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The Visit Previews

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#175The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 8:05am

I found the performance all the more memorable for that restraint, the wry, distancing demeanor is crucial to keep sentimentality at bay.  MILD SPOILER  When she embraces her youthful self late in the show, Rivera's eyes well up and she briefly shows us what all of these machinations cost her.  I think it's a brilliant stroke because it in no way undermines the original intentions, just shows a human glimmer of feeling, the pain underneath.  And frankly, if there isn't acute pain under the revenge, even if buried until she arrives, why are we there?  That's an obvious problem with the play as musical fodder. If you simply stick to the cold assault on the town and the man who jilted this woman, what sort of one-note trajectory is worth our time?  (Someone at the other board found Rivera one note; the very moment I just referenced disproves that for me.)

Some people had this problem, to a degree, with SUNSET BLVD, i.e. that Wilder created a self-absorbed, narcissstic Norma who wouldn't wear her heart on her sleeve in extended song.  The very (warm-voiced) arias that define the musical version were considered by some to be contrary to the character's chilly ego. (One reason Close's Norma was in many ways closest to the film's, Buckley's victimized Norma the farthest. I thought Elaine Paige came closest.)  I don't have the problem. Musicals often allow people to express emotion otherwise left to the unconscious.  To a certain extent, both Norma and Claire, musicalized, must go (unbidden) to places the original authors kept withheld.  Both shows slow down for an examination of emotional states, whereas in the original iteration the moments are brief(er) and don't interrupt the often very unemotional action being played.  It's the nature of the musical theater, and certainly owes its debt to opera.  



"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 4/2/15 at 08:05 AM

#176The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 8:59am

Kad... With regard to your comment "In stripping the show's book bare, Doyle has effectively erased the build and tension of the plot. The townspeople are poorly defined and don't seem to have any dilemma at all; they all strap on their yellow shoes within minutes of being offered their blood money without much fuss. There is no sense this is a town being corrupted- it just suddenly is."

Do you think that an intermission could give the audience just enough time to be distanced from the show to chat with a friend or think during that break about what the minds of the townspeople are doing? This would give the audience the same moment to think "What would I do?" in this situation. Without the break that opportunity is taken from the audience and they could feel like this is rushed as you described feeling.

I saw the Signature version which had the break and know that I had that time to ponder the situation. I discussed the situation with my cousin and we felt a buildup leading into intermission. Tough to say if I would have had the same feeling when I went to Williamstown because I already knew everything going in.

Kad Profile Photo
#177The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 10:07am

An intermission in this current incarnation of the show would not be helpful, I think. The problem for me was the material that would lead to any discussion in the audience just wasn't there. 

I went with people familiar with the show's prior, longer versions- they agreed that "Yellow Shoes" should be an end-of-act song.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#178The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 12:34pm

I concur with Kad that an intermission would not be helpful in the show's present form and that dramatic tension with the townspeople was lacking.    Maybe that's why the final 15-20 minutes fell flat for me.  The outcome seemed pre-ordained, so reaching it wasn't particularly revealing.

Updated On: 4/2/15 at 12:34 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#179The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 12:44pm

The ending being "pre-ordained" wasn't an issue for me at all and I don't think that it was. But to be fair, the reason for her visit wasn't even revealed until 45 minutes into the 90 minute show so it's not like the whole show dragged on in some inevitability until the final scene. At halfway, we found out what she wanted and the rest of the show was about her getting it. That's just standard story structure.

#180The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 12:52pm

I saw the show last night and was very impressed overall.  The score was exceptional, the performances excellent, my interest was held throughout.

I didn't have a problem with the townspeople turning on Anton, it seemed perfectly clear that they'd toss anybody under the bus to get their hands on that money, their desperation seemed very well established to me.  Their dilemmas weren't depicted quite simply because there was no dilemma -- the're all too busy with their new shoes and cars and French lessons.  

