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The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#1The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:28pm

Where has the original thread gone? Have the BWW police struck again?

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:30pm

What the hell? Why did that warrant deletion? Because we weren't being nice? Well, neither was she. She behaved like a fool, she put it out there, it's fair game to talk about.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#2re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:31pm

I asked for it to be taken down until after callbacks. I think it went really well so I have my fingers crossed and I don't need you guys ruining my dream.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

broadway122 Profile Photo
#4re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:33pm

I think so. I was reading page 3 and wanting to go to 4 but I was just blank. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread Were things getting bad towards the end of the thread?
Anyways, I think that is so rude and disrespectful. Whenever someone is performing, you should never be on your phone or any other distractions. You should give your full attention. Especially, if it is your job to watch people perform for you.

"i had no idea billy elliot was about one boy's triumph over epilepsy."-FindingNamo

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#5re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:34pm

It went to 6 pages, then poof.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#6re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:35pm

No. People were saying that she isn't nice, after someone proclaimed that she was a "very nice person." Which is false.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 08:35 PM

Lumen2 Profile Photo
#8re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:38pm

Hasn't anyone ever heard of the first amendment? GOD!

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#13re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:57pm

Thanks for reposting it all, Craig.

I'm still trying to formulate a response to the issue. One that doesn't involve words that will cause the thread to be purposefully deleted.

"Also, what on earth makes you think she didn't work hard for her company?"

Because she's in her early 20s, runs her own company, and no bank in their right mind would give a business loan to someone who just graduated from college if moneyed co-signers (i.e. Mommy and Daddy) weren't heavily involved. And we have mutual acquaintances. So, no, she didn't.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Craig Profile Photo
#13re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:58pm

My fault entirely. And no - nothing nefarious except I hit delete on a post and apparently it wiped the thread out. But here are the replies...

Subject: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions


I think this is wildly inappropriate --- especially all the negative comments. Isn't the audition room supposed to be one of the last protected spots.

Hello, Equity???

Posted by Member: i am the one

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Bleh, amateurs.

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Based on the most recent comments it looks like he's already getting heat for his actions.

Posted by Member: Pianolin717

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Actually, it's a she. Either way, I find her tweets rather funny and it's not like she posts names.

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Wow, I think that is very unprofessional.

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Actually, it's a she. Either way, I find her tweets rather funny and it's not like she posts names.

I was just thinking the same thing. The things she's posting aren't bad but the fact that she's doing it during auditions is rude. If I went on a job interview and the person interviewing me texted the whole time I'd be very insulted. It shows me that this isn't worth their time.

Posted by Member: Leia947

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: I'm liking the tweets. Who knows how she's doing it? Maybe she's doing it during, maybe she waits until they're done and does it when they're gone. We don't know.

Posted by Member: Pianolin717

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: But we also don't know if she is doing it WHILE they are singing (probably not, she is probably focusing on them) or after they leave the room and no longer there.

Posted by Member: i am the one

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: While the small-minded may be amused, I'd think this man-named woman trying to make it in this business would put a little more tact and professionalism into her company.

I'm positive many people wouldn't want to work with a gossipy little [expletive of choice].

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: I'm bothered by the comments themselves--they're completely unnecessary. Constructive criticism is one thing, but these are downright snarky.

Posted by Member: Jordan Catalano

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: It's nerve wracking enough going into an audition room, do these poor men and women really need the CD to be texting the entire time? Rude and unprofessional and shows a total lack of interest in their job. I know what a demanding job that is and there are times where you need to answer your phone or send a text but intentionally ignoring the person in front of you just to comment on them to others is infuriating.

And it's a good thing her assistant is there to pay attention to the details since she obviously, is not.


Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: But we also don't know if she is doing it WHILE they are singing (probably not, she is probably focusing on them) or after they leave the room and no longer there.

Still doesn't matter. This isn't as if she's discussing the auditioner with a group of other people on the creative staff. What if you auditioned and then saw this? You know what time they were posted and what time you auditioned. It wouldn't be too hard to see that she was talking about you.

Back to the job interview analogy. If I went on a job interview and discovered that the interviewer had tweeted about my interview after I left I would be quite upset. It would make me reconsider working for a company with employees like that.


Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: And she also posts song choices in some cases, as well as excerpts from resumes and cover letters to point out how bad they are, so I think it would be quite easy to identify yourself.

Posted by Member: SarahBeth

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: I always assume directors talk about me after I finish my audition, but i'd rather remain blissfully ignorant to exactly what was said.

Posted by Member: BroadwayBound115

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: You know, this is kind of a heads up to alot of people. She/He kinda gives little tips.

Posted by Member: BroadwayBound115

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: You know, this is kind of a heads up to alot of people. She/He kinda gives little tips.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: "Either way, I find her tweets rather funny and it's not like she posts names."

She posts some identifying traits in her tweets that, if I found and knew it was me, I'd be upset:

"your skirt makes me think you're Wiccan..."

She tries to argue on the basis of freedom of speech. But if you are going to make snarky comments about people at auditions, that certainty does not reflect well on the company at all. She should be more professional. You can't have both. I certainly wouldn't want to work for a company whose employees were like this.

One time, a guy went on a business trip to some city down South. He found the city boring/slow, and made a tweet about it. The company he was visiting found his tweet, and they were not happy at all. It made the company he was representing look quite unprofessional.

The thing that gets me is the casting person did it on the company Twitter account. If she wanted to make these comments, she could have done it on her own personal account if she really wanted to express her thoughts that bad.


Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Hello to all my new followers! Join the debate! Do you appreciate tweets from inside the audition room?

Honestly, it seems she's enjoying the attention she's getting


Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Ditto, Eris.

I came across this tweet from someone who responded to it:

"Love it and find myself amused by all this "controversy"! How is it different from the Legally Blonde casting show?"

