sorry bout that - it's all reposted and formatted correctly as to not be too wide
"But Craig, Daryl wasn't posting on something that would be considered 'private.'"
I think Daryl has trouble separating her private thoughts from what she considers helpful (public) words of advice. She thought she was being funny in posting the things she did, but some wasn't, and many of the statements she made stemmed from some of her private thoughts, or so it seemed.
After reading over some of her other postings, she is obviously exhausted from her job, which is probably one reason why she posts in the manner she does. Some of the stuff she mentions is helpful, but there are a few inappropriate postings that ruin the credibility of what she says.
And as somethingwicked said, if DE and company are marketing their Twitter account as a helpful tool for performers, they should act accordingly when posting.
Stand-by Joined: 5/11/08
But Craig, and others, here's the issue. As someone who has auditioned numerous times for Eisenberg's office, I have issues with this. I realize that the profession I'm currently working in (yes, I'm a working actor in NY) calls for inevitable criticism through the likes of Broadway World, ATC, and whatever else may qualify. These are message boards with a few actors, but mostly audience members and critics alike. Fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But an AUDITION is somewhere where an actor should feel safe to try whatever the casting director asks of them. It should be a comfortable place to try new things.
I know that I've been to some appointments lately where the CD had me doing some downright intimidating and risky things that I myself felt very vulnerable doing, that's the nature of the audition - to see the actor's talents, personality, and honestly their limits at that. And for someone that an actor TRUSTS once they walk in the audition room to make information public that may or may not scrutinize their performance is just wrong and uncalled for. I have very, very thick skin, and I don't even care if something she wrote may have been about me, but a forum such as Broadwayworld CANNOT be compared to what Eisenberg has been Tweeting lately.
There are some helpful hints, sure, but as an actor I find it incredibly unprofessional for her to be mocking her actors in this manner. That's what it is, MOCKING. She's mocking our trust in her through these tweets. I've been texting throughout the day with other actors and we all agree that it's rude, uncalled for, and unethical. Honestly, I'm going to think twice before I go in again to see her.
Broadwayworld is an anonymous forum where people can say whatever they want without any *real* fallout (you think any working actor honestly cares about what is said about them? most go on here for sport), whereas with Eisenberg, she has a demographic of actors who are looking to her for advice. If she wants to get a private account and tweet about all of this to her actual friends, be my guest. But to have an account aiming to help aspiring actors, and then to turn around and trash them is just not right.
*edited because I hate long paragraph responses and didn't realize I had done that without making the appro. breaks*
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 11:05 PM
I agree with SomethingWicked that there is a distinct difference. The difference being that posing on a message board like this is for play, and this particular twitter account is for professional purposes.
I think you missed my point. I'm not debating that issue. I was pointing out to those defending Daryl (which I neither am nor am not) that the "attacks" on her are not unique. It happens here because when people believe that there has been a breach of trust (posting something you heard while visiting backstage, something you know because you are associated with the production either remotely or whatever) people jump on that person. That is ALL I was commenting and responding to.
someone at ATC posted this, and it was so appropriate I had to post it here.
Fair enough
Yes. Exactly. LoveisCompany, I'm not an actor, but you hit the nail on the head. How are people auditioning for her to feel safe in that room if she's shown her true colors for all to see? Are you going to feel comfortable auditioning for her now that you know in her head, she'll probably be rolling her eyes at you and thinking of a witty tweet? Sure, many casting directors probably have not-so-nice things to say about actors who audition for them to coworkers, producers, etc. But I think the problem here is that Daryl has now made her personality known, made it such that people will expect her to evaluate as she's shown she does, and that could be a big stain on her reputation.
"someone at ATC posted this, and it was so appropriate I had to post it here."
Oh boy, imagine the scene if Patti auditioned for DE.
This thread is going way too far.
It is unfortunate that a person's good name is being dragged through the mud like this. We all make errors in judgment or have moments when we do something we later realize we shouldn't have -- in an audition, a performance or in life. None of us would want to be defined by them.
I am not trying to defend what she did, but I don't think it warrants a thread like this, bearing her name, that can affect her career and reputation. She doesn't deserve that.
I think of this as akin to talking about people sending in their resumes and cover letters -- you don't do that. it may not be illegal, but it's very bad form and very unprofessional.
In our very small office, I help out our HR department. In the office, and only within earshot of maybe 5 people, I verbally made some idle comments making fun of a few candidates' typos and choice of letterhead, and our CEO (firmly but in a friendly way) asked me to not talk about anything any candidates sent us and keep it within the three people who make the HR decisions. I learned my lesson and didn't and won't do it again.
