Broadway Star Joined: 11/3/07
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
The book is by far, the worst part of the musical. Heather Hach basically took the movie script and rewrote pretty much all the funny jokes to make her look original and they all fall flat. Really, they couldn't find anyone better?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
James885: My biggest issue is the Emmett/Elle relationship. By trying to expand Emmett's part more, they took away Elle's self-motivation. And I don't quite understand why they felt that they had to make him poor. "Take It Like a Man" was a decent attempt, but it was poorly executed--it just made Elle look like she was trying to make Emmett more like Warner. The TA thing is also weird: if he did so well in law school, why is he clinging to Callahan doing grunt work and not working as a lawyer for another firm? Surely Callahan can't be that awesome, and Emmett had to have gotten other offers. At least in the movie, Emmett's an associate at the firm, so it makes sense why he's working for Callahan.
It's also problematic because they're obviously in love in the musical in Elle's first year, but are they together before the finale? It doesn't say. The movie was VERY subtle about their relationship because they don't get together until after Elle's first year of law school, and we don't see it happen. Which, as I pointed out, Heather Hachs just doesn't understand.
MerMaggieGalinda: OMG, the worst one is "Richard Simmons is our neighbor!" It just doesn't flow. Actually, there are pretty much no funny jokes in that book.
I also won't forgive her for the bathroom scene... and I don't know if it was her idea for Elle not to get into Harvard without bugging the admissions committee, but if it was, add that to my list. And why did they lower her LSAT score?
"OK, but watch the commercials on ABC or DISNEY channel and see if the gitl who says, "I am Sharpey" is the same Bailey."
I just saw the clip and it's not the same person.
MTV fails at life because they aren't putting the episodes up.
If you go to about 4:50 in this video you can see the dog running into the camera, it's reaction is priceless.
SporkGoddess , I had to sign up for an account just so I could say thank you for expressing everything I hate that they changed from the movie for the musical. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the musical for what it was, but I was seriously bugged by a lot because I really loved the movie. However, I've never seen the actual book of the musical, but this bathroom scene you described - yuck, I don't think I could get through it.
Of course my biggest pet peeve is that in the musical Elle actually seems dumb (some of the jokes don't help: like the wearing black when nobody's dead; doesn't every gal have a little black dress?) In the movie, I never got that vibe. Maybe it was Reese's portrayal, but Elle took charge and knew what she was doing - she wasn't dumb, just naive. The sad thing is that I heard the demo tracks of this musical ages ago and thought it had promise, but they cut the two numbers I actually enjoyed most. Go figure.
Mini rant over. On the Search for Elle, I like Lauren out of all of them and despite my strong dislike for Hailey Duff and her incredibly bad hosting skills, this show does have light years on that Grease casting stunt. But the squealing over every person from the show they meet has got to stop. Are you still going to squeal when you get the job and have to work with them?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
jennamajig: You're welcome! It's sad because the movie did have its faults and the musical could have really corrected them, but instead it changed the best things about the movie. I mainly blame Heather Hachs, because if you watch her interviews, she does nothing but bash the movie and talk about how much better her book is.
A lot of people feel that Elle can seem dumber in the stage show because it's just a campy musical comedy, but I disagree with them. The whole point is that she should go from a ditzy sorority girl to an accomplished law school graduate. In the musical, you get the impression that she only did well because Emmett was pushing her and making sure that she studied. At the end when she says "Look how far I have come without anyone holding my hand," I was like, "What? Someone was holding your hand the entire darn time."
I agree that they changed the best songs. I loved "Good Boy." I don't know where the Ireland stuff came from, but it was pretty dumb, IMO.
And I miss Dorky David.
Btw, the bathroom scene isn't exactly what it sounds--it isn't gross, but it is idiotic.
SPOILER (just in case, though I doubt anyone in this thread doesn't know about it)
Basically, instead of Elle giving a speech about how water ruins perms, she has the court go to a bathroom to show it (Paulette gives Enid a perm). It's definitely not as funny as the show thinks it is--or, rather, I didn't find it funny at all.
The bathroom scene wasn't gross, just ridiculous. However, I did enjoy the work of the set designer in that scene- I loved how they turned the courtroom around and they were in the bathroom the whole time (also loved how the stenographer's machine became the toilet paper rack). That whole transition was very clever, as ridiculous as the scene that followed was.