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Up In One Profile Photo
Up In One
#181The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 12:54pm

Saw The Visit last night through TDF and had amazing 7th row dead center orchestra seats. The single set was breathtaking upon entering the theater and for me it all ended there. I am a huge fan of Chita's and Kander & Ebb but found this stylized production and performance very cold and filled with a whole lot of marking time. The score is reminiscent of all Kander and Ebb scores that came before it and Chita's performance was too efficient too repetitive and too bereft of genuine emotion. The audience greeted the end of the musical with respectable applause and amped it up for Chita's bows - but in my mind that was more out of respect than for anything that happened on stage last night. Very disappointing. I chalked it up to a history lesson - the last K&E musical and possibly Chita's last starring role - but I hope not - she needs something much more celebratory to end her career not this dirge.

Up In One

#182The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 1:09pm

I was enthralled from start to finish. thought it was a very odd but powerful piece. this definitely wont be a show for everyone, as we are seeing with this very thread. Will be very curious to see what the critics think. Chita's performance is a sensation, not sure what others are expecting. I was genuinely satisfied with the show.

We serve their food, We carve their meat, We tend to their house, We polish their Silverware.

#183The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 2:46pm

I had no problem learning what her motive was 45 minutes in Jordan and agree it is fairly standard story structure. I was referring more to the townspeople and any moral dilemma they might have with their choices.  For me, they jumped to greed so quickly that everything transpiring afterwards seemed pre-ordained.  I don't know the source materials so maybe it also doesn't have any will they-won't they tension.  Again, still a nicely done production.

Kad Profile Photo
#184The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 2:58pm

Basically, this adaptation condenses all of the second act of the play- in which the various authority figures have succumb to their greed and Anton's subsequent attempt to leave town- into "Yellow Shoes." I understand in previous versions, this sequence was longer. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#185The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/2/15 at 9:01pm

"Yellow Shoes" closed the first act at the Signature.  I think I already weighed in, but I agree, an intermission would not help the current edition, whatever one thinks of the many decisions made to truncate/streamline/shorthand Dürrenmatt (and McNally).

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 4/2/15 at 09:01 PM

#186The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 5:05am

Saw this tonight, and yes the reason to see it is Chita.


Roger Rees while his acting is not bad his singing is TERRIBLE and he is struggling to hit ALOT of the notes. Also for me it really didn't click into a Kander & Ebb show until Yellow Shows it takes what 6/7 songs before that K&E creepiness finally hits, and thats an issue unfortunately with Fred gone how much can they really change this piece? To be fair one of the actors at the stage door tonight said they are working on some stuff including some tone issues. My big question is what the **** was the deal with the Rocky Hororish Eunuch characters, super strange and possibly the MOST annoying singing voices ever. 

#187The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 6:56am

I assume you're not literally asking what the deal was with those characters since the show explains in song how they ended up in that condition.

Updated On: 4/3/15 at 06:56 AM

#188The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 1:37pm

^ no i know WHO they are but i still don't understand why they look like they were pulled out of the ensemble of Rocky Horror and their singing voices were incredibly unpleasant. 

#189The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 10:54pm

Well after seeing this tonight the answer is...NO..the designers and director did no service to Chita Rivera.  - It is the total of 8 minutes when she dances does she come alive and comfortable on familiar territory and all else falls away.  Why is there the continuious punishment of having Roger Rees in a musical...did no one see Red Shoes?  When i saw him in that people audibly groaned when he appeared on the stage.  Where they in another room when he auditioned and sang?  They missed the mark on this show - it needs better songs and the production should have started surreal and grotesque in characters and set, and the ghosts would look normal.  Only  after his death should everyone become normal in appearance and the ghosts become grotesque..nevermind - Ms. Rivera received no help from the creative staff, she deserves much more than what they produced.  AND - if they can have Betty White host SNL they can have Chita Rivera!  Oh, the falsetto/castrati singers - boring and unimaginative, if they bore false witness - she would have had their tongues cut out and making them hum throughout the show might have made for much better scenes and more creative music.

Updated On: 4/3/15 at 10:54 PM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#190The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 11:21pm

Maybe spoilers?

Hm. I'm on the fence about this one. I loved moments of it, and was bored for some of it. I think the music is gorgeous. From beginning to end I thought the music was really interesting and captivating. I think the story, of course, is interesting. Having known nothing about the plot going in, I actually wanted more story. I wanted her to go around to each person and persuade them. It did seem like a rather quick, abrupt build up and finish. 


The performances were great. I'd pay all over again just to hear Dainely sing. That man's voice...Brilliant. And his big song is great. That said, the two leads, who are saddled with most of the score, have terrible voices. Sorry. They're just not the best singers. And it bums me out because there are some gorgeous melodies that are just being destroyed by poor singing. I kept wondering how I would have liked the show if it had two powerhouse singers as the leads? I mean, she's a cold hearted bitch, but her voice is so fragile. Weird. 


I loved the design and all the creepy aspects of it. Doyle of course does his usual stuff of having a lot of the dialogue played to the audience, and I thought the two young lovers spinning around on that coffin got pretty old after awhile. 


I'd be surprised if this catches on. And I think it's an interesting show, I just don't know if I think THIS is the ultimate production of it. I mean, why cast Rivera? She's great, but she's known as a dancer? Why cast her in a role that has little to no dancing? This is more a part of Elain Page or someone like that. 

HB_Barb Profile Photo
#191The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 11:35pm

Well I was captivated by this show. The mood, atmosphere, and nature of the show drew me in right away. Maybe I just enjoy darker musicals? It's chilly and creepy for sure, but that's the magic of it. I think I love that it's drawing such mixed opinions, sometimes it's frustrating supporting a piece that is universally loved or hated. I like seeing the the mix of opinions, even though I don't fully get some of the negative comment about this one.

Chita is a legend. This role doesn't require a great singer. The character has a wooden leg and arm, they gave her just the right amount of dancing. Her acting really shines here, and i've seen many comments around the internet that this is her best acting performance of her career. Would be nice to see her win one final Tony. Roger Rees surprised me, he was much better than I was expecting. The singing is shaky at times, but his powerful acting more than made up for it. I wish Jason Danieley had more to sing, he sounded absolutely thrilling tonight. It would also be nice to see such a respected veteran receive his first Tony nomination. Mary Beth Peil also does nice work in a fairly small role. 

This is a Kander & Ebb piece. I am surprised that some are taken back by the Eunuchs. I would not expect anything else from this Kander & Ebb and John Doyle. They were creepy, uncomfortable, and perfect for a show of this nature. 

Would be lovely to see this show catch on, but that may not happen. Hopefully it will receive numerous Tony nods and I hope that the critics will have respect for it. This is not mindless garbage that warrants cruel comments from the critics. We shall see! I hope to see this again soon.

HB_Barb Profile Photo
#192The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/3/15 at 11:41pm

Ps. I think somebody like Elaine Paige would turn this is into a camp fest, something that Chita has wisely avoided in every incarnation. 

RippedMan Profile Photo
#193The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 12:01am

True. Honestly I liked Rivera. Her singing didn't really bother me, it was mostly Rees that really just made me groan. But it does seem an odd vehicle for her. She really isn't asked to do much. She never has to really rise about a simple deadpan. 


I just wish the show had more highs and lows. It felt all very one level. Which probably has more to do with Doyle. 


And I think they need to figure out a ton. Is it a dark comedy? Just dark? There were moments when people weren't sure if they should laugh, etc. The music didn't feel totally dark, so I think a dark comedy is a good way to go.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#194The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 12:16am

Is it a dark comedy? Just dark? There were moments when people weren't sure if they should laugh, etc. The music didn't feel totally dark, so I think a dark comedy is a good way to go."

 This is a valid point, RippedMan. I will say that they attempt and receive more laughs on Broadway than they did in Williamstown. 

RippedMan Profile Photo
#195The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 2:07am


Certain moments, like when she says she wants to take his dead boy with her, got a few laughs. But you could tell people were uncertain if this was something to laugh at or a big dramatic revelation. It's a tough line. 

I just felt like visually it got a little stagnant. 

#196The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 3:30am

like i said above, one of the actors said they are spending the next week or so working on some tonal stuff so i think they are aware of this issue and are trying to fix it the best they can. 

#197The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 6:42am

Interesting post over on All that Chat talking about how this production minimizes Anton's journey present in the source material.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#198The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 8:48am

I'd believe that. He seemed to come around far too quickly, and I never suspected any sort of struggle out of him regarding the decision. 

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#199The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
Posted: 4/4/15 at 1:59pm

Broadway Discount: The Visit


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
