chat? It was a board about All That Chat. Very funny and very vicious."

It was amazing. I do miss Vera.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
#58Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 2:45pm

I read and participate on both boards. Over a dozen years ago, after reading a NYTimes article, I started frequenting ATC. It was a marvelous revelation to see the knowledge and experience of many of its posters.

A few years ago, ATC was shut down temporarily. I came over here to check it out and feed my need for Bway chat. At the time, short GIFs were all the rage. One thing that steered me away from BWW was the number of threads that were taken over by a couple of posters throwing shade to each other in endless sequence of "yas queen" and "bye felicia" GIFS that would fill the screen. 
(Please don't do it here)

Over time, I started spending more and more of my time over here. It seemed the proportion of useful, thoughtful or interesting stuff was on the upswing while ATC started getting a bit creaky. The chat over there was less fun (I missed your parodies, BklynBoy) and too many of the threads never got responses and those that did too often devolved into nit-picking snits. As a left-coaster, I witnessed the decline and removal of the ATC West Coast board. Of course a big part of becoming more comfortable on a board is getting familiar with the regulars. Knowing to focus on posts by those you consider knowledgeable and interesting and passing over the dross

Right now, this has become my go-to site. I still use both. I especially value being able to edit my posts (for the inevitable typos and awkward phrasing). I'm frustrated by ATC's lack of history and prefer the ability to search back into time on BWW. However, one thing that I'm surprised earlier posters didn't mention is the downside - "zombie threads" where because of some misguided reply to a buried thread it pops back to the top (especially vexing if the subject could be misleading).

If I have a particularly AlanScott question, or something more inside or specific, I'll likely post the question there. Otherwise I'm here.

Updated On: 11/19/16 at 02:45 PM

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#59Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 10:22pm

Thank you for the kind words, newintown and MarkBearSF. You know, I've gone through periods of posting here, but I haven't in a long time. Even though I've always used a different name here, I assumed that anyone who knew me from ATC would quickly know it was me (although it seemed that not everyone did).

nobodyhome aka AlanScott

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
#60Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/19/16 at 10:49pm

nobodyhome said: "Thank you for the kind words, newintown and MarkBearSF. You know, I've gone through periods of posting here, but I haven't in a long time. Even though I've always used a different name here, I assumed that anyone who knew me from ATC would quickly know it was me (although it seemed that not everyone did).

nobodyhome aka AlanScott

Count me in the latter group. Glad to recognize you here now!

#61Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/20/16 at 6:13am

AlanScott (aka here as nobodyhome)- I hadn't recognized your writing style as the same person on both boards either. It's wonderful to know that your writing and insights are archived here on BWW.

(Ann Miner apparently has kept all the old posts on All that Chat. It would be wonderful if those ATC posts could be made available somewhere online. There's likely a lot of fascinating material in what she's been keeping, including your thoughtful posts.)

#62Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/20/16 at 6:14am

MarkBearSF - Thanks for being supportive! It's greatly appreciated, and also it's really interesting to know how and why you ended up posting more here than there.

Jimbo2 Profile Photo
#63Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/20/16 at 9:11am

Gotta love this from the "elite" board:

"1.2 Talkin' Broadway may change, add or remove portions of these Terms of Service at any time, without notice and without even letting you know that the rules have changed. "

"If we don't wake up and shake the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world, wondering why...why?"

#64Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/21/16 at 11:31am

I hope it’s OK to respond to an ATC post by shadowlight, since shadowlight responded on ATC to my BWW post above.

Shadowlight [a/k/a darkstar now] wrote on ATC, referring to my above BWW post:
“Great googly moogly
He's come out of the woodwork on the BWW board (link posted in this thread). He uses his initials as a screen name. He specifically name-checks you, whereismikeyfl, finally, and me, for holding on to our "anger" for four years. Pretty sad coming from a guy who wrote a musical about being banned from a message board that he obviously still follows…”

To ATC's shadowlight [or darkstar]:
I really don’t understand. Is there something wrong about my having written a musical about my experiences on the theatre chat boards? I wrote it mostly during the year after the events happened. I'm genuinely wondering why it would be wrong to write a musical about my own life experience.