SporkGoddess, I, too, miss Dorky David. The scene where Elle lies about a relationship they had to help him flirt with a gal? Loved it, and wish somehow that joke had make it in. But, nope, forgotten. And word to the hand holding. If it weren't for Emmett, musical!Elle would have been toast. In the movie, she gets her motivation to work harder - where did that go?
Also, Holland Taylor's character? Why did they get rid of her?
Ah, now I understand what you meant by the bathroom scene. I did think Paulette giving Enid a perm was ridiculous, b/c would they do that in real courtroom (yes, this is musical Legally Blond world, but still...)?
And adamgreer, the set for it was cool. I actually overall enjoyed the sets, their transitions, and costumes (seeing it from the front row didn't hurt either!) as they made my little technical theater heart happy.
Hadn't been near a computer to comment on Monday, But i got all caught up with all the posts:
-I think that was incredibly nice of Autumn to post that, even though it sounds like it was written by an 11 year-old, it still shows her maturity.
-I thought Lauren did LOADS better than last week, still my pick for the winner.
-Emma and Rhiannon are overrated. Both need to go.
-Cassie S.: That poor girl, the editors just hated her from day one. Granted, she did provide lots of oppurtunities, she still will have a difficult time getting a job. I hope that some casting directors will overlook the episodes, seeing that MTV is known for twisting its reality. As for her swing comment, I really think she just said that to try and show them how dedicated and passionate she is about winning. I think if Rent (hypothetical) called her and asked to be a swing, she would say yes.
-Next week's episode looks not very good. What a dumb challenge. But I couldn't figure out what they were dancing to, either Positive or Bend and Snap.
Swing Joined: 6/5/08
To add to the Hachs hatred, in a completely unrelated note, I remember in one of the earlier episodes she was discrediting one of the actresses because she (Hachs) "couldn't believe that she could get in to Harvard," or whatever, and I just wanted to be like, Oh Honey, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but nobody in their right mine *actually* believes that Elle could get into Harvard.
Also, I wanted to send out some Emma love, because I do love her, and I think she's great. And all you haters can just go ahead and take another swig of your haterade.
my bet for the top three:
lauren or rhiannon (based on this week)
however, i think autumn is the best choice! GO AUTUMN! she's the chick who knows what she's doin'!
desiree, I completely agree with you on all your choices.
I'm just not seeing Autumn as Elle. She's fabulously talented, but just doesn't click for me.
My top 3:
There are some pictures where Natalie and Autumn have blonde hair, like Elle-blonde. Do you think one of them won, or they just got so into performing as elle, they thought blondes have more fun.
they are on facebook, so I would feel really odd putting them up here, but just add them as a friend. They are really nice. I got a message back from Autumn saying thanks for the support.
Well, they friend all of their fans anyway so I don't think they would have a problem with pics being up here...just sayin'.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
I HATE how she rewrote the musical's jokes.
Not a single one of the ones she wrote were funny.
And why did she have to rewrite Elle's line when Vivian mocks her costume. (Except when I dress up as a frigid bitch, I try not to look so constipated)
Instead, she put in the countless bunny jokes and another chance to make Enid a stereotype. Woo.
Now I am addicted to this little reality show, for all the wrong reasons. I could care less who wins; I just want to watch the bitchiness.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
It was a stupid line, too. Not even witty. I mean, obviously Vivianne wasn't insulting Gloria Steinem. Ugh.
I bet that some of the people on this board could have written a better book than Heather Hachs. Heck, my pet guinea pig probably could have.
"There are some pictures where Natalie and Autumn have blonde hair, like Elle-blonde. Do you think one of them won, or they just got so into performing as elle, they thought blondes have more fun."
Maybe towards the end they have to wear the wigs. If a brunette looks totally hideous as a blonde I doubt they'd want her to continue in the competition.
Understudy Joined: 10/31/07
One of the girls is going to be in the reading for 'Vote!', scroll down to the casting. Not posting it because I assume this means she didn't win and so could be considered a spoiler.
That's no indication that she didn't win. Readings aren't that time consuming. They might rehearse for a week, sometimes less and only perform once.