Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
Kelly - please get me a playbill. Pretty please. I'm still so depressed that I'm going to miss this show by 6 days. You have no idea (well, yea, you do) how much it is killing me to send the tickets back today for a refund! Is it pathetic that I am going to scan them and save that.....just to have something to remember the show by? OMG. I'm getting depressed all over again.
If I could somehow make it to the final performance, I would. But I think flying up to NYC for two days, coming home, and flying back 4 days later for my actual (planned) vacation is a little extreme.
I still can't believe I'm going to miss seeing Patti and Michael in Sweeney.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Of course, I'll get you a Playbill! I'll do my best to have them sign it for you too! I can't believe they are closing a week prior to you getting here. It still saddens me that the show is closing already.
Tears here. Patti is the reason for musical theatre...missing her in the show by a week...I can hardly get my head around it. DAmn being a college student and taking so long to save up you money...and wgile we are at it...damn living in Minnesota...Patti is simply the best, was robbed of a Tony, but will be remembered unlike LaScreams...
Well - I did it, ya'll. I'm going to the final show. It's crazy (I know)....I'm flying 1200 miles on the 3rd - going to the final performance of Sweeney - getting a few hours sleep - then flying 1200 miles back home on the 4th. (and THEN turning around and taking my actual (planned) vacation to NYC on the 7th - 11th)
Am I crazy? I think so. Someone justify this for me, please.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Chenofan, I freaking love you.
EvilNPUnk, I plan on taking as many pictures as possible, but I feel fairly certain that there will be plenty of accounts. I'm sorry you can't be there.
Swing Joined: 5/21/06
I almost passed out when i found out the show was closing! I got all revved up to see the show by myself, but now my whole family's coming with me! Not to see SWEENEY, but they're coming to new york, i just bought my ticket yesterday and blasting the cast recording everywhere I go. I cannot WAIT to see Patti and Michael, thank goodness it's after her vacation.
*is getting excited*
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Patti. I think she was better at Mrs. Lovett than Angela. She made the role more human instead of playing it for laughs like Angela did.
Loved Patti as Mrs. L and can't wait to see her as Rose!
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Glebb, I can't believe Ravinia is a week from tommorrow!
Hey Matt, do you love Patti? Just kidding - I love her too.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
It's so unfair that Sweeney's closing! Unfortunately, it doesn't have the draw of other fluff out there. But, I won't rant here...
Sooooo. Who else has cried over the news? haha. I'm going on the 3rd, and I'm still crying over it. I'm going to fall apart.
And I hope I get to go to her dressing room again after GYPSY as I did after SITPWG.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Speaking of dressing rooms, I'd love to watch her put on her make-up. Is that weird? ha. I love the part in the behind the scenes video where Mano goes in there while she gets ready.
Gah, I still can't wrap my brain around the show closing. Too sad.
So how many are going on the 3rd?? How about meeting up and crying together...err, I mean having a good time? Sound good to anyone?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
yesss! i watched that video earlier. <3 <3 <3
i hate to be all emo. but i'm really sad about the show closing. -.-
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
I just read a bunch of lengthy Sweeney accounts. I'm really excited about seeing it again. The last shows are going to be amazing.
I can't wait to see what Patti does next. I hope she stays on the stage.