Isn't it different from the Legally Blonde casting show because participants on the show sign contracts that basically allow MTV to "own" them? In the sense that the show can edit scenes and make comments to portray people in a certain light?


Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: How do you view the responses? I'm not that familiar with Twitter.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions


Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: I just happened to look into DE Casting's follower list, and you can see the most recent tweets below the user name if you have it in expanded view. I just randomly came across that one.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Or what Lizzie Curry did.

Posted by Member: claudioislove

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: A lot of people are saying how "educational" it is to actors to see what casting directors really think. But all she's really doing is mocking people. If she really wanted to be helpful, she would do it AFTER auditions, and would be careful to not be rude to people.

It reminds me of Perez Hilton for some reason, and I'm not sure why.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: re: Casting Director 'Tweeting' DURING Auditions

Message: Yeah, a lot of people are replying how helpful and amusing they find them. I don't think there is actually anything wrong with the actual tweeting, but she should be more respectful and professional. You could still give your tips and thoughts without making unnecessary references to someone's clothing or "epic fails."

ETA: Also, you shouldn't be doing it during the actual audition. You should be paying attention and doing your job! Wouldn't that be AEA's motivation for banning them?

Posted by Member: proptart101

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: "There is NO rule/guideline against Twitter/Facebook/MySpace/Friendster. Freedom of speech. Ever heard of it?"

It never ceases to amaze how many people have absolutely no conception of what "Freedom of speech" applies to.

"Freedom of Speech" as enumerated in the US Constitution applies to freedom from government interference in your speech/writings. Period.

Perhaps if he/she was paying attention in high school civic class rather than passing notes (pre-tweets) he/she wouldn't be so daft as to defend unprofessional rudeness with a completely ignorant and incorrect citing of the 1st Amendment and/or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

To steal from Samuel Johnson, "Crying "Freedom of Speech" is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I have no beef with her wanting to educate others and offer tips. But, as millie said, that's not what she's doing here. She's being mean-spirited and rude.

If she wanted to offer helpful tips to others there are better ways to do it. All she's doing is bring a black cloud over her employer. Maybe someone should send this to Reidel re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: The ATC discussion is interesting, too:

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I knew this girl years ago. I haven't kept in touch with her, but this doesn't surprise me.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Per the BWW article.. Equity is after her..

"We checked in with an Equity Spokesperson, who told us that "AEA is aware of the situation because of numerous complaints about the unprofessional behavior of the person in question and is addressing the situation accordingly." "

Seriously, that is the most unprofessional thing I have EVER seen.. and how degrading and insulyting can you be to actors? Geez.


Posted by Member: wonderfulwizard11

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I would hate to audition for this person. Auditioning is hard enough, I would at least like the full attention of the person I am in front of. It's just so rude and unprofessional.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: LOL at "I pick my nose at auditions, maybe I will get a letter."

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I was reading more of the Twit's Tweets and she deserves to lose every last client she has. I considered going in for Gay Bride of Frankenstein. Scratch that.

Posted by Member: AlgonquinProd2

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I, and I'm sure many others on this board, have been in eight hour sessions with casting directors. There's a few simple rules during a person's audition that are generally followed. You don't eat, you don't text, you don't answer your cell phone. You DEFINITELY don't tweet or twixt or whatever this is. The majority of casting directors I've dealt with are civil, polite, even encouraging people who give the auditionee their full attention. I don't wish anyone to be fired, but it would be great if this publicity curtailed or stopped her behavior.

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I like this comment from ATC: "I wonder what Ms. Eisenberg's reaction would be if an auditioner whipped out a Blackberry and started typing in the middle of his audition piece."

Someone, do this please. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Oh, lordy: "Statement of my own coming later...too busy now...IN AUDITIONS (as if you didn't know)."

*twirls finger in air* Good for you, dear.

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: So, the twit is the DE in "DECasting"? I was hoping she was just an employee who could be fired.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Yup, apparently the tweeter is the DE in DECasting:

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I'm glad auditions are back, now we can read more about whose clothing is ugly and who chose a good or bad song.

Btw, thanks for the tip on how to read the responses, this is really interesting to follow.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Yes, she has her own casting agency, she's in her early/mid 20's.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Oh, luvtheEmcee, I liked your reply better before you edited it. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: She's on IMDB has been involved with many high-profile shows such as Gossip Girl and Grey Gardens.

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: DE just posted to say that she only twitters when the actors are not in the room. I maintain the nature of the remarks themselves are what's unprofessional.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Same here. It's only marginally less rude that she actually waits.

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I agree with Lizzie and Spork. Whether they're in the room or not it's childish and, almost, smells of jealousy.

If she were really interested in educating young actors she could have a section on her website with tips.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Yes, insulting the actors in ANY way is unprofessional.. you aren't doing it to their face, you are doing it in a public forum and in a catty fashion from a 'PROFESSIONAL' account attributed to your company no less.

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Yeah, I'm not sure if there's anything Actors Equity can do, but I do hope her clients drop her and/or people don't audition for the shows she's casting.

Posted by Member: BwayDva29

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: What wait? I don't believe for a second that she actually waited for the actors to leave the room, which is clear from her tweets.

This is sick! I dont care who she is, or how much freakin power she has. It's nerve-wracking enough to go into an audition (as safe a place as it may be), how dare she sit there on her phone tweeting as if she doesn't give a damn. Who does she think she is?!

There should be some punishment for her actions. I don't care HOW far up the ladder she is. Tell her she can't cast for equity shows anymore, treat her like a child and have someone ELSE hold her phone while at auditions. SOMETHING! If this goes by, then it'll really really be sad. This is just wrong!

Posted by Member: claudioislove

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: "Thank you, Tony-award-winning composer, for weighing in on the debate!"