The Daryl Eisenberg situation is not that different, and is much more public.
We all make errors in judgment or have moments when we do something we later realize we shouldn't have
I don't think we're sure she's made it to the second part yet.
dr_jekyll, what Eisenberg has done is going to hurt her reputation far more than the comments people are making about it here.
Actions speak louder than words.
Stand-by Joined: 5/11/08
I strongly believe the fallout from this will be much larger than she suspected. To begin with, she has very few shows, namely festivals, which are *typically* free or very VERY little pay for the casting director, which is why you will hardly ever see a large casting office such as Telsey, Binder, or Tara Rubin casting NYMF, FRINGE, or what have you. I'm not ragging on these festivals, but they're lower profile. For someone who probably wants to garner a more reputable casting platform, she just made some horrible career moves.
I realize they're just tweets, but the fact that Equity has gotten involved will NOT play out prettily for her. And for the record, when I've been in the room with her, she's been nothing but nice. So until her tweets have gotten nasty, I've had nothing but good things to say about her, ironically namely because she was one of the few CDs I've been in front of lately who *didn't* use a laptop in the room. Ohh, irony.
Edited because LoveisCompany slipped in there. Dr_jekyll, you make it sound like she's done absolutely nothing wrong and people are just randomly attacking her out of nowhere, for no reason. She DID do something wrong, and something that has clearly upset a lot of people. What she did is stupid; she made a mistake, and she put it out there in a huge, wide-reaching way; if it impacts her career or her reputation, it's her own fault. She's screwing her own "good name."
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
...i like the tweets haha. i took daryls class, and she is very very serious about her work. im sure she is paying attention to the audition and only tweets inbetween. i find the tweets extremely helpful, and people are a little too sensitive about something thats not a huge deal. if you feel that the casting directors attention isnt fully on you, its most likely because you didnt command attention when you entered the room and therefore are the only one at fault for not making your audition all it could be! thats just my opinion.
luvtheemcee and LoveIsCompany hit the nail on the head, as usual.
imatoofbrush, you look like you could use one of these.
Be Careful What You Post on Twitter
If the CD looses interest, yeah it's a good deal the actor's fault. But, the professional way to deal is to drift off and make a mental grocery list not tweet about it.
It is unfortunate that a person's good name is being dragged through the mud like this.
She dragged her own name through the mud when she publicly attached it to those Twitter comments.
Looks like her assistant VERY RECENTLY went private. Good call.
Stand-by Joined: 5/11/08
This has NOTHING to do about them losing interest in you. I've gotten multiple callbacks with this office (and jobs, for the record), and to me, she has been nothing but gracious with her time in the room. I usually try and form opinions about others based on my direct dealings with them, but this, this is another animal entirely. This is betraying the actor's trust when without us, she has no job. As others have said, her downfall (if it ends up that way) was her own doing.
If she had tweeted these tweets to good friends, that'd be one thing. But to use a forum which she specifically prides as being one that HELPS actors is completely contradictory to her point. This sort of thing makes it impossible to trust the casting director. I don't care about making her love you the minute you walk into the room, that has NOTHING to do with this whatsoever.
EDIT for Lizzie's post... yes, this is what should have been done WEEKS ago. If Eisenburg had made this account private, or set up her own private account to spew these tweets into, it would be a nonissue entirely.
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 11:45 PM
Lizzie: Yeah, she made it private, but it is still in Google's cache.
Swing Joined: 8/12/09
As she makes clear in her tweets, she was alerted to the problem by Equity, and her responses to actors' concerns are among the rudest of her posts.
"There is NO rule/guideline against Twitter/Facebook/MySpace/Friendster. Freedom of speech. Ever heard of it?" (And yes, the First Amendment is completely irrelevant here, as is the legality of the rudeness.)
"Dear @ActorsEquity - it is MORE distracting dealing with your constant complaints right now than it is to tweet!" CONSTANT complaints. By her own definition, she had multiple chances all day to reconsider her behavior. And the complaints should not come in because they add to the already existing distraction that is her tweeting. That's great.
This was not a momentary lapse of judgment that we've all had and wish we could take back. The arrogance of handling actors' concerns in this way is appalling. And the only consequence is that we can go on a forum and point it out, using her name? Not gonna call that unfair, sorry.
Swing Joined: 8/12/09
PS: Am I totally 10 steps behind here, or did she see fit to delete the "Your skirt makes me think you're a Wiccan" gem of insight?