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The Official "Bad High School Productions on YouTube" Megathread- Page 25

The Official "Bad High School Productions on YouTube" Megathread

#600re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 11/4/13 at 8:56pm

Thank you, FlowerChild. It is true everyone. That production is no longer on YouTube. A moment of silence.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

ggersten Profile Photo
#601re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 11/4/13 at 11:21pm

Thanks for the Blacklick update - but my search turned up this gem.
Blacklick v. 25th Anniversary

#602re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 11/5/13 at 8:42pm

Sorry, but the Miss Saigon does not deserve to be on this thread. Good job. Impressive
helicopter effect.

#603re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 11/5/13 at 9:08pm

Very very few of them have any theatrical ambition - they're just having high school fun. The overreaching directors are misguided and are (unintentionally) cruel too I guess. Who knows why they are posted - misguided parent, some random cast member who wants it out there... It's not like the cast voted on it. But way too much malicious pleasure in laughing AT young kids trying to entertain peers and family. Award for most bitches in one gathering - BWW MESSAGE BOARD. It may be one thing to watch in fascination, but the myriad gleefully cruel comments is a comment on the posters as much as the performers.

James885 Profile Photo
#604re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 12/11/13 at 2:09am

From the same Miss Saigon production as the above clip comes this little gem.

Miss Saigon is one of my favorite shows, yet in all the productions I've attended I've never seen the Engineer played in such a flamboyant manner.

The lyric changes and cuts made in 'What A Waste' in order to try and render it less racy crack me up, especially the Engineer's altered line about selling boys. The song is already about prostitution, so what the director is essentially saying is that it's okay, as long as it's heterosexual prostitution.

"A girl, or if you want, a TOY"

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 12/11/13 at 02:09 AM

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#605re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 12/17/13 at 8:19pm

I thought I would let everyone know we're doing an original production for my school musical this year. It's a musicalised version of Twelfth Night. The title?
"Oh, boy: It's you, girl!" Yes. That is the actual title.
Also, here in Quebec, High School is Grade 7-11, so musicals are even worse. You haven't lived until you've seen Anything Goes starring a 14 year old as Reno (and featuring a 12 year old as Erma... yup.)

"Nice is different than good."

#606re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 12/17/13 at 8:25pm

What style are they making the music?

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#607re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 12/17/13 at 9:13pm

It's a jukebox musical, so the style differs.

"Nice is different than good."

#610re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 1/3/14 at 1:21am

Hi all! I'd personally like to thank you all for the great submissions on this thread. However, if you're a reddit user and you enjoy the prospect of reveling in this glory, hop on over to****tymusicals! The community is just beginning, and we'd love to have you all come and share those horrid moments with us all at reddit. Mind you, it's just begun so it's not all that great, but with a dedicated community, the world of horrifying musical performances can breath the fresh air of a new day.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
hanschens Profile Photo
#612re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 1/3/14 at 4:56pm

Thought that I'd share a few:

This isn't horrible, but Enjolras' wig is.

I'm not sure if anyone's posted this already, but here's a school edition of Rent which I got a good laugh out of

#614re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 1/3/14 at 10:48pm

When I was in "Beauty and The Beast" at my theater group we had a contest to find the worst production videos. I won with finding a version of "Be our guest" with enchanted raisins.

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#615re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 2/23/14 at 2:18pm

I don't know if this video is already on this thread but its wrong on so many levels. It looks like they are all trying to imitate the movie.
Worst Production of Hairspray Ever

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#616re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 2/23/14 at 2:50pm

^^Oh gosh, that is AWFUL

#617re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 5/30/14 at 2:09pm

now... while this isn't a absolutely horrible or really bad production of miss saigon... i'm still not a fan of the Kim (who I think is not Asian or did they do something to her eyes... ugh i don't know.... anyway) or Engineer.. or the cast in general.. but this helicopter.. i laughed but thought to myself they really put some effort into it... those pilots, though... awesome!
Miss Saigon Nightmare scene

Gomez3 Profile Photo
themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#619re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 6/20/14 at 7:58am

It's not a high school, but a community theater production of THE GOAT, OR WHO IS SYLVIA? Jump to around the 1:23:00 mark for some gold.


artscallion Profile Photo
#620re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 6/20/14 at 8:24am

I like how they happily boogie off the stage after the curtain call as if they'd just finished performing Legally Blonde or something.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

phan24 Profile Photo
#621re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 9/13/15 at 8:50pm

Madame Thenardier mixes up the real and the sugar glass bottle and slams it on an actors head. The show must go on, I guess.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#623re: The Official 'Bad High School Productions on YouTube' Megathread
Posted: 9/14/15 at 7:21am this is the greatest Matilda production ever!

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
