So, who do you think will work with Nikki? IDK, but I really didn't like Bailey at the beginning, but she's starting to get good. But, Emma's still my favorite, even if she was in La Cage. That shows that she has experience. That's a good thing. It was a really small role, anyway. BTW, Nikki's not even playing Brooke anymore, but maybe they didn't know that she wouldn't be at this time, when they taped it. I love Nikki, she was so nice at stagedoor.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/3/08
This will be online at 11, right (I don't have cable)?
Bailey annoyings me with her accent. She really has to cover it up, Elle is from Malibu not South Carolina.
Laura is from Kentucky. Anyway, the person is ... BAILEY! I was right! Ha! (Not really, but I mentioned her). Oh, and she chooses someone else. Wait, I missed who she chose. Who was it?
EDIT: It was Lindsey. I don't even remember her. I love how they call it "the loft". Oh, and Bailey implied that Nikki would still be in the show when the next Elle opens. Also, Nikki's such a good teacher. Actually, she told me that she does teach musical theatre workshops sometimes.
Ooh, it looks like it's getting intense.
Ahh, commercial break.
Updated On: 6/9/08 at 10:16 PM
Yeah, her southern accent is a bit irritating, especially when she was acting her scene and you could hear it coming through.
Yeah but as she has said numerus times she has spent half her life in NYC.
These catfights are kinda pathetic.
Guys, NO ONE on broadway has EVER gone through an audition process like this ZOMGG!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!!
Hee- was anyone else thinking yeah Haylie Duff, what was *your* audition process like?
I agree insert, if I don't see b*tch slapping or hair pulling by next episode I might just tune in for the season finale and that be it.. half the fun of watching MTV is the drama.
Producers: We are in a slump and were wondering if you could help us boost sales.
Haylie: Sure!
P: We'll send over the contract tomorrow.
How much did Puma pay to get their name all over the show?
I love how they call it "the loft".
Heh, this show so wants to be Top Model.
What's with the Puma product placement? There's not even an explanation of how meeting Nikki at Puma has to do with anything.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Leading Actor Joined: 5/6/06
I love how that one girl keeps on saying that she's not here to make friends. Then five minutes later, I'm here to be the best and not make friends! This is getting sad.....
I wish we could have seen a little more of Nikki Snelson...
EDIT: Never mind...
The girl who's crying: Has she been here the whole time?
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Bernie's face was like "Uh.... Haylie, you said that last week."
If this girl's in tears now BEFORE the audition, how in the world is she ever gonna make it through?!
Does anyone know if Orfeh or Kate will make an appearance.
Why did they just re-introduce Bernie, Heather, and Paul (he wasn't in Miss Saigon on B'Way, he did it at Paper Mill)
Haha, forgetting line!!
Ok now THIS is good! I loved her expression when Nikki left her line out!
Nikki just looks at them like "Well? Are you going to say your line?"
i know, broadwayboy. i met nikki a couple of times and she is wonderful behind belief. so easy to talk to her.
just checking isnt nikki playing cassie on tour and nicolette playing brooke now on broadway?!!!!
awww she had to cut her hair for the acl tour right?. cause i remember it longer.
i dont either cassie.
I'm pretty sure that most of the cast will make an appearance.