Updated On: 11/25/16 at 11:31 AM

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#65Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/22/16 at 9:51am

I know and admire a number of posters there, and still post regularly (sorry, I do duplicate from time to time, but not out of self-promotion; I'm trying to engage about a particular show or topic, and one can be ignored easily on both boards.)  I have been schooled and deleted, moved around, and after a particularly ugly seereis of "Gigi" confrontations (I know, sounds quaint, now) do take breaks, yet always go back. I, too, love AlanScott, but is he really the only worthwhile poster? (My feelings are almost hurt. Almost.)  I suppose the ageism built into dissing the old fashioned-ness of the place is understood.  But a lot of us who post there have decades of theatergoing experience, and do try to bring that to our discussions. It's not expertise, it's just experience.  If it's fussy and too dry for some, I get it.  But posters like Alan annotate and ground current seasons in relevant history.  That of course happens here, too.  It's just another place to go. I'd hate not to have it as an option.  

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#66Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/24/16 at 1:19pm

Auggie27 said: "  But posters like Alan annotate and ground current seasons in relevant history.  That of course happens here, too.  It's just another place to go. I'd hate not to have it as an option.  


Alan Scott, I assume you've already thought of this - but If you have copies of your posts over the years, they'd probably make for a terrific book. They might need some editing here and there, which you could do yourself of course, but there's a lot of great substance there.

TweetyPie2 Profile Photo
#67Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/27/16 at 3:35pm

Just paid a visit over there. There's a post saying they are going to put in an edit function, but there will be a 10-minute time limit for edits--in other words, you will have to edit your post within 10 minutes, or else it is set in stone. Typical of their rigid, out-of-date, dull. schoolmarm mentality. When will they ever learn?

What I want to know is, who is TweetyPie1?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#68Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/27/16 at 4:32pm

Here's the post in question, since you didn't link to it.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

PalJoey Profile Photo
#69Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/27/16 at 7:14pm


A little humility would go a long way, both on these boards, and in life. 


Physician, heal THYSELF!


RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#70Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/27/16 at 8:40pm

I completely agree with Pal Joey. There is no reason for anyone on this board to trash ATC (or vice versa). Both boards have people who make serious contributions to discussions of issues relating to the theater, and both boards have their share of idiots. It's not a competition, unless they begin to give out a Tony for Best Broadway Chatboard. 

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.
Updated On: 11/27/16 at 08:40 PM

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#71Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/27/16 at 9:14pm

I'm one of the ATCers who requested the edit button and am completely fine with the 10-minute guideline. My request is to have the ability to fix typos or correct names, etc. that I may have mistakenly entered. Without fail, I can look at a post a million times -- in real-time or the preview mode -- and see no errors until of course, the second I hit the "post" button. Ugh...please give me the option to go back and fix a typo. I agree with ATC that the edit button, if left with no time limit, could be abused by people completely changing the content or tone of an initial posting. When that happens, replies to the initial posting may not make sense or have relevance. If the initial poster changes his/her mind they can add a reply but not change the initial post. 

In another instance, Facebook's policy is open-ended so often when you read responses they don't make any sense because the poster edited or deleted the original post. 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#72Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/28/16 at 3:46pm

For what it's worth, that only seems like a minor problem to me, though I recognize that it is a problem. (On Facebook, you can see previous versions of an edited comment, I think.)

You can edit indefinitely here on BWW, and it doesn't usually seem to cause much of an issue.

macnyc Profile Photo
#73Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/28/16 at 3:50pm

Some websites allow a 20-minute editing window. I would prefer that over 10 minutes.

And I noticed today on ATC that the subject line cannot be edited at all. But, better than nothing!

#74Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
Posted: 11/29/16 at 8:11am

macnyc said: "
And I noticed today on ATC that the subject line cannot be edited at all. But, better than nothing!


To macnyc- According to this post on ATC
they've fixed the subject line situation.