^ who??

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I was trying to find who the composer was and his/her comment, but no luck. Please let me know if you do.

And, yeah, I'm not sure she waits, either, but either way I think it's wrong.

Posted by Member: SarahBeth

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Judging by the tense of some of the tweets I think some of them were while the person auditioning was still in the room.

He. Is. So. Cute would've been was instead of is if he had left already wouldn't it?

Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Yeah and when she's like "ALL RIGHT, JOURNEY" or something.

Posted by Member: wizard2joe

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I don't think she's using her phone she brings a laptop to the audition and tweets.

If it was her phone it would say under the tweet but instead it says" Web".

Posted by Member: Tom1071

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: Either way, what she is doing is extremely unprofessional.


Posted by Member: PalJoey

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I expect that she will very soon be Tweeting from the unemployment line.

Posted by Member: ShbrtAlley44

Subject: My favorite Tweet so far

Message: I very much hope so. I would never want to audition for someone like that.

Posted by Member: EugLoven

Subject: RE:

Message: This is going to end-up mattering just about as much as sushi in 6-months time.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: RE:

Message: Mean, unprofessional B!itch. Throw the book at her, Equity!

Posted by Member: Rob

Subject: RE:

Message: Since it was a NYMF show in question, we checked with the festival for their statement:

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: RE:

Message: This is going to end-up mattering just about as much as sushi in 6-months time.

Not if it ends up setting a precedent to avoid this in the future.

Posted by Member: BwayDva29

Subject: RE:

Message: It had better set a precedent. I'll be royally pissed if nothing gets done about this.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: RE:

Message: Not the best analogy, Eug. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

I'm just amazed by how insolent she continues to be. Does she think she's making a good impression by "standing up" to Equity? She comes off looking like a rude, spoiled brat.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: RE:

Message: Looking like? No.. IS.

Posted by Member: CAX

Subject: RE:

Message: There is actually a very simple solution to this. Suspend their ability to cast AEA members and ACTORS should boycott their "Audition Class" which they clearly make quite a penny off of, charging $399.00 a pop for. Let them sit on that for a while.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: RE:

Message: I'm too lazy. Someone start a Facebook group.

Posted by Member: pknegten

Subject: RE:

Message: And just what precedent do you think will get set? How well have fights against the emergence of new forms of communication (especially real-time like Twitter) fared thus far?

I guarantee you she won't be the last CD to Tweet her thoughts. I'd learn to deal with the fact that communication and feedback is going to be a lot more easily accessible on the web, for better and for worse.

And I assure you that plenty of the comments here (e.g. "I'd think this man-named woman trying to make it in this business would put a little more tact and professionalism into her company.") are far more personally offensive than DE's remarks directed at unnamed actors.

It's only Twitter, people...

Posted by Member: CateBroadway

Subject: RE:

Message: I hadn't followed Darryl on twitter but after seeing this I just read her tweets and to be perfectly honest, I found them insightful. I wish I had read these before. As an actress, to be able to get a glimpse behind the table is invaluable. I can't believe people are making a big deal out of this. They are not mean spirited and I think it's a great resource for actors to be able to see an uncensored account of what's going on in an audition room.

Posted by Member: LoveIsCompany

Subject: RE:

Message: As someone who has auditioned for this office, she was very polite in the room, but definitely on her laptop and barely looked up until the end when I sustained a high C. To be honest, though, she's not the only culprit. I love the man, but Clemmons Facebooks from auditions all the time. That's not to say it's while we're auditioning, but he too is always on his computer, and as one of his FB friends, I see that his updates come within the auditioning period. He doesn't comment on specific performers, though, so I don't have any qualms with that. I DO, however, feel its incredibly rude to comment on a particular auditioner. Sure, she can use the account to answer some honest questions (which I read through and actually enjoyed reading), but when it comes to mocking the performers, that's just someone who feels like going on a power trip because she can. Sadly, though, it's not behind the anonymity that can protect her name.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: RE:

Message: "It's only Twitter, people... "

and that comment is what is troubling.

I see you just joined today, welcome.

Posted by Member: Byron Abens

Subject: RE:

Message: And right now there isn't much Equity can do. As of now there is no ruling in any of the audition codes that I have seen that have forbid this.

So if Equity really wants to curb this they need to take action, but you can't grandfather in punishment/repercussions against people who violated a rule that did not exist.

And having been on the other side of the table, all of these things and worse have been said as soon as the door closes behind an actor. I'm not condoning or justifying making these public, but if anybody thinks these types of comments are not the norm then they are deluding themselves.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: RE:

Message: "I can't believe people are making a big deal out of this. "

You can't?

Perhaps people are offended when a casting director is not paying attention to their audition.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: RE:

Message: Yeah, much of her tweets(what the?) are not notices from the office or general audition tips. They are aimed at specific performers and very rude and snarky in nature and made from the office twitter account... TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. THAT is a problem. the problem is NOt the technology, it is the woman.


Posted by Member: BwayDva29

Subject: RE:

Message: I'm you act? Do you get up in front of casting directors, nerves raw, brain fried, and your sole focus is to get that part?! If the answer is no, then shut up.

What she did was unprofessional, and just downright RUDE! It's hard enough for an actor to get up there and do what they need to do in front of people that will seal their fate, but to have someone sitting there, on a laptop or cell phone while doing it is makes it that much worse.

And to someone else's comment, yes, I know things are said behind closed doors after an actor has walked out of the room, that's obvious, and it has to happen and is part of the elimination process. BUT! there is a big difference between one casting director speaking to a director or another casting director than there is with a casting director TWITTERING her opinion about people!

The entire thing is unprofessional and should be punsished, stopped, and squashed. She thinks she's above everyone else just because she didn't have to work hard and struggle for her company. Well, if she thinks that than SHE'S delusional!

Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: RE:

Message: Considering your relationship with the person in question, don't you think you're a tad bit biased, pknetgen?

It kind of disqualifies any merit from your argument when the person you joined the board to defend is your girlfriend.

Posted by Member: fgreene1938

Subject: RE:

Message: My only hope is that this casting director will be assigned to the next Patti Lupone show, specifically while Patti's trying out a new solo. That'll teach her.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: RE:

Message: It's only Twitter, people...

Tell that to Neda.

Posted by Member: SarahBeth

Subject: RE:

Message: I have been on the other side of the table and have heard some of the same comments but these still remained behind the table and never left the room. My comments usually just consisted of a yes or no with the occasional good energy or nice shirt since all I was looking for was my featured dancers. And making a visual and mental note about wardrobe choices helped me remember them later. A director I had informed me on some behind the table comments about me. Although these were good comments I still felt uncomfortable hearing them, it just seems taboo.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: RE:

Message: I think that's the point, there's nothing wrong with using these kinds of forums to give insightful commentary, or advice, or update your Facebook status from the audition room, whatever. But the problem here is that she's posting things that are insulting, irrelevant, and rude and childish. There's just no need. I think it's the content more than the act itself; granted, if you're too busy updating your Twitter to pay full attention to the people auditioning for you, that's another story, but if it doesn't get in the way and is appropriate commentary, I think it's fine.

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: RE:



Posted by Member: InfiniteTheaterFrenzy

Subject: RE:

Message: I wish Frank Rich had tweeted during the 1980's.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: RE:

Message: ^I think he did, without the apparatus^ re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

Posted by Member: pknegten

Subject: RE:

Message: No, that doesn't disqualify me from commenting, thanks.

Posted by Member: lovesclassics

Subject: RE:

Message: The challenge of new technology has always been deciding how to use it. Just because we CAN twitter anything we want doesn't mean we should. A little professionalism and ethical consideration should apply. And if people like DE aren't smart enough to know where the boundaries are, then it's up to others to establish guidelines - and/or consequences - for them.

Nuclear fission didn't have to result in nuclear bombs. Life support doesn't have to be used to keep people breathing even when they are brain dead. Yes, these are extreme examples, but the same logic applies. It's how we USE technology that counts. Let's exercise a little good judgment, shall we?


Posted by Member: TeamDaryl

Subject: RE:

Message: I am sorry, but BwayDiva, do YOU act? Because you know that if you're successful in the audition room, you will have to perform in front of, and subject yourself to the criticism of, potentially thousands of people, right? Even if she IS being snarky and insulting (which I don't think she is), how is that ANY worse than a snarky/insulting theatre review?

Also, what on earth makes you think she didn't work hard for her company? Is she from a theatrical legacy or something?

(And yes, yes I did register for Bway world just to respond to this mess. Who can resist a good train wreck?)

Posted by Member: broadwayguy2

Subject: RE:

Message: Clearly DVA does.

And that is a critic's job. NOT THE CASTING DIRECTORS.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: RE:

Message: Even if she IS being snarky and insulting (which I don't think she is), how is that ANY worse than a snarky/insulting theatre review?

Because what goes on in the audition room isn't generally meant to be made public? You can't compare and audition to a performance on a stage, I'm sorry. I also don't think it's right for reviewers to be insulting or excessively snarky, but that's another issue.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: RE:

Message: Even if she IS being snarky and insulting (which I don't think she is), how is that ANY worse than a snarky/insulting theatre review?

Because commenting on how someone is doing their job is MUCH more fair game, much more valid, far less tacky and far less unprofessional than commenting on their progress in the HR process.

Posted by Member: BwayDva29

Subject: RE:

Message: Actually, TeamDaryl, I do. And there's a BIG difference between a casting director, who has your JOB in their hands, than a freakin Michael Riedel type person who don't get to pass judgement until AFTER you have a job!

Reviews don't neccessarily make or break an actor's career, but a casting director could ruin someone's career by PUBLICLY passing judgement on an actor! They are NOT paid, and aren't expected to pass judgement in a public forum as a critic is expeced to.

Posted by Member: SarahBeth

Subject: RE:

Message: TeamDaryl
Yes. People will make snarky comments. These people including fans and reviewers. BUT a casting director should be above such comments and maintain a certain professionalism. We're all trained to be prepared for these comments from fans and for a bad review. It's different when somebody who is supposed to be giving you a job is publicly ridiculing you.

Posted by Member: pknegten

Subject: RE:

Message: How could she ruin anyone's career, given that she never reveals who anyone is? Did you READ the tweets, or are you just against this in principle?

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: RE:

Message: "Judging by the tense of some of the tweets I think some of them were while the person auditioning was still in the room."

Yeah, I totally agree:

"your skirt makes me think you're Wiccan..."

Why would you write in that tone about someone who already left the room? Even so, auditioners in the room or not - still unprofessional.

Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: RE:

Message: For someone so strong in her convictions, Ms. Eisenberg's Twitter account seems to have gone all but silent since this mess hit the fan.

The bottom line is that casting directors are supposed to foster a safe environment for actors. The people behind the table at a casting audition want auditioners to do their best because it makes their job easier. The anonymous "Tweets" aren't the problem- it's Eisenberg's complete disrespect for the people who are the very life blood of her industry.

Does she really think people are going to feel comfortable with her behind the table knowing that she's more preoccupied with updating a social networking site than paying attention to her purpose for being there in the first place?

Her professional aptitude (or lack there of) has really shown through.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: RE:

Message: Of course the kind of comments that she twittered are in the minds of many in the profession. The difference is those who keep their thoughts to themselves are judicious, while Ms. Daryl, announcing her thoughts to the world is just revealing her big, stupid, meanspirited mouth.

