You asked who I was offered $10 to kick in the shins. :)
Unless you meant you wanted to know who offered it; I don't remember that part.
Wall and playbills? I'm lost!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Oh, don't make us post the picture of the Playbill wall!
I'm totes legit stump'd...
This is all I'm sayin'
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Sueleen's post reminds me of how I used to get so annoyed by the youngsters and how they would butt-kiss and post things like "But I want to learnnnnnnn from youuuuuu" that used to irk me no end and then, whoosh, it's all these years later and many of you younguns I used to want to throttle have grown up and become interesting and able to hold a conversation. Good job, you guys.
I miss a lot of the old crew but don't particularly miss feeling invested to the point of flames, flames on the side of my face, over something stupid VoiceAnth or HDThoreau would post. I don't miss that at all.
Also, Goth got the boards shut down by being so mean.
HA! My little meltdown over Mary Ethel that exposed me! Hoooo scary! Broadway Bulldog AKA Jose, what a kiss up!
My tit for tat love fest with my senile shadow that still lives here. (Sad. Terribly. Sad.) My friendship with the dreaded Anthony V.... Sueleen's timely cruel/wonderful humor...and poor Corine taking hit after hit for no good reason... Eddie V. amd his pal, Right Said Rick, whom I met and must say was fuzzy and wonderful! And espcially the lovable scoundrel who made me crazy and pee a little now and then...and named me "brest witer on BWW". We sure kept Rob & Craig busy with the "d" button back in the day.
It's was fun kids...Thanks!
Just wanted to jump in really quick to say how much I've learned from this board. I wasn't here at the beginning, but was around to experience Margo and Big Fat Blonde and all those discussions in the chatroom, and Margo's opening night threads. I never started too many threads because I was too scared that some people would pounce on the littlest thing. However, I have gotten some really nice PM's from people responding to comments I've made in threads and those moments have been the ones from this board I most treasure. While it, obviously, isn't the same as it was, there still are posters like Pal Joey and Capn Hook and so many others who's posts are insightful, informative, and make me still check in every day. Thanks, guys.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
I remember reading the original boards, then wondering why they disappeared and finding this site a couple of years later. All this time, I thought this website was a spinoff of the original boards! Anyway, I have learned a great deal and like many others have sort of "grown up" on this site, even though I feel like some of my more recent comments have been dumber than the ones I made when I first joined (partially because I was afraid to post in the beginning and now post more carelessly). I, too, miss the days of MargoChanning and Rathnait (who does still occasionally post), but still appreciate the conversations I have had lately on the boards.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
PB, I hope you realize my avatar is totally for YOU, lady.
Tomorrow, 7/31/10, will be the 5th Anniversary of the First Annual BWW NYC Picnic.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
That was when Corine famously announced, "I don't remember eating any corn!"
Wow, I just checked my join date. I can't believe I've been on here this long. I clearly don't post that much, but I read faithfully and have forged some great friendships with people on here. I remember that first summer, spending endless hours on the computer chatting with people, hearing my mother say I needed to get outside and get some fresh air. Pish. Who knew then I'd be in NYC, a working actor?
Ah well, back to lurking, I suppose.
Pal, was that ^ from the first picnic? I have no idea...
At any rate, it's been a joy learning and growing from this board over the past years... I probably started reading in '05. Love all of ya (even MTFan3, or whatever her name was; gotta admit, she's funny)
I miss MargoChanning. He was wonderful. I also remember someone named PapaLovesMambo.
I joined right around the opening of the Les Miserables revival opening in late '06, as BWW has always been one of the best at posting videos and pictures. Then I lost the password to that account which I didn't really post on and joined again right around when Tale of Two Cities was beginning rehearsals for it's world premiere, again as BWW had been posting images and videos of it!
Most of the stuff I remember from the earlier days was people always sucking up to people like jaystarrr, who would post tons of review posts flooded with pictures of what the stage door looked like, what the stage door looked like with people, what he looked like at the stage door, pictures of his friends, his boyfriend, etc etc. and people were OBSESSED with him. He would often write shows off before they even performed, based off things like concepts albums or promos. I actually credit him with a lot of the blame (along with a few other posters) as to why shows like A Tale of Two Cities got this huge bad rap before it's first performance even started.
People used to be much more tolerant of new works and giving them a chance, as well as composers & teams surprising people if they're work had not been as good before. People were much more up-to-date on what was being presented as well -- the majority of the board had heard concept albums or stuff of the like. People just go based off what they think they hear from someone who heard something from this person.
People used to be much more uptight about punctuation and spelling/grammar than they are now as well.
I remember things really changed on this board around the Tony Awards 2008... I think that was the hey day of that "TooDarnHot" poster who would bash anyone with an opinion. There were threads of hate for him that he would respond to, and then threads defending him...messy. I noticed a lot of posters vanished then!
The last picnic was '06 (that I know of, or should I say, that was planned on this board). The '07 picnic ended up not happening because the Sheep's Meadow was closed that day for fungicide spraying, so nobody knew where to meet up.
Oh, I do miss the picnics. And the old days, in general, somewhat. This is where I learned to write.
I still think of Boobs every time the donut peaches come out in the summer.
PB, I hope you realize my avatar is totally for YOU, lady.~Namo
... and I'm impressed, sir!
He's a little scary in a sexy 'most wanted' kinda way. But then, "You can't be a sexy person unless you have something sexy to offer." ~ Tom Jones. Oh Prunella, ain't that the truth!
Who remembers the "BWW poster of the day" thread?
I miss Kasim. What ever happened to him and his watermelon?
I remember the first time I actually met someone from this board (Daydreamer, over 5 years ago). That soon followed with meeting several other people from here, who I now consider very good friends. Who knew?!
PBENT, I want to hear more about that Mary_Ethel meltdown.
I have been here a while, but by no means one of the long-timers. I wondered on this board by mistake, and have made some wonderful real world friends through this virtual meeting place.
Papa still posts once in a while, but is just busy with life.
I found that this board (especially the off topic board) has made me more thoughtful and given me perspective in my opinions and writing ... I now look for weaknesses in arguments in anticipation of them being exposed!
I have learned a lot from the folks on this board - some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it a little bit of both. But, it is a pretty amazing community.
I do miss Margo, and Michael Bennett posting regularly, along with a few others (Patronus and SmartPenguin come time mind).
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Margo Channing returned from ATC with the rules about YouTube.
Also, you need to devote at least 12% of your paper to that creepy-ass baby that was a sock puppet by PRS.
I joined in May of 2004 after returning from my first trip back to NYC after moving to Denver. I started reading the site and the boards in December of 2004. I was actually a bit afraid to join and take part in the conversations here at first. For a number of years I was totally unaware of what was happening with NY theater. I ended up on the list for opening night tickets for the DCTC and the DCA for touring shows. I got very involved with the Denver Center and chaired an organization. That made me start to seek out all of the information I could find on NY theatre. I started reading other sites and stumbled on this one. I was amazed at the knowledge the people had on this site. I decided I couldn't post until I had been to NYC to attend the theater. Have been posting since and now I write for the Denver page. It can get a bit crazy here but this site is my main source for theatre information. I have met a few people from Denver who are members and there are a few I would like to meet on my next trip to NYC. I do miss Margo and also (I can't remember his screen name now) the guy that would always post pics of the playbills, show information, cast lists, etc. And I actually miss the "Wicked" days. They were some of the most fun threads to read.