Chorus Member Joined: 6/15/06
Blue Roses, that was a really great review! (Do you like The Glass Meangerie by the way?!!) Thanks for making good points and also making me laugh. I too loved how Patti brought out Mrs. Lovett's sexy side. I also agree about what you said about Mano Feliciano. He was very special.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
Aw, thank you, NewArgentina.
What did everyone think of the staging? The only thing that bothered me a bit was that, since there were no real scene "changes", you felt like you couldn't clap, or that the timing wasn't right to clap at times (although there was often applause during certain parts of the show). For example, "Not While I'm Around" had absolutely no break afterwards, so no one clapped. But it certainly was worthy of applause!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
I think it makes the show more intense with the lack of applause breaks. I love every aspect of the show. It's so new and fresh. I'm glad Sweeney was the first to get the John Doyle treatment.
And with regards to Manoel. He's come so far since previews! He's totally embodied the character of Toby.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
Oh, I'll agree that it absolutely makes it more intense, chrrymn. But I was all set to clap and then--damn--foiled! It was incredibly inventive and definitely not your standard feel-good Broadway musical experience. Don't get me wrong...I adore those productions, too, and am always happy to dance and sing in the aisles! But if you can handle and enjoy something a bit more dark and different and complex, this it it. I thought it was incredibly intelligent and moving. I loved it, and am pretty surprised it didn't win Best Revival.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/15/06
Blue Roses, thanks to you I'm going to have to try and work "LuPuppies" into everyday conversation!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
I never found the time to give my Sunset Boulevard cast recording a proper listen. Listening to it here and there, naturally made me confused. So, seeing as how I loved bits and pieces of story I was catching, I netflixed the 1950 black and white movie. I LOVED IT! True, it's not the musical, and lacks the glorious Patti, I still highly recommend it. And you can tell that Patti is PERFECT to play Norma.
And with trying to familiarize myself with more LuPone roles, I also netflixed the 1955 movie musical Anything Goes. I do not have this cast recording, but Patti's "Anythng Goes" is one of my favorite tracks. The story confused me a little at the start, but I got into it. The dance numbers are wonderful, every one of them! But, I was disappointed that "Anything Goes" is virtually a different song in the movie. One line is partially the same, that's it! I was looking forward to it, oh well.
So, go and rent/buy/whatever some old flix! They just don't make them like that anymore! I'll take talent over special effects any day.
Understudy Joined: 2/14/06
I'm going to see Kaye on the 9th, and from the recordings I've heard of her in other stuff she sounds good, but she's no Patti.
I was in fits when I found out I was missing Patti.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
Blueroses, thank you for the report. I am so happy you enjoyed the performance! I must echo your sentiments regarding Mano - he's always just a force on that stage. I found the performance on the 2nd to be the best that I have personally experienced. I can't pinpoint why or what was different, but it was just better than usual. Mano was sobbing his tears, Lauren's were streaming too, a Patti (right at the end) had the tears going. It was just so so good, and the best audience that I've beeen a part of. Everyone just seemed to "get it." I'm glad I had a seat from which I could see everything without neck strain or squinting my eyes!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
You're welcome, Kel. Yup, the audience was giving LOTS of love! The applause was thunderous and there was a very special kind of energy in the theater on Sunday. And the performers were truly basking in it during their bows. Very well-deserved and really cool to see.
By the way, I was in the fourth row, too. We were in D 10 and 12 on the right. Where were you?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
I was in D101 the furthest seat to the right.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
Aw, I wish I had known. I was a few feet away from you. I totally would've said hello!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Only 16 days til I'm reunited with Sweeney. I cannot wait to see Mrs. LuPone! I feel so honored to get to see the show...especially multiple times. I wish there was a way for everyone to get to experience it. Man, if I won the lottery, I'd take bus loads of people with me.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Sooooo. I was going to give Patti roses at curtain call, with a note wishing her luck with Gypsy (not that she needs it!). But, just in case I chicken out, I think I'll knock on the stage door, and have Christine deliver them to her dressing room before the show.