Posted by Member: SarahBeth

Subject: RE:

Message: Even if the name of the actor isn't revealed if you're the person being made fun of chances are you can tell by the time frame and what was said. And even if no one else can tell YOU still know and that sits in the back of your head.

Posted by Member: TeamDaryl

Subject: RE:

Message: It's pretty standard for auditions to be put on tape and viewed by all sorts of people. They are by no means "private." I, personally, am of the view that success as an actor calls for a thick skin when it comes to criticism, and there seems to be just a whole lot of sensitivity around here. Again, to repeat many other posters, she is not naming anyone by name, and nothing she says is all that offensive. If you don't look like your headshot, you NEED a new headshot! That is not being mean, it's being honest, and it's a reality check that many, many actors need. This twitter account exists for the purpose of educating people (actors) about her thoughts and process as a CD. I think she's providing a valuable resource, and by whining about it, I think many actors are cutting off their collective nose to spite their collective face. USE this information to your advantage, that is WHY she's putting it out there.

Posted by Member: hannahjane43

Subject: RE:

Message: broadwayguy2

A casting director is in a sense a critic, judging people to decide if they fit a role.

Also, her tweets are more often than not beneficial to the actor, ranging from information about a resume to what songs to sing and what not to wear. You would think most people attending her professional auditions would know this information so its a little ridiculous that it's even there to tweet about.


Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: RE:

Message: What Eisenberg is doing, in eseence, is biting the very hand that feeds her.

Let's see how she feels when the same people she's being "honest" about stop showing up to her casting calls.

She needs actors just as much (if not more) as they need her.

Posted by Member: Lumen2

Subject: RE:

Message: My only question to this is what in the name of hell is this woman trying to prove with her comments? Why would it cross her mind to tweet about people auditioning for her? Is it just to be funny? Because it seems like she's begging for attention from her followers. I guess that's the point of Twitter, but as everyone has said, it's unprofessional nonetheless. And desperate.

Posted by Member: EvilPip

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: <<"Freedom of Speech" as enumerated in the US Constitution applies to freedom from government interference in your speech/writings. Period. >

THANK YOU, Proptart! I don't get why something being technically legal becomes an argument for why the behavior can't be shouted down as unprofessional. If an actor took it upon himself to snark about what the CD, AD, MD, etc. was wearing, their choice of audition requirements, etc., while still not mentioning names and (how holy) not doing it during their auditions, he would be rightfully labeled by all those on the other side of the table as unprofessional and trying to grasp at some hint of dignity in his frustrated life.

If I were looking for a Casting Director for my project, how could I take this person seriously? Especially as she announces to the world "Should I see the show I cast?"

And finally, if she wants to be "insightful," hopefully she can keep track of her own insights long enough to sum them up at the end of the day. This is an open call actors are trying to get seen...if you have that much downtime between actors, how about tightening up your system and seeing some actors who are waiting in the hall all day?

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Apparently she has some sort of sense of self-preservation, as her personal Twitter is private. (Although I'm not sure for how long; I know it was like this at least 4 or 5 hours ago.)

Posted by Member: coffeecase

Subject: RE:

Message: To defend this behavior on the grounds that it's educational is absolute lunacy. It is nothing more than a pathetic display of ill manners and trite (hackneyed) bitchiness, meant to make the tweeter look important and/or powerful. Chances are she feels the need to broadcast these imbecilic cliches over the internet because everyone else behind the table chooses to ignore her when she utters them.

As a director myself I would never think of working with such a person, and know many who will avoid her professionally due to this incident. Yes, there is always a level of humor and banter behind the table. However, there is also a high respect for the etiquette of the process. Power games and US/THEM intimidation are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past.

The internet is a very powerful tool, and the communicative potential of twitter is immense. But here it has served not to shed light on the audition process, but has instead revealed a particular casting director's tenuous grasp of it.

... and yes, I joined specifically to make this comment.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: It's not private in the sense that it stays completely in the room; of course conversations happen and other people see tapes; but that is STILL not the same as broadcasting the proceedings to the entire Internet.

I feel like she thinks she's being witty or cute, but in the end she's just coming out looking like a bitch.

Posted by Member: Craig

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Without passing judgement - I pose this

Auditions are the nature of the beast for any actor.

Getting criticism is also the nature of the beast - whether it's live at the audition or perhaps via phone, etc afterwards.

The "new" element that DE has brought to the table is that now an actor going in for an audition has, in the back of their mind, the slight/justified paranoia that what goes on in the audition room will be tweeted. Regardless of anonymity - that has to play at least into the psychology of the event during the audition.

So the dynamic of the audition DOES change when this new element is introduced - no?

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: "This twitter account exists for the purpose of educating people (actors) about her thoughts and process as a CD."

I don't believe that for a second.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Craig, I think you're right, and it reminds me of another situation of which I learned late in the day.

It seems that when you audition for a commercial, do not assume that anyone beside the CD who taped it will see it.

Many timesm those auditions which the CD deems not worthy, are deleted from the tape.

Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: The audition dynamic totally changes for the worse with something like this in the equation.

Eisenberg should want the people auditioning for her to feel comfortable and do well, not paranoid about what bitchy comment she'll make about them on her Twitter account. She's only making her own job harder.

In trying to be witty and market herself, she has come off looking like a completely unprofessional bitch.

The best casting directors (and the most successful ones) offer a supportive and safe atmosphere. That's clearly not the case in this instance.


Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Jane2, I don't either. That's like saying Jackass exists to educate people on what not to do when you're lighting various orifices on fire or hanging over an alligator.

Posted by Member: TeamDaryl

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Well, my advice to such a worried actor would be: bring a headshot that looks like you, make sure your contact info is on your resume, bring sheet music, confirm that you are appropriate for at least one role being cast, and then get in there and do your best. If you follow these guidelines, I doubt you'll be tweeted on.

