I can say this show actually has what you will need on stage, instead of that damn Grease show "Can you sing?" "Your in!"
Broadwayboy said nothing about Nikki. I talked about her, though.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Lindsey: :O!!!
Cassie S.: I... double... sister... secret... something...
Celena: Anyone else friggin' LOL at her reaction? She's been on Broadway before. She should know better than that.
They should have a clock showing how long they've been standing there awkwardly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
I think this is a bit absurd, this expectation at an audition when someone was just given sides is pretty unreasonable. This is just an attempt to make "good television."
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
"They should have a clock showing how long they've been standing there awkwardly."
Like Lady One Question!
The thing Emma said about Nikki is really really mean.
But she isn't, people forget a line & you have to keep the show moving.
I enjoyed the countdown to the dropped line every time- as if Nikki wasn't dropping the same line with every girl. :)
Wait, my soul was busy dying, what did they say about Nikki?
What'd Emma say? Ohh, elimination! I REALLY WANT EMMA TO STAY!
What did Emma say? I left the room for a sec.
I loved the face that Nikki would give after she dropped the line.
She said that "I remembered MY lines Your the one who forgot yours now I'm going to INSPIRE YOU TO REMEMBER THEM!"
Wow that's very pig-headed of her. I'm not really liking her too much anyway.
She didn't say it to her face of course.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/6/06
This makes me love Nikki even more!!!!! Her face after she dropped it was priceless!
aww i love nikki! I'm glad bailey is safe, I like her a lot, and that's on top of having the accent barrier, she will learn how to tone it down w. some good dialect coaching and with time.
yeah, i wasn't a fan of emma's comment either.
I just realized that if Emma got it, she would be the first really big major Jewish Broadway star since Idina or Sho (was Sho a big Broadway star?). Anyway, she would be the first, and possibly only Jewish Elle Woods.
MT3 are you freaking kidding me?!
Lindsay is getting the loser edit.
i loved nikki's faces too when she dropped the line.
this makes me miss her more and more...she needs to come back asap.
What a daring statement, the second Elle was Jewish. I don't think that one will go down in the history books.