12 days left.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
I was looking at this picture, and I had an amusing idea for a livejournal icon. I think it's pretty fitting.
Understudy Joined: 2/14/06
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
I'm counting down the days with you too, Sarah. I'm going to do my best to be there with you at the stage door! There's no reason why I shouldn't be able to make it, but you never know what'll come up!
Cool icon, by the way!
So I think I accidentally pissed off Patti tonight. Or I'm crazy.
I'm sitting first row on the aisle (4th time seeing the show), and regrettably, I'm nauseous the entire night. So I have gum in my mouth to try and settle my stomach, but trying to suck on it, not chew. But occasionally I got too into the show and started chewing. Not loudly, but I'm right there and we did get a lot of eye contact tonight, so I'm sure she saw me. So when they're in the asylum scene, Patti is downstage left, and she fishes into her purse and pulls out what looks life a roll of Lifesavers and making the motion like she wants to give it to me. Then I notice she hasn't stopped looking at in panic...I shake my head in a "no thank you" and she continues with the scene. I hadn't sat audience right for this show yet so I don't know if that's her normal blocking. Was she trying to make a point to me? Am I right to freak out? Should I like write a letter apologizing? Am I just nuts?
Tonight I was actually planning to stage door the show, because I was feeling a bit better, but now I'm freaked out that I pissed off Patti LuPone and she thinks I'm one of those people she mentions in her ramblings.
I'm riddled with guilt to think that I somehow distracted the cast from probably their most brilliant performances yet. The show was amazing tonight and the audience totally ate it up. Patti was just incredible tonight. She was totally loose and playing up the humour and the attitude, and working more than I'd seen her in playing up the physicality of the part. Just astonishing tonight.
I've already got a 4th row ticket for Sweeney in September - and I think I'm going to go see the show again on that same trip. I'm thinking first here's my question:
Where on the first row do I want to be so that I can see Patti the most? Is there one certain side? Dead center?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/20/04
FunnyGirl, if you are more interested in being able to see Patti during her "down time" (i.e. - her instrumental time), then I'd sit on the left side of the front row. If you're more interested in seeing her "in play," then I would do the right side. Then center is a nice balance of the two, and I would favor that section, but those are the folks that seem to always get wet.
Understudy Joined: 2/14/06
Swing Joined: 5/22/06
everythingtaboo, don't worry--she offered them to me to when I was in the same place. I didn't realize she was offering them to me for a few seconds--looking elsewhere--and then I just smiled back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
I got a signed picture in the mail from her today! I just wrote to her last week. She's pretty quick!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
Yesterday, me and a couple friends took a road trip from TN to Atlanta to see the tour of Brooklyn. Why is this relevant?? I decided against dressing up, so of course, i threw on my Sweeney Todd tshirt. I'd already "seen" B'klyn, so i knew i wanted a shirt, so i go up to the merch table, and i tell him which one i want. he goes "but i want YOUR shirt!". I was like "oh, no way.". so we talk for a couple minutes, then a lady customer, standing beside me, flipping through the program speaks up. she's like "have you seen the one with Patti LuPone?". I was like "that's the one". she was probably referring to the concert dvd however, but shoot, i couldn't school them all night on Sweeney! haha.
....then i notice on the back of the B'klyn cd this morning, that Mano is on it! i didn't know that.
the moral of this is EVERYTHING relates to Sweeney.
Kelly, that'd be phenominal if you could stage door with me!! We'll work out some plans as it gets closer. yay.
Chrrymn and Septemberkel - too bad ya'll won't be there on September 9th or 10th......we could stagedoor together! I have a feeling my mom isn't quite going to be into it.
It's always better to stagedoor with the (I don't want to use the word obsessed) fans. But you know what I mean.....the people that really appreciate the force known as THE PATTI.
Any chances you guys might be there on either of those days??