I've actually now been going back through DE's tweets... Turns out, they are mostly in response to actors' questions... She seems to have a back-and-forth dialogue going with her followers... I still fail to see why any of this is an issue. Have any of you actually read her twitter? It's actually very tame, compared to the outrage being played out here.


Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Yeah, knowing that they're possibly going to end up ridiculed on the Internet is going to make actors even MORE nervous to audition than they might already be. I don't know, but I'm of the opinion that casting directors should, despite the fact that, yes, it is their job to be judgmental, be people who make the actors feel safe. This isn't going to make anyone feel safe with her. Getting criticism is the nature of the beast, yes, but I think there's a degree to which that can be used as an excuse. I'm sorry, but I just don't think this is right in the way it's being carried out.

Of course it plays into the psychology of it; she's totally psyching people out. But doesn't this new added fear she's creating make auditioning that much more agonizing? I don't see how that's right. I'd think a casting director would want to make the actors feel like she's on their side. The casting directors who have the most respect are the ones who are encouraging and supportive -- who want you to succeed when you walk into that room. They want you to be what they're looking for. They're not sitting there thinking what about you makes the best "witty" commentary.

Posted by Member: Eris0303

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Craig, I agree with you. The Broadway community can have a "small town" feel to it where everyone seems to know everyone else. I doubt there will be many people attending auditions who won't know that this has happened. And should any of those people attend an audition where this person is CD it will certainly play on their minds. "Is she typing about me right now?" and such. Even with the thickest of skin can a person really be on the top of their game in a situation such as that?

Getting criticism is also the nature of the beast

Yes, and that criticism is usually constructive. I, personally, found nothing constructive in what I read today.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: "Also, her tweets are more often than not beneficial to the actor, ranging from information about a resume to what songs to sing and what not to wear."

How are they beneficial? Don't wear skirts to auditions? It didn't go into detail at all about what to wear to auditions or how to act. Many of them were empty statements mocking the performers. Whether you named names or not, it is still unprofessional.


Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Well, my advice to such a worried actor would be: bring a headshot that looks like you, make sure your contact info is on your resume, bring sheet music, confirm that you are appropriate for at least one role being cast, and then get in there and do your best.

I know all this and I'm not even an actor.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: team Daryl, her little hobby is a red flag.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: they are mostly in response to actors' questions... She seems to have a back-and-forth dialogue going with her followers... I still fail to see why any of this is an issue.

And those are not the comments that are getting people upset. And the nice, insightful, potentially-helpful dialogue does not negate the comments she's made blatantly mocking people, etc. Again, yes, surely these things get said in the room after someone leaves, or in the office the day after. But they SHOULD NOT BE PUBLIC. That's childish and rude.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: "If you follow these guidelines, I doubt you'll be tweeted on."

So, for future reference, you must not make a mistake, otherwise there is a possibility you will be tweeted on.


Posted by Member: TeamDaryl

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Mmk, well, color me confused as to why this is such a controversy... I just searched her on this site and found a recent article PRAISING her twitter...

This community is a fickle little minx, I guess. My recommendation to people on this board would be to remove her twitter from your feeds and leave it to the (apparently many, many) actors who find it helpful. And if you're not comfortable auditioning for her, well, don't. It takes all kinds to make a world, after all.


Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: If Eisenberg is so sure there's nothing wrong with her Twittering, why hasn't she updated her account in the past three hours that this whole thing has gone up in smoke? Or is she suddenly too busy working to offer her venomous remarks?

Her silence speaks volumes.

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: The board doesn't make up the group of writers, TeamDaryl.

Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Oh, well, one actor praises her Twitter (before this incident, of course), so we ALL should! Being helpful in the past totally makes this charade okay.

Do you need someone to share with you the definition of "controversy?" Would that help you better understand why this is one?

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Well, I quit the business a long time ago, so this event doesn't directly impact my life. But I feel sad that you, team Daryl, and perhaps others, are in support of this nasty activity.

To quote you-

"It takes all kinds to make a world, after all."

Sure does. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread


Posted by Member: luvtheEmcee

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Hah, ATC is really going for blood.

Posted by Member: somethingwicked

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Let us put the shoe on the other foot.

How would Eisenberg feel if the actors auditioning for her tweeted about her decorum mid-monologue in an effort to offer "constructive criticism" about her casting process? Would she find it as positive as she seems to find her own remarks?

I think not.


Posted by Member: Byron Abens

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: You know the best thing about Twitter?

You can ignore it! If an actor doesn't want to know what she says they don't have to follow her. Might it still cause some anxiety? I guess, but then they might as well leave the profession because there will always be somebody posting something snarky, bitchy, or downright offensive online somewhere. Need we bring up the Orfeh incident?

That being said, if I should ever leave stage management for directing and had this going on from my casting director I would take it upon myself to ask them to stop, but that's just me.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: "if I should ever leave stage management for directing and had this going on from my casting director I would take it upon myself to ask them to stop, but that's just me. "

Why should they stop? your first paragraph suggests it's ok.

Posted by Member: AvenueQResident

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: This just shows how bitchy the people in 'theatre' can be. I wouldn't want to work with someone like that.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

Craig Profile Photo
#14re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:59pm

Posted by Member: larry64

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: I think that those performers upset by the "Twittering CD" are the same ones that complain about everything else during the audition process.

This is not new news. Cd's have been eating, talking on the phone, leaving the room, and doing most things that one would consider interruptions during audition sessions.

If you put an ounce of worry into any of these things then YOU AS A PERFORMER ARE NOT ON YOUR GAME!

If the rudeness and insensitive behavior by the "CHOOSERS" is in your head.....HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY STAY COMPETITVE?

