Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
"If we survived Architecture Of Becoming without slashing our wrists to end the agony we can survive anything."
At least you're going in with an open mind.
I gotta say that I just did NOT like this play. To echo some of the other comments, it seems less like a play and more like a string of one-liners loosely strung together. After about 45 minutes that concept becomes pretty tiresome and you long for some kind of realistic (pun intended) interactions to happen. I don't feel like the play went over my head with what it was trying to say because there really was no deep meaning in it. If this is typical fare for Will Eno then I have no desire to see anything else he writes.
The only positive I can say is that I liked the acting. Everyone did what they could with what they were given. It seems odd to me that Tracy Letts chose this to be his second Broadway role. He is far more talented than what this role requires. I think I liked Marisa Tomei's character when she wasn't bugging the sh!t out of me with her ridiculousness.
Another thing I absolutely HATED was the set. At first I was like "oh this is all set in this one backyard…but then why is there a refrigerator outside with a cabinet next to it…and why are there fluorescent lights overhead." As the play switched scenes I became less impressed. And I know this is very nitpicky but it really bothered me that both sliding doors were used for both houses. If they wanted to do that then one should have been for one house and the next one for the other. I honestly couldn't believe this was the same set designer as FUN HOME.
I would only recommend this for the biggest fans of these actors that could sit through 90 mins that feels interminable. Many people around me were asleep (I was drifting) and one man a few rows back kept letting out the most exasperated sighs during every scene change.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Clyde, is it worth it for the price of rush? I really like the actors in it. And I especially like the running time. When I visit in June, it will get me out early for my Saturday night going out (barhopping).
Just returned from it today and was pleasantly surprised.
It is not like other dramas where there are confrontations between characters. Both Letts and Hall suffering from same disease but you never really know what. It is a competent and enjoyable show and not the mess many claim it is. Both couples interact but never get to the chewing the scenery stage. Couple in front of us (front mezz 1 st row) paid $89 per and ours were comps. View was great
Liked Hall and Letts. Weakest link was Tomei whose perky character got to be annoying at times. Collette was fine as well .Eno is not an Albee or another heavyweight like that.
It was a solid and workmanlike effort. We gave it 8 out of 10 score.
Both Letts and Hall suffering from same disease but you never really know what.
Are you fvcking kidding me? They explicitly state what disease it is! And what is 8/12 out of 10? Is that 2/3 of a star?
ArtMan, I can't in good conscience recommend spending any money on it.
I really did not hear it. Should be 8 of 10 Typo being corrected.
Mr. Roxy-
Serious question:
Do you think you still would have liked it as much if you had paid $89 per ticket like the people in front of you? I know you complain about pricing a lot, and I agree with you, but I can't help thinking that the comps might have colored your experience.
Without the comps we would not have seen it. I was. commenting on the show and not whether or not it or any show is worth what they are asking.
It is not up to me to tell people what to spend their money on. It is their choice and not mine.
That's Roxy for you: I got my free ride, all the other moochers are on their own.
Matt: I'd say the value of the dollar would depend on how much you're a fan of either Mr. Eno or any of the actors. Eno does what I've seen/read of Eno before, just on a larger scale (Broadway for the first time.) The actors all tear into the material with gusto, and made the most of what is essentially a collection of interrelated moments more than a plot or conflict. If you want emotional resonance or twists and turns, this is not the vehicle for you. If you want to see an actor you particularly love or a play that finds surprising ubiquities in the quirkiest habits of conversation, you might enjoy this. It's a tricky little nut to crack, but you know what gets you your money's worth.
So JNB I am supposed to tell you what to see. What happens if you do not like it? Do I have to reimburse you?
You can tell people whatever they want when it comes to what show or not to see. Not what Matt asked or I implied. Setting the strawman aside, if you wanted to help Matt and answer his question, you would have responded to his inquiry about whether or not your impression of the show was colored by being an invited guest vs. having paid out of pocket and invested monetarily in the evening. Some people find that comps are a license to see a show they never would otherwise and find they were completely surprised and delighted (or surprised and dismayed that it was ever worse than they feared.) Some people, conversely, are psychologically more likely to recommend a show that they paid for because of the subconscious pressure to make you feel like you got your money's worth. Matt, I would guess, wanted to know if being comped affected your opinion one way or the other.
This sounds much like "Open House" down the street at Signature. It was mostly a lot of one-liners - which were hilarious mind you - but I didn't feel like it added up to much of anything. Sounds like the same thing here.
I'll give Eno this: "a collection of one-liners" would be underselling his writing. It doesn't add up to compelling drama per se, but the scenes have little comic beats and nuances that are more constructed than just punchline after punchline. Perhaps "a collection of non sequiturs" would be more precise, somehow.
Jnb, thanks a bunch. You answered my question. This show is definitely not for me, and thanks again for your above responses, which saved me some money.
It could very well be that this show was just not for me, but I was not a fan.
There's really not much else to add to what's already been said. There is absolutely no semblance of a plot whatsoever. I walked in knowing there wouldn't be much of a plot, but I had no idea it was going to be that dramatically hollow. There is some smart writing, and of course the acting is strong (particularly Toni and Michael), but I just couldn't get into it. Even at 100 minutes, it feels very long.
The direction was bizarre, the writing wasn't consistently funny enough for me to forgive the lack of plot, and frankly the lukewarm audience response spoke volumes. No one stood up the night I went. Not a single person.
This is one of the biggest disappointments of the season for me, given the talent involved. And RippedMan, for me, even though I still wasn't in love with it, THE OPEN HOUSE was a much more structured play. By the end, even though not all of it worked, I understood the point and what Eno was trying to get across. By the end of THE REALISTIC JONESES, I had no idea what he was trying to say and I had no idea what the point of the last 100 minutes was. Maybe it went over my head. Who knows?
I need to see this. I like Eno's writing. I think the "one liners" are usually pretty funny. Although, I'm not sure i "got" The Open House, so not sure I'll get this. I love Sam Gold as a director though.
I love Sam Gold too, but even he couldn't save this one.
I'm just not sure I "get" Eno. I mean, apparently people love him, and I keep going back. But I don't think he's my cup of tea.
I found the first two scenes interesting and was relatively into the play for the first half-hour. From there, as each scene became nothing more than a variation on the same theme, it began to drag. The last twenty minutes or so were a tough sit. The acting is good across the board, even though none of the characters are particularly well-defined (especially the women, though). Perhaps this might have worked better in a small Off-Broadway theatre, but it feels too small and too strange for the main stem. Several walk-outs last night.
To the person who asked about rush: was told by the box office that rush seats are, and will always be, partial-view. I passed them up and went to TKTS instead, and got a good orchestra seat.
Couldn't agree more with your comments on the show, AC.
The latter half of this Broadway season has been pretty disappointing so far. It's a shame.
Updated On: 3/20/14 at 09:11 AM
To speak to Matt's question, I had a comp ticket and I didn't enjoy it at all. I honestly would have been pissed if I'd spent the time and money to buy even a rush ticket.
Here's some free advice: Feeling cheated or pissed about money you've spent isn't going to bring it back, so don't waste your time.