I didn't really see why Hatch was like "Can we really see this girl as the valedictorian of Havard Law?"
IMO, Can you see Elle Woods as being the valedictorian of Harvard law? No way! That's the beauty!
i thought the same thing!
the point is that she DOESNT look like that.
Two words.
Train. Wreck.
The one girl I like got cut.
It's truly disgusting how conceited some of the girls are, given their lack of talent. The girl yammering on about how much she loved her voice and loved to hear herself sing? Oy...
How about the girl was so over-the-top sexy, all she needed was a stripper pole on stage.
And Hayley Duff...if she mentions her Broadway debut in Hairspay one more time...
Nauseating...but I'll keep watching just to see how bad it can get.
Obviously. Haha. It's our goal as the audience to love to hate these shows.
Stand-by Joined: 12/21/05
This has to be some of the WORST competition based reality TV I've watched in a while. This thing is so clearly staged, rehearsed and dare I say...scripted! by all involved. Emma Zaks audition in particular was so clearly performed sloppily on purpose. Having seen her as the Anne u/s in La Cage, the bit of singing and performing she had to do completely trumped anything she put forth on this first episode.
I feel like most people in the Broadway community more or less know that this is a semi-staged contest. They're all actresses hired to play a part..some of them were hired to play winners, some to play losers with one playing the star. There's no way Emma would've put that poor audition before Telsey unless she was instructed to do so. I agree that this is grade A DRECK. And don't even get me started on Duff!
i highly doubt bad auditions were scripted. why would these professionals want to look bad on national tv? and no trust me.. im not bitter :) i am just sickened by standards of todays broadway. i think ethel merman is probably spinning in her grave.
The whole time I kept think, "You did a national search and this is the best you could come up with?"
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/07
I love how everyone keeps saying that they're all professional actresses who have had some broadway and tour experience, and then follow up with talking about how concieted they are. They were told to be conciieted and bitchy. I'm sure that they were told to sing badly too. They want to show "how far they've come."
When will the new Elle take over on Broadway?
I really don't want to see it with whoever the winner is.
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/07
LBB's last show is July 20. So I guess within a few days afterwards. My guess is that Kate will go on as Elle for the first time around then.
I love how everyone keeps saying that they're all professional actresses who have had some broadway and tour experience, and then follow up with talking about how concieted they are. They were told to be conciieted and bitchy. I'm sure that they were told to sing badly too. They want to show "how far they've come."
Thank you! You stole the words right from my mouth!
Bummer. I get into NYC on July 25. Oh well.
the iamonmtv.com website might be my new favorite spot on the internet right now...
I do want to say that after watching some clips on the mtv website Cassie O has my vote. She truly is incredibly talented. She has clips on &&& tube as well that are beautiful. But aside from that, I am kind of not going to lie but, I am looking foward to watching tonight. Not bashing, just watching. I am curious to see how they handle Nikki "forgetting" lines.
Anakela - That's hilarious! Maybe they thought she was the Lauren from the show? haha
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
Its on again tonight people!!
I'm really enjoying some of these comments and conversations. It's kind of hysterical. But Seth needs more love.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Yay! Nikki is on tonight! I hope she can whip them in to... well actually I'd prefer if she just whipped them.
"i thought the same thing!
the point is that she DOESNT look like that"
That really bothered me when the writer said that none of the girls except for Emma looked like they could go to Harvard Law. The whole point of Legally Blonde is that Elle DOESN'T look like she could go to Harvard Law. It's kind of the plot.
I was just watching the online full audition clips of So Much Better, and they did a camera sweep of the theatre, and I think I saw Jerry Mitchell in the audience, sitting away from the judges. I think it was in Celina's audition. Anyone else see this?
I didn't but it's not surprising that he was there.
But then why did he tell the other judges he was leaving? It doesn't make any sense.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
"That really bothered me when the writer said that none of the girls except for Emma looked like they could go to Harvard Law. The whole point of Legally Blonde is that Elle DOESN'T look like she could go to Harvard Law. It's kind of the plot."
Yeah, that bothered me too. Laura Bell Bundy certainly doesn't look like she could go to Harvard Law. I'm 80% sure the show is rigged, they just wanted to make Emma look better since she sucks and singing and acting but she's going to win anyway because of her dad and his four Tonys.
But then why did he tell the other judges he was leaving? It doesn't make any sense.
Because this whole show is rigged
I figured that the show is rigged but what possible purpose would Jerry's being there or not being there serve? Sorry I keep pushing this, but I just find it so random.