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The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!

#350re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 7:55pm

I find the personal remarks about people (that I'm betting most of you don't know) to be disgusting, immature and spiteful. Emma Zaks is one of the nicest people I have ever had the priveledge to work beside. To all of you who seem to think that being the daughter of Jerry Zaks is such an advantage why is she on a reality show looking for her big break? Don't you think if she was into riding her dad's wave she would have already be a B'Way star?!? No, she works her A$$ off like the rest of us.
Updated On: 6/9/08 at 07:55 PM

#351re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:09pm

Wasn't it publicized that HE was personally going to pick the next Elle? That's why I was confused when he said he was leaving it up to the judges.

Also, why...did he say that Paul Canaan was onstage with Elle almost constantly? As far as I could tell he was only in Bend and Snap and some other crowd scenes. Am I missing something here?

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

#352re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:10pm

I'm sorry if I offended you, but if she is going to be on national TV, she is going to be subject to people's opinions and comments. I don't know her, but judging from her performance last week, I stand by my comments on her talent, but I never said anything about her as a person. Of course, I don't know her as well as you do and I'm pretty sure not that many people on here do either, so of course we are only going to judge what we see. And if they are going to act like that on TV, they better know that people are going to judge them. I know it sounds harsh but that's just the way the world works. Maybe Emma is a great performer, she just didn't show it.

Amneris Profile Photo
#353re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:22pm

I agree with what Mermaggie said. We weren't attacking her as a person. I am sure she's lovely but I think a lot of people were just pissed from the start that # 1 MTV Lied about no one ever being on the great white way before, # 2 Professionals on this show # 3 professionals not sounding as great as they should. And if they were told to sing or act like that, they should know they are going to be the subject of coversation because that's just absurd that professional performers should be told to sing poorly or act obnoxious. If they want to be seen in a positive light then maybe they shouldnt make some of the snarky comments they did. Elle Woods is a character so many people look up to. Girls arent going to look up to a new Elle who comes off on TV as just plain blah.
Updated On: 6/9/08 at 08:22 PM

#354re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:40pm

I understand making comments about things on the show, but people on this thread have called her spoiled and a ho. Totally disgusting!!!

Hey, it's not the fault of any of the contestants that MTV has tried to make it seem like this was a show for people who have not been on B'Way. They never said that this show wasn't for professionals to my knowledge. You can be a professional and not be on B'Way. As far as the snarky comments by the contestants, I'm sure that it has all been craftfully edited.

Updated On: 6/9/08 at 08:40 PM

Amneris Profile Photo
#355re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:44pm

Well THAT is horrible for someone to call Emma Zaks a "ho" when it's A) Most definately UNTRUE B) Thats just MEAN and wrong. I am sorry for anything I said that may have upset you but calling a girl a ho is a nasty and disgusting thing.

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#356re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:47pm

I didn't scour through all 15 pages to see if this was mentioned, but, i was just watching all my children and celina showed up on there as the prostitute.

#357re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:47pm

Agreed. That is a horrible thing to say to a girl. Take it from someone who knows. And I'm the farthest from one.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#358re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:48pm

Who said that about Emma? That's awful.

Amneris Profile Photo
#359re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:50pm

i just read back the thread to see if I said anything god right nasty and my comments were THANKFULLY meant as snarky jokes as well but, someone DID indeed write the HO comment. And I believe it was right around the time Emma was singing and people were commenting on her. That is disgraceful in my opinion. No one deserves to be called a ho.
Updated On: 6/9/08 at 08:50 PM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#360re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:51pm

According to my guide the show is supposed to be on. And yet it's not.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

maya5892 Profile Photo
#361re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:56pm

It's on at 10.

Amneris Profile Photo
#362re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 8:58pm

someone also called Emma Spoiled. I think we should all just cool it with the vicious personal attacks.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#363re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:04pm

I think the attacks have cooled, Amneris. Those comments were made a while back. Have you seen anyone make them since then? We're arguing with a wall at the moment.

If people do start to attack again, then there is a problem.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#364re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:26pm

"I didn't scour through all 15 pages to see if this was mentioned, but, i was just watching all my children and celina showed up on there as the prostitute."

I didn't look at all the pages either, but I also saw her in the Sex and the City movie and was like woah, there's Celina!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

maya5892 Profile Photo
#365re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:32pm

Haha. Nikki Snelson's fb status:

"Nikki Snelson is super nervous for how much of a douche I am gonna look like on MTV."

#366re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:33pm

Here's a review of the show in today's NYTimes:

"MTV’s “Legally Blonde the Musical: The Search for Elle Woods” — now there’s a title to savor — presents us with the usual sort of reality-contest questions. Will it help or hurt 25-year-old Emma that she looks like Reese Witherspoon, the original Elle Woods, and that her father, the director Jerry Zaks, has won four Tony Awards? Will Lauren, the 18-year-old with the dead eyes and the forked tongue, become the designated villain? Is blond hair — natural or otherwise — an advantage?

Those who love Broadway musicals will have other questions too. Like: What must Laura Bell Bundy be thinking?"


Amneris Profile Photo
#367re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:43pm

when did they actually film the show? So they know who the winner is and the girl who won cant say boo? That must suck for all of them to not be able to say anything to their family and friends. A Secret like that could make someone burst.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#368re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 9:51pm

I know...I'm surprised it hasn't leaked out. But, I have a feeling I know who it is from going to one of the contestants professional websites. PM if you want to know.

shh282 Profile Photo
#369re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:01pm

Here we go

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#370re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:08pm

Why is Hallie Duff here?

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#371re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:08pm

REALLY?! No one has ever been through a rigorous audition?

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#372re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:08pm

"Are those heels casual?"


defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#373re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:12pm

Isn't Mark a spitting image of Daniel Evans?

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#374re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/9/08 at 10:13pm

Guys, NO ONE on broadway has EVER gone through an audition process like this ZOMGG!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!!

but on a serious note, I like Bailey, anyone else? (still wish rachel potter was on the show)

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)
