Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Oh goth, I've never deferred to your expertise before because, frankly, you don't have any. "Namo" is from my screen name there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"Allusions to Dollypop being a pedophile"
I have corrected my post. My intention was to say FaithPrinceFan was in love with Faith Prince, not Dollypop in love with FPF.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
""Namo" is from my screen name there."
You had many screen names there, Spike.
I came into the tail end of and barely remember the screen names. I don't even remember my own! I remember a lot of strong opinions. I remember a "Spike" and I think "Mr. Tuttle". Dollypop was there.. yes/no? I didn't interact with too many at that time.
Didn't Rob Diamond run the "Dance of the Vampires" website prior to opening Who remembers Right Said Rick's profile BWW pic? That was the best! He was one of the funniest guys...remember his back and forth with Marc Shaiman? Who attended the first BWW "Standing Ovation" at Joe's Pub?
Still waiting for access/ information on that BWW "poster of the day" thread....guess I'll go name some shells for a back tonight!
Lookie Lookie - BWW COTD (or at least part of it).
BWW Celebrity of the Day
Between account deletions and the like, it gets a bit confusing, and it seems only the first page show up (at least in some).
But, hey, you asked!
Updated On: 8/2/10 at 12:51 PM
Didn't Rob Diamond run the "Dance of the Vampires" website prior to opening
He sure did. Although I think it may have been a fan site.
I figured I might pipe in a little.
I'll be honest- I was EXTREMELY young when I first started posting here. I loved the preview videos the site had, then I found the message boards & I was hooked.
I have some wild chat memories! I remember literally being ambushed when I spoke out about my views on gay marriage one late night in chat... So foolish then. My views have, of course, changed since then.
Now, I'm happy to say I am majoring in dramatic writing at NYU- hoping to be a playwright in the very near future.
Wouldn't it be wild to have one of my very own plays discussed on the board that I love and cherish so dearly?
I come from Tennessee, so I was never able to even think about attending a BWW picnic. Now that I'm in the city, I would love to have one if someone's interested.
Getting sappy here- this board has totally shaped me as a young (albeit wannabe) theatre afficionado. I remember making a thread years ago literally planning my first New York trip. How embarrassing that seems now!
I've grown up here. Thanks everyone :) Much love.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I know what I was called at the end of the Broadway board, Goth. Yes, I had been Spike, but I ended a Namo variation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
"I know what I was called at the end of the Broadway board, Goth. Yes, I had been Spike, but I ended a Namo variation."
Well Sybil, you've had so many different personalities, it's a bit difficult to keep up.
This is fun. :)
(Look up
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/03
I quite enjoyed reading this thread (for the most part)!
I found my way to BWW from the Dance of the Vampires fan site when I was a freshman in high school, though I lurked for about 6 months before actually creating an account. While even now I do not post often, I do credit this site for a great deal of my knowledge and growth in understanding of theater. My family never really approved of theater in the first place, and after my father died I didn't really have a family present to talk about ANY subject, never mind theater. Though I never said much, I always thought of the older posters on this board as sort of extended family passing on their wisdom to unknown relations...
Speaking of family- do people remember the BWW family trees? And how HUGE each of the branches got? I remember saving them to my computer so I could try to trace the "relationships" between all of the members as I read the thread. Good times, good times :)
Does anyone remember the poster who's avatar was a mini redish brown horse? I think he/she had the word 'clay' in the username.
Again, I know I haven't been on here as much as many posting, but I almost miss the Seniority that existed.... people today join & post, most especially the insults and demeaning posts, when they really wouldn't have gotten "praise" or support from other users. Hmmmm!
I joined here when I was 13 in the summer of 2005- I found the website through a Wicked message board (hence the terrible username). Though I don't post here as often, this site is still one of my favorites. I learned so much here, people here helped me to come out, and I've made a couple of very good friends because of this website.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
I haven't been around that long, just since 2006, but I remember opening night posts started by MargoChanning, JayStarr's reviews, and a bunch of other posters that have been mentioned. I used to live lurking on this board, refreshing all the time. lol. I still check it every day, but it's just slower now.
EDIT: Oh I see I didn't join until 2007. I lurked for months, though, before joining. lol.
Updated On: 8/3/10 at 12:52 AM
Thanks for finding the BWW COTD thread...even if it's a partial (which some here now sport on their teeth by now, not me...yet btw). Wish we could retrive the entire thread cause it was really something to behold.
What happened to jerby (JBR)? Robbie J. and what's the scoop on Eddie Varley? Is he not with BWW any more....or playing Santa at Atlantic City again? Do I need to search for him in the restroom of the Prince Thea.???
Ah, the days of "Good Morning, Broadway World!" I see VoiceAnth, Al Dente, Eddie Varley...
speaking of "Good Morning Broadwayworld" the video no longer works, which makes me sad.
That is very depressing, indeed. I was always tickled by that video (especially considering my old icon was on the page in the background).
In the early days there was a swarthy Spaniard who frequented the boards. Alas, no longer.
PBENT, Jerby is still around (usually on the off-topic board).
Ah the good old days. I backdoored at for the six months it took them to really really close it down and then joined here on that date. I'd been lurking here from day one. My first post was on RobbieJ's Adult thread, I believe. Goth, Namo was most definitely Namo when the other board closed.
I, too, joined waaaaay back when the board began. I was 'robbiej' back in the good old days. I stopped posting for a while, and when I came back to sign in, apparently I forgot my sign-on and password!'s hilarious. So now I'm SonofRobbieJ.
And let me add my voice to say that the true pleasure of BWW has been seeing the growth of the posters who started out young and idealistic to become adults who are intelligent, empathetic and full of a passion for theatre and for the world in general.
There are many who complain about the younger generations. That will continue as long as the world keeps spinning. But watching StickToPriest, luvtheemcee and Plum (among others) take on the world has been my absolute privilege. It gives me hope. And it's something I never would have experienced if it wasn't for BWW.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
I was one of the first celebrities of the day, I can't remember who picked me but I think that I picked Addy.