Give it a rest and get the job! The Cd is not the enemy and if you take their actions personally or join the bandwagon to stop the twittering, you are putting your energy into the wrong thing and you will never get a show.

Talent Agent Larry in Los Angeles.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: Larry, stop excusing rude behavior.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: And BTW, I'm getting sick of reading how actors should have thick skins, not be bothered by rude behavior, and so on. Actors face rejection almost every single day in one way or another, regarding their careers. Actually getting a job is the exception and not the rule. Yet, they keep on following their dreams, and do handle all the criticism and rejection.

I find it abhorrent to read how actors should accept the rudeness and SLAPS in their faces when they finally get an audition that they've prepared for, are nervous about to begin with, and they're faced with some CD stuffing a pastrami sandwich down their throat or doing anything else except giving their full attention to the actor. Which is what they're getting paid to do.

don't give me this bullSH*T about "actors should get over it."

Posted by Member: yay_gerb

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: agree 100% jane. it sounds funny using this line but actors have feelings too. why should they just let themselves get treated like crap?

btw jane i love your avatar. did you take it?

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: I agree with Jane2.

Yes, I think as an actor you have to have a level of maturity and realize that you have to deal with some of the hardships of the business. But I don't think that gives professionals the license to act in a rude and unprofessional matter. Especially from a Twitter account with your company's name attached to it.

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: thanks gerb, yes, I did take it. I do a bit of photographing!

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: I guess I'll end my participation in this thread with this-

To all involved-why don't you just do your job- watch the damn actors audition. They're doing their job and not getting paid for it, as you are.

Posted by Member: dr_jekyll

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: I hope that people are not forming negative opinions of Daryl or her character based on this. I know her, she is a very nice person, and I think the worst that can be said about her as far as all this is concerned is that she should have anticipated that by making something public, there might be people who would not respond well to it.

I think a lot of actors are a little too sensitive. Make that WAY too sensitive.

And we, as actors, probably breach etiquette in the audition room as much as casting people do. And if you've been to an EPA, then you certainly know how often people breach etiquette in the audition AREA while waiting to sign in or actually do their audition.

We have all heard horror stories about casting folks doing truly disrespectful things like taking phone calls during someone's audition, eating food, getting up and leaving the room, talking to their fellow auditors while ignoring the actor, or other things that they should not do out of respect for the person who is trying to give a good audition and get a job. What happened here wasn't so bad, yet people are calling for the girl's head.

If people want to make an issue out of "showing respect for the actor," then maybe they should petition Equity to adopt some rules for auditors about the things I mentioned above. If they want to include Tweeting on the list of things auditors shouldn't do, then fine, but meanwhile, give Daryl the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure she didn't mean to be disrespectful to anyone because she's not like that.


Posted by Member: teh_pretty

Subject: First Amendment?

Message: I'll agree, some of these Tweets are insightful for aspiring actors... but how and in what world are statements like "He. Is. So. Cute." or "Train wreck." supposed to be helpful rather than offensive?

Posted by Member: snowskittle

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: GO JANE!!!!

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: Jane2 rocks!

Posted by Member: AlfieByrne

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: I hope that people are not forming negative opinions of Daryl or her character based on this. I know her, she is a very nice person,

She is a "very nice person" to you. I'm sure Jeremy Piven is "nice" to certain people, yet it doesn't/shouldn't stop people from thinking of him as an a$$hole

Posted by Member: Jane2

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: I had to come back to say thanks to those who agree with me.

plus, another thought-if the actors need a thick skin, so do the CD's. Daryl and supporters should expect a backlash when they post such information in public.

Posted by Member: best12bars

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: Jane2 does rock!

And this casting director should be embarrassed for her behavior. That was completely unprofessional. Whether she waited until immediately after the actors left the room or not, her head is not in the game. She's not doing her job well. She's not thinking about the roles or the actors. She's too busy today typing cutesy little "critiques."

There, I'm critiquing her "performance" now. She stinks. She's no good. She failed. Go get a new job, lady. One that will allow you to "multitask" while you're supposed to be reviewing other people for jobs. Good luck, too.

I hope Equity has a lot more to say about this. I know I do, but it involves four-letter words and a smack in the face.

Posted by Member: millie_dillmount

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: She even admits that she could be snarky:

"So far, everyone has been impressive! No snarky tweets yet!
10:55 AM Jul 30th from web"

Also, the BWW article Team Daryl refers to left a lot of her tweets out that were in between the listed tweets. I know it was for space issues, but still...


Posted by Member: SporkGoddess

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: Well said, Jane2!

I'm not an actor, but I guess I'm thinking of an audition as like a job interview, right? Imagine if a job interviewer posted things like Daryl is posting about the actors auditioning for her.

And, actors are supposed to have thick skin about criticism, but this is not constructive criticism, this is snarky commentary. Don't wear a Wiccan skirt? Don't be cute? Be sure to sing the Family Guy theme? Seriously?

And I did read the Tweets. About three pages of them. That's particularly why this annoys me so much.

Posted by Member: lovesclassics

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: Even "very nice people" can make colossal errors in judgment and when they do, they should be called on the carpet. There are consequences to behavior. That's how we learn. Making excuses or "putting up with it" because it's the "nature" of the industry doesn't cut it. Sorry.

DE is being paid by producers/directors to cast a show. So give the actors auditioning 100% attention. Tweet on your own time. And no, even if she were tweeting during the 30-second break between auditions, it is still not "social networking" time. It's time to gather thoughts and focus on the next person.

If I were her employer, I'd tell her to quit it. If she refused, I'd fire her. Even if she stopped, I'd think twice about hiring her again. What does her behavior say about her priorities? She's putting her own interests first, not the client's and certainly not the actor's.

Learn from your mistakes, Daryl. Isn't that what you suggest actors do?

