sorry bout that - it's all reposted and formatted correctly as to not be too wide
I just contacted the Casting Society of America to let them know how I feel about the issue of Twittering during auditions.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/09
I still maintain that the best thing that we, as actors, can do is to boycott the woman's classes. $399.00 for her advice seems steep in lieu of the fact that we can get them for free on her Twitter Page. Hit her where it hurts... her pocketbook.
tangentially related...
Wow. You leave BWW for just a day and the whole damned industry blows up.
She is childish and abominable. Not to mention reckless! I this sabotaging yourself or what? Why on earth would she put her reputation on the line like this? It reminds me of Georganne Walken who was a huge casting director in the nineties who eventually got drummed out of the business because actors would just flat out refuse to audition for her, so bitchy and crazy was she.
I imagine there is high burnout among casting directors. I also imagine there are plenty of up-n-comers who would love to take her place.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/7/05
Thanks for that, Craig. It touches on what I mentioned in the deleted and retrieved thread. The power of technology challenges us to use it in ethical ways. Throughout history our ability to invent has preceded our ability to deal with the ramifications. Nuclear fission turned into atom bombs long before it was harnessed to generate electricity. Medical advances have resulted in life support without quality of life. Genetic engineering has the potential for good (curing disease) vs. evil (creating a super race). Just because we CAN do something doesn't mean we SHOULD - at least not without establishing responsible guidelines. I know these examples are extreme, but the logic is the same regarding the internet. Daryl didn't think through the consequences of her twittering. Not only is she being unprofessional in her dealings with actors, but she is also using paid contract time for her own personal gain. Major corporations fire people for sending personal emails on company time. What she is doing is no different.
The interview is crap.
In a tweet, even her pianist mentioned he or she though DE was tweeting too much, and she said she was was only tweeting about the ones that upset her.
Of course, knowing her, she is going to go back and delete any tweets that show any sign of snarkiness. She even made a post about how good auditions were going, so no snarky tweets yet, then proceeded to delete it after the mess on this board.
And how can Equity's opinion be what matters to her most when she just said yesterday how she was so annoyed by their constant complaints?
The show has now scheduled a new EPA in response....
Article in Backstage:
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Haha, awesome. Sounds like the producer/composer is NOT happy.
And, wow, she thinks the outrage is because people haven't read the Twitter itself. Trust me, reading the Twitter would only make them more upset.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
It is sad that it is too late for her to be fired, but thank you to the producer.. and I hope he nails he to the wal.. and hopefully, in front of actors.
I read the backstage piece.. I guess it throws out the claim that you won't know she is talking about you.. as we have said here previously we, you can easily figure out it was you.. or someone near your time slot.
I've been on the fence about the whole issue, but after reading the backstage article, I'm appalled. She seems to feel no remorse for her actions. She even said she'd continue to tweet about auditions and is blaming the people in opposition of her behavior for not understanding how twitter works. I believe that if she really had no intention of being hurtful she would come right out and blatantly apologize and admit her mistake. I haven't seen that happen.
That interview was nothing short of ridiculous, and a slap in the face to all the actors who auditioned for her. I mean, she had the nerve to promote her tweet? Really?
I agree with the likes of LoveIsCompany, LuvtheEmcee, and Besty. This situation is deeply unprofessional, and I hope that actors, producers, directors, and writers don't let her off the hook so easily.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Yes, she is ignorant. the problem is not based off of someone knowing, or not knowing, how Twitter works.. and it what she is saying and how.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/7/05
"Eisenberg said that she will continue to tweet from the audition room (though her future comments will have 'a different tone and a different time frame'), and it doesn't look like anyone can stop her."
They sure can stop her - by firing her and never hiring her again!
"As for Eisenberg, she has an idea about why she has drawn so much fire. 'I think that a lot of people have never really read the Twitter account and don't know how Twitter works,' she said. 'It's such a new technology, not everyone understands it.' "
Oh, please! She's the one who doesn't seem to understand that a Twitter account doesn't give you license to spew whatever nonsense you want - at least not without consequences.
This brat clearly grew up with no boundaries on her behavior. She still thinks she did nothing wrong and is blaming everyone else for "misunderstanding." Unbelievable.
Swing Joined: 8/12/09
"I think that a lot of people have never really read the Twitter account and don't know how Twitter works," she said. "It's such a new technology, not everyone understands it."
What does she think people are missing? You type it, we read it.
I've read several mysterious references now to us low-tech actors being uncomfortable with this because it's fancy new technology. (AEA was called "Luddite" by one producer.) This is no different than if she were tapping Morse Code into a telegrapher. The technology is simply helping her declare to the world that she's focused on snark in real time (at no fewer than 24 intervals during the day yesterday). The old technology of "trifling commentary on notepad" at least allowed her to pretend she was doing her job all day. Now she's announcing otherwise.
Anyway, maybe we can lay to rest the argument that we're dragging the poor nice girl's name through the mud. She's trying quite hard to become her own publicity machine with this stunt. Maybe she'll get one of those reality TV shows on the moving picture box.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Now, I have half a mind to go to the new EPAs with a freshly written parody of Spring Awkening's "Bitch of Living" called "The Bitch of Tweeting". Any lyricsts available to help?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
*edit... triple post. Thank you crap wifi*
Updated On: 8/13/09 at 05:45 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
*edit... triple post. Thank you crap wifi*
Updated On: 8/13/09 at 05:46 PM
Oh, please! She's the one who doesn't seem to understand that a Twitter account doesn't give you license to spew whatever nonsense you want - at least not without consequences.
LOL. I know. I don't think she realizes "not everyone understands it" goes both ways...
A sign of the times - people have lost touch with the "edit" button in their brain and feel that everything and anything is ok to put out there: on bww, facebook, twitter, a blog ...
I wonder if people would be more careful when posting here on bww if they weren't safely posting under an alias.
What exactly does she think there is to get about twitter? It's pretty straightforward, I myself have one. I am also careful of what I put since I use it for networking purposes. It's not that hard to get and the simplest minds use it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
I don't view it at all as a matter of a sign of the times due to Facbook, et al. The problem here isn.t basley the lack of an edit button for herself, the issue is thats he did it using her PROFESSIONAL profile.. her company's name. It also shows a whole lack of respect and understanding for her industry and a disregard for her 'employees' ( I dare wager that they are her friends and not full fledged employees). It would be no less isue had she typed it on a typewriter on her company letter head. The fact thats he does it during the uaitions is the only thing making it worse.
I understand how Twitter works though I don't understand the fascination with it.