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The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!

Shawk Profile Photo
#1000re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 12:14pm

I was gonna say, who knows how many hours of tape there were of Cassie S., and what questions or prompting she got. Obviously she said what she said and didn't show the best judgment, but she was clearly getting the "entitled" edit. I wouldn't have wanted cameras following me around when I was 19-- I bet we all weren't always agreeable when we were 19 and after something we really wanted and thought we deserved.

Just remember to take everything you see with a... pillar of salt. Reality TV isn't so real a lot of the time, and these are real people.

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

#1001re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 12:42pm

Sorry, I've never liked LBB's singing, even when she wasn't exhausted from performing so much. She does have better pitch than Rhiannon, but she has other problems. At least Rhiannon has a nicer tone and isn't so nasally and breathy.

I really would like to hear the girls sing "Legally Blonde." It's one of the less screechy songs in the show.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 6/24/08 at 12:42 PM

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#1002re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 2:12pm

mr. scribble- (two pages back) Celina was in Tarzan, Dracula... a few things.

#1003re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 2:44pm

I'd like to hear them sing Legally Blonde too. I just watched Rhiannon's full performance and she did some really great things that I loved that were perfect for the character, like this longing glance at Warner at the very end of the scene. She seems like a very natural actress.

HoshiForever Profile Photo
#1004re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 2:51pm

I'm Soooooo glad Cassie's gone. She drove me freaking nuts.

I like Lauren the best, but really like Rhiannon and Autumn as well.

futurenala Profile Photo
#1005re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 3:18pm

Celina's ibdb

"Robin De Jesus has issues"~ JANET DACAL "Yeah, and that's putting it lightly"~ ANDREA BURNS "If you watched CBS on June 15th , I was nominated for a Tony... And I was in Camp"~ ROBIN DE JESUS "...but I ^&#$@*% made you believe I was Italian!"~MATTHEW MORRISON

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1006re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 3:23pm

I kind of figured that 'Legally Blonde' would be one of the last songs they'd sing. I hope they do 'What You Want', and I'm surprised they haven't even touched the relationship with Emmett yet.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#1007re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 5:58pm

The blurb for the entire season they showed on the first episode had them doing "What You Want".

jess20882 Profile Photo
#1008re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 6:03pm

yeah, they sang 'what you want' during the challenge a week or two ago, when they had to belt it while pedaling on exercise bikes...

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1009re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 6:05pm

Right, I guess I meant a fuller performance with more dancing and staged.

#1010re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 6:51pm

I'm sure "Legally Blonde" will be one of the last episodes, and the "prize" for doing well will be getting to meet with Christian Borle.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#1011re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 7:14pm

maybe at the end they'll do another airing of the show with whoever wins in the role, i hope they do

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#1012re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 7:26pm

i thought that lauren and rhiannon did the best in "Serious" this week, and they are two of my favorites. I also love Autumn...I don't think she was as bad as the judges said!!!

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

#1013re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 8:40pm

This is funny. Last week's was good too!

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#1014re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 9:29pm

i agree, Autumn didn't do bad at all but they made it seem like she was the worst

James885 Profile Photo
#1015re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 10:41pm

I just got through watching Seth's deconstruction of this week's episode and I thought of something. If MTV ever puts the series out on DVD, they should have a full length commentary of each episode with Seth. He's like the only thing that makes this trainwreck of a show bearable.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 6/24/08 at 10:41 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#1016re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 10:49pm

Autumn wasn't the best this week, but I'm still rooting for her. Based on what I saw on TV, I liked Lauren. I'm off to watch the full MTV performances.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#1017re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 10:54pm

I think Christian Borle refused to be a part of this show, I could be wrong.
I have only seen the first episode, so I'm uninformed.
But I did notice that one of the finalists on DISNEY's copycat show about joining thr HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL cast has a Southern girl named Bailey also.
Is this just a coincidence?

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#1018re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 10:55pm

Probably, because Bailey is the only girl who hasn't ever done professional theatre before.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#1019re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:12pm

OK, but watch the commercials on ABC or DISNEY channel and see if the gitl who says, "I am Sharpey" is the same Bailey.

#1020re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:21pm

I predict top three of Lauren, Rhiannon, and Autumn.

Just caught the original movie on Comedy Central the other day.
Made me realize how weak the musical's book is. So yeah, I agree. Heather and actually, the other judge too, annoy me.

#1021re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:27pm

rewritemystory: I am a diehard fan of the movie, so the musical's treatment of the material infuriates me. D:<

Jeez, it will be hard to do any of the Elle/Emmett relationship without Christian Borle participating, unless they use one of the understudies or what have you.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#1022re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:31pm

I just finished watching the full performances on MTV, and thought the judges made the right choices with elimination yesterday.

I didn't care for Celina's portrayal at all, and she has consistently been giving weak performances. She definitely has talent, but the role does not suit her at all.

I didn't care for Autumn this week, but at least she has given some good performances, especially her "Omigod You Guys!" Hopefully the judges will like her in the following weeks. I can definitely see her as Elle and any flaws she has can be worked out in rehearsals.

I think Lauren has the best voice in the competition and she was really good this week, adding her own color as the judges said. I liked Rhiannon as well - I never really have much to say about her, though.

Cassie S. seemed to be holding back a little bit with her acting, and I didn't care for her that much.

Bailey was good, but she reminds me of a mini Laura Bell Bundy and seems to be channeling her performance just a bit. I see her going far in the competition, however, if she works on her performance style.

Natalie is a good singer and actor, but I just don't see her as Elle - maybe Margot or Serena?

Emma Zaks wasn't that bad this week. I definitely don't think she deserves the praise she is getting, but she was sick, and I thought her acting was fine this week. But, yeah, I agree that they are glorifying her too much and don't think she should win.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

James885 Profile Photo
#1023re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:37pm

Hey I saw the movie the other day too! And I have to say that given the choice between the musical and the movie, I would certainly pick the movie. Heather Hach's book in no way improves on the movie. One issue I had with the book (among other things) was how Vivienne and Elle's friendship was so poorly handled. One minute Vivienne hated her guts, and the next minute she and Elle were best buds. It just made no sense.

In fact, the role is Vivienne in the musical is pretty underwritten IMO. She doesn't really have much to sing, and the only time she gets to really let loose is during the Legally Blonde Remix. It would have been nice if maybe she and Elle had a duet during which we saw them bond as friends.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 6/24/08 at 11:37 PM

andrewcomp Profile Photo
#1024re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
Posted: 6/24/08 at 11:50pm

"Probably, because Bailey is the only girl who hasn't ever done professional theatre before. "

LOL, wrong much? In the behind-the-scenes interviews, LAUREN is also one as well, I think Rhiannon, too. But I'm not too sure but Bailey is definitely not the only one.