Posted by Member: LizzieCurry

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: And, actors are supposed to have thick skin about criticism, but this is not constructive criticism, this is snarky commentary. Don't wear a Wiccan skirt? Don't be cute? Be sure to sing the Family Guy theme? Seriously?


Everyone snarks about their jobs sometimes -- but when you're doing it via your employer's account (whether or not the company is yours), then that crosses the line.

She has a private Twitter. That stuff can go there.

Posted by Member: alightinthedark23

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: I find this amusing. If anything, it shows how big Twitter has become. It could be worse, at least she didn't Twitter any names.

Posted by Member: best12bars

Subject: In defense of Daryl

Message: She's not very nice.

She just thinks she is. Because she smiles while she tweets "nice" things to her social network of friends. She's wrong.

She wasn't nice to the people auditioning today, or to her client who is paying her to think about her job while she works, or to the profession of casting directors, some of whom take their job seriously.

No, she's not nice.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

Craig Profile Photo
#214re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:01pm

sorry bout that - it's all reposted and formatted correctly as to not be too wide

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

dr_jekyll Profile Photo
#9re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:16pm

Well, as I said in my original post that was part of the thread that got deleted, I think she *is* nice and I say this because I know her personally.

I do not believe she intended to cause anyone to feel bad, aggravated or undermined.

We're all in a tough business, we all want respect but at least give her the benefit of the doubt here, especially if you don't know her.

#10re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:18pm

"Because she's in her early 20s, runs her own company, and no bank in their right mind would give a business loan to someone who just graduated from college if moneyed co-signers (i.e. Mommy and Daddy) weren't heavily involved. And we have mutual acquaintances. So, no, she didn't."

A short list of people in their early 20s who started companies on their own:

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Aaron Hall, Borrego Solar Systems
Sumi Krishnan, K4 Solutions
John Ready, Ready Seafood and Catch a Piece of Maine
Brendan Ready, Ready Seafood and Catch a Piece of Maine
Aaron Patzer,
Chaim Indig, Phreesia
Evan Roberts, Phreesia
Aaron Levie,
Dylan Smith,
Claire Chambers, Journelle
Vu Thai, Efficient Lighting
Leanna Archer, Leanna's
Bobby Kim, The Hundreds
Ben Shenassafar, The Hundreds
Rob Van Etten, Brighton Cromwell

Man. Message boards sure have a way of getting out of control, especially when few of you use your real names. I wonder what this would look like if BWW didn't allow anonymous comments.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:23pm

I think she *is* nice and I say this because I know her personally.

Yeah, and people who disagree with you may also know her personally. re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread

I do not believe she intended to cause anyone to feel bad, aggravated or undermined.

And... really? How, exactly, do you post things like that and NOT mean them for people to feel any of the above? Please, tell me how you can say those things and mean them NICELY?

(Thanks, Craig.)

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 09:23 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#12re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:24pm

"Message boards sure have a way of getting out of control..."

So have some Twitter accounts.

And seeing as how someone mentioned your relationship to the CD, I would say you are slightly biased. Who wouldn't be?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Jane2 Profile Photo
#13re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:30pm

" Message boards sure have a way of getting out of control, especially when few of you use your real names. I wonder what this would look like if BWW didn't allow anonymous comments."

I use my real name.

What is yours?


#14re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:31pm

You're comparing @DECasting's tweets to some of the hateful nonsense you guys have spouted here? How about comments towards like best12bars' declaring that his/her response "...involves four-letter words and a smack in the face."

Eat your own dog food people. Does my knowing Daryl get in the way of your flame war here? re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread Sorry...

#15re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:33pm

"I use my real name."

What, Jane?! Oh JAAAANE! I know Jane!

"What is yours?"

Last name right there in my nickname, do a Google search if you want. How do you think people know my connection to the namesake of this thread?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#16re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:34pm

Thanks for re-posting, Craig. It's greatly appreciated.

I'm not wasting any more breath on this. I hope Daryl Eisenberg gets everything that she's due because of this mess.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#17re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:34pm

You're biased about the entire situation. If you are concerned about message boards getting out of control, then move on out of the mess, and stop fighting her battles.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 09:34 PM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#18re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:37pm

People on this message board live in a giant glass house and should PROBABLY stop throwing stones.

The things you all say about people, publicly, and specifying their names go beyond the realm of constructive or legitimate criticism, and for anyone on here to yell at anyone else for doing something similar (but having the courtesy to at least not name who they're talking about), ESPECIALLY some of the people on this thread, is a hypocrite.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

CapnHook Profile Photo
#19re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:38pm

I have several thoughts, the main two being:

1) I don't care that she twittered anonymous audition feedback. As long as she didn't name names, I think it is perfectly fine. It's even interesting to read. Some of her tweets provided legit tips to actors.

2) I think it is rude to be on your phone and/or on your laptop in the audition room.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#20re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:38pm

"You're biased about the entire situation. If you are concerned about message boards getting out of control, then move on out and stop fighting her battles."

Oops, I stumbled upon the thread only for people who have your bias against DE...

Jane2 Profile Photo
#21re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:39pm

"Last name right there in my nickname, do a Google search if you want. How do you think people know my connection to the namesake of this thread?"

I have no idea how they know. Anyway, most message boards do allow screen names. Otherwise, I'm not sure they'd be so popular.


Marianne2 Profile Photo
#22re: The Daryl Eisenberg Twitter Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 9:40pm

I agree with what everyone else has said about it being rude and immature. And I don't use Twitter, but are the times listed when someone posts a comment? If so, that is another good way to figure out what she posted about you. I don't even know how anyone would have the time to be twittering or doing anything of the sort while auditions are going on. Isn't there paperwork and other similar things to be setting up and looking at?

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates
