the funny thing about Broadwayworld…
I have been gone years - literally, years - and it’s like I just posted something here yesterday
This is me here - the one who namo keeps praying will show up to rouse him from his stupor - As much as he may raise his hand to his brow about “flaming” me(whatever the hell that is) - he certainly name checks me - a lot…
Who knew…
When I joined Broadwayworld in 2003, it was this enclave of fun, intelligent adults. There may have been a few teens but no pre-teens - and the teens were in no way the main demographic of this site…
which I imagine it is now
what with “Glee’ and all that ****
It was a great place to hang out all day when dealing with broker/traders became a bore (my situation at the time)
There were, and I assume still are, unbelievably smart people on here - also,really talented ones - also, indescribably opinionated ones - also, assholes
I had my life threatened over a Sondheim comment I made once
a threat - over a comment - over Sondheim?? I mean, would Sondhiem ever kill for YOU? I think not!
Needless to say, this helped make the days go by faster.
I’d like to think I was the first - or at least one of the first real bastards this site produced.
Some of it was me, sure, and some of it was just made up.
Pure bunk.
I never understood the unwritten by-laws that you HAD to be truthful or be yourself here.
Why? Says Who?
Most performers are never who they really are until the bedroom door closes - - and even then - - - why should bernadettelover123 or chitalover011 be so
I met some pretty incredible people on here. Some, I am still friends with. Some, I’ve lost touch with. All of whom, in an odd way, I enjoyed knowing. There were some terrific posts. Some fascinating topics. And some great get-togethers.
I sense some of - if not all – of that has changed…Gone with the wind as Steve Lawrence, or somebody, used to sing..
I had not been part of an online community like that before I joined
Broadwayworld and have not done so after I stopped posting here. The situation here was really one of a kind and very much of that moment.
Pal Joey is right. Now, if you have an opinion, you “twitter” or you change “facebook” status…you don’t really need to be on a forum to get your opinion across, if you have one.
At the time, 2003, I went to a fair amount of shows each year. In 2008 and 2009,I went to one - total.
There’s just nothing I want to see.
I am obsessed with the ballet right now (I can here Namo’s teeth grinding) and a part time night job gives me access to anything I want to see at Lincoln Center.
Standing in the wings of the Metropolitan Opera House, surrounded by ballerinas pretending to be swans, as you watch two great dancers bring life to a ballet first performed in 1887…
Sorry Alice Ripley, but THAT is theatre - not what I paid 100 bucks to see you in on 45th street!
So, yes, people who were not around in the early days really missed something. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe, I just have rose colored glasses on - Maybe, time makes everyone nostalgic about everything…
And yes – namo – the Material Girl clothing makes me borderline vomitus - now,you can be at peace
WOW...Just WOW, Anthony...scrape me off the's almost a 'real' reunion now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
ANthony, please DON'T scrape PB ENT. off the wall. Leave her there to dry.
My GOD - are you two still fighting....? It's been 5 years!
Hello PB
and, yes..
Hello Dolly
WOW, welcome back VoiceAnth!
My GOD - are you two still fighting....? It's been 5 years!
LOL! Nah, he just follows me like a harmless shadow, now a days. He still loves a cold sore. (waiting for Namo to stop by for tea).
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
PB ENT, please don't ever think I love you. I think you're one of the most foolish women on the face of the to Corine.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I often wonder what ever became of StageGirl. Remember, she was the Mormon? She disappeared after she got married. (I was invited to the wedding and the reception, which was being held in a middle school cafeteria...Imagine traveling out to Utah for a meal served on cafeteria trays! Ummm, no thanks)
Swing Joined: 8/15/10
Hello all,
All the messages of lurking and reluctance to post has finally given me the boost to post something. It's nothing opinionated (thank God, I doubt I can take much heat. You dish what you can take for sure!), just a introduction. I look forward to learning more about past shows, "behind the scenes of Broadway" so to speak, and whether or not my thought disliking Merman are misguided. (probably). Thanks for being what I read is a welcoming board full of hilarious buzz.
"Thanks for being what I read is a welcoming board"
How long have you been lurking?
"full of hilarious buzz."
That much is true! I'm always taken aback when people decry the snark that goes on here. That was the major selling point when I joined.
Well it sure sounds like a mug full of Christmas cheer over here.....
Swing Joined: 8/15/10
For about a year and some. Sadly it was because of Wicked (cue thunderclaps), and although I still like that show, there's so much more. Higher quality/deeper too.
I have been away from these boards for far too long! Reading these posts feels like 'home''s fun to see so many of the same people still posting here after all these years. I will have to come back to visit more often!
Chorus Member Joined: 8/16/10
back in the good ol days of the boards, there was more witty banter, creativity and informed discussions... smarter all around. now there's a lot of people who make dumb posts
Like yours?
WoWoW! All of a sudden it just felt just like 2003!
Why can't we all just get along?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Stunn Gunn, you're back!
Everything's as if they Never Said Goodbye!
Nobody ever REALLY leaves...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
It's been some years, but I fondly recall the New Year's Eve threads, picnic of '07, Sheep's Meadow pesticide confusion non-picnic the following year, antonijan's beautiful wall of Playbill glory, the 6 hour chat room extravaganzas...BroadwayWorld pleasantly got me through some of high school, the beginning of college, and now a member of the real world, residing in NYC and working on the Great White Way, I can't help but peek at some of the topics to see what it's like on here today. Crazy, but this board has understandably fueled a strong passion for theatre in me and it was truly fun getting to know the personality that this place holds! I hold a fond place for my BWW memories with so many of you guys and gals.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Oh wow. Talk about a blast from the past...
I joined this site when I was a 19-year-old college freshman. I'm 25 now, and while I wouldn't exactly call myself an adult, it's still a real trip to remember what a little weenie I was back then. Heh.
BWW was a mainstay of my life throughout college, as my ridiculous number of total posts will attest. And then...I don't know if I changed or the board did. Probably both. At some point the sourness of being here outweighed the benefits, so I left. But before all that, it was really my privilege to hang out with so many smart, hilarious, and thoughtful theater lovers, including adults who gave me a picture of what I could be someday. I still think that if I turn out half as cool as NYAdgal when I finally get around to growing up, I'll consider it a real victory.
I don't know if 2004 could still be considered the "early days", but I agree with the posters who said that there was more of a community feel then. I mean, yes, it was a community with more than its share of crazy people, but it was small enough that even a peabrain like myself could feel like she had most of the major players down. There were some really vicious fights and ongoing grudges, but the humor and insight the boards presented in reams every day more than made up for it. There were stupid in-jokes and SRS BIZNESS political discussions, theater gossip and swooning at attractive men. It was filled with super-interesting people with vast amounts of background and experience in theater and in New York City. It was, for a while, a very intense little hothouse of a message board.
Updated On: 10/12/10 at 02:48 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/27/05
What a cool thread to read on a Sunday afternoon.
While I have been registered for 5 years myself (ep!) I am not one of the big and memorable people, mainly because not living in NYC I don't have the luck of seeing something every other week like most fold here. I doubt many people really even remember me for the most part. Heh.
Heck my username itself is 'so five years ago' for me - it had nothing to do with cities, but a huge obession at the time with college football and Urban Meyers.
Plum - I just saw what you wrote in your post. I'm blown away by the compliment. Thank you... I think you're one of the coolest people around. And it's been so great to see you 'come back' to BWW more often, and share your intelligence, compassion, humor and friendship with us.
...and I always love your fan photos.
I love this place. It's had ups and downs, but, I am forever grateful for the people it has brought into my life - both virtual and real. Some of the people are gone from the BWW boards, and some of the people are no longer in touch off the boards, but I'm grateful for everyone I've had the chance to get to know.
I agree with NYadgirl, no one ever really leaves...we just stop posting. Although I've been absent from the discussions, I read this site almost daily. And I for one, am completely nostalgic for the old days of this board (circa 6+ years ago). We had some good times...