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This is "Your" Show Because...- Page 2

This is "Your" Show Because...

#25re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/11/04 at 10:06pm


I saw it at the time when the tableaux on stage paralleled something that had happened to my country - the peaceful revolution that gave the world the word "people power".

I have always been a student of history, and even if the novel on which the show is based is simply Victor Hugo's sober and insightful political and social commentaries on that period in French history, it holds a fascinating theme for me.

The musical score is sweeping and dramatic and put a grip on my heart that no other previous musical had done ( although MAN OF LA MANCHA and CAMELOT were also favourites with me then).

Matt_G Profile Photo
#26re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/11/04 at 10:14pm

I'm going to have to be with Mistress on this one and say ROCKY HORROR. I too was dealing with very rough things in my life and it provided me with an escape that I desperately needed at that time.
I would have to say the most rewarding this about seeing the show (I did see if 69 times after all) was meeting some truly wonderful people, both cast and other fans of the show some of whom I'm still in contact with.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

sean martin
#27re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/11/04 at 11:26pm

Candide, the 70s revival. The original book has long been a favourite of mine, and when I went to see this one, I was simply blown away by the brilliance of it. It truly was a pivotal show for me.

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

midtowngym Profile Photo
#28re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/11/04 at 11:50pm

Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#29re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 12:38am


But seriously, I'd probably have to go with Songs for a New World.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

#30re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 1:16am

I love songs for a new world. its so inspiring

Juliette Capulet
#31re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 2:50am

The Phantom of the Opera is my show because it was my first taste of musical theatre. I was 8 years old when I walked into the Pantages Theatre in San Fransico, and I was 8 years old when my love of theatre began.

Tendres Baisers,
Juliette Capulet

#32re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 7:17am

As cliche as it sounds, I have to say RENT. The message of "no day but today" and validating the people in your life never hit home more than when I saw the show for the umpteenth time five years ago. As I was sitting in the theatre, enjoying the show and it's lessons, I was unaware that at home, my father had died in his sleep earlier that morning. For months after his death, it seemed to be the only show I could listen to. The messages of "live now" never seemed clearer to me and I found some comfort that this was the show I was seeing at the time of his death. No matter how much time passes, RENT will continue to bring me comfort and touch my heart, especially the place in my heart that's for my dad.


Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#33re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 8:05am

A Chorus Line. The first time I saw it on Broadway I brought my Mom for Father's Day (my Dad left her with 4 kids to raise and so I saw it only fitting to celebrate Father's Day with her.) I would take her every year to see a Broadway show - after all she was the one who made me fall in love with Broadway. I remember when Sheila sang:
Life with my dad wasn't ever a picnic
More like a "Come as you are."
When I was five I remember my mother
Dug earrings out of the car
I knew they weren't hers, But it wasn't
Something you'd want to discuss.
He wasn't warm.
Well, not to her.
Well, not to us
I thought ..oh my God...someone's been spying on my life. I knew my Mom felt the same way. I also remember Paul's monologue and weeping for the first time in a Broadway theatre. Finally..."What I Did For Love" which became my Mom's favorite song. She felt that this was the one song that summed up her life. Everything she did in her life was out of Love, especially the love she had for her children. I found it only appropriate that when she passed away that this song be sung in church. As I knelt to pray I could hear her singing along.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#34re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 9:25am

I've probably posted this a dozen times before on other threads - but my vote always goes to Man of La Mancha. Maybe because, when I was 27 and starting out in musical theatre, my producer on a tour of Camelot came to me one day and said that he wouldn't be able to play Cervantes in an upcoming production of Man of La Mancha, due to health reasons and other personal issues, and so he wondered if I'd do it. I had no idea then what an impact that show would have on my life. I've played the role in several productions and understudied it in a few others..and the message of the show never ceases to enlighten me. Rise Above. Look for the good in all people. See (and speak) only truth and beauty. Love all that is good and kind and no matter what happens to you, its never as bad as others make it out to be. Keep on plugging away and challenging life to bring you to higher planes. Its a very simple message, really. And one that every person on this planet should be exposed to. In my humble opinion. Could there be better lyrics to sing than: "To bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go..."?

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

G Profile Photo
#35re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 9:55am

I saw THE PRODUCERS on the night Broadway "opened" again after 9/11. The atmosphere was incredible as you could feel how much the audience needed to laugh and try to forget what's going on -at least for a couple of hours. Still get goosebumps thinking about it.

TorontoBoy Profile Photo
#36re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 9:57am

Phantom of The Opera:

As my partner was suffering from dementia, he still wanted to go see the show. This would be the last thing he would see.
It was our fifth time seeing the show.
It was difficult for him to maintain his attention as he was like a little boy but, when he did, I will never forget the smiles or the pleasure that the Phantom gave him.
As I am typing this out, I am smiling at knowing how much he loved the theatre and this show.

Awards are like hemorrhoids. Sooner or later, every a**hole gets one. (Charlotte Rampling from Swimming Pool)

dano Profile Photo
#37re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 9:58am


It was the first musical I was ever in, my freshman year of High School, spring of 1976. (OK, I'm old.) I'll never forget, that opening number, coming out with the other guys, singing our part of "Six Months out of Every Year", looking out into the audience (it was blocked that way - we were in two lines, the front line kneeling, the second line standing behind the first), and seeing all these faces looking back at me. That was it. I was hooked. It was a rush that I'm sure many on this Board can say they've felt. I'd done a couple of non-musicals before that, but for some reason the magic of doing a musical was just so much stronger.

Since then I've had better parts, some terrific leading roles, and they have been really fun.

But Damn Yankees, and especially that opening number will always be IT for me.

"Singing is the lowest form of communication" - Homer

fuzzyman7 Profile Photo
#38re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 10:10am

Here's one you thought you'd never see here: Blast.


I started out on the path of a musician. I studied music rigorously through High School and College. I was also a serious Band geek. I had spent eight years of my life playing music every day and those same eight years on the marching field as well. After college I even taught high school band for a couple of years.

When I left my home to try to make it as a musician in NY, I was quickly intimidated by the competition and opted out, regretting the decision daily. Even though I went on to playwriting, it broke my heart that I gave up my dreams of being a musician.

So, when I saw "Blast," I was suddently yanked back to my school days when I was on the field. And, while everyone in the audience was clapping and cheering, I cried. I cried because I could feel what I had given up and how much I missed it, and even if I went back today, I'd never be as good as I was when I gave it up.

"Only in this country can we take an invaluable tool like the Internet and reduce it to a smiley button." ~ Nobody Knows I'm a Dog

#39re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 10:33am

Redhotninny - I thought your choice and the words you used to explain it were beautiful re: This is 'Your' Show Because...

I guess I have to go with THE ELEPHANT MAN. It was one of those life-changing moments when I saw it on Broadway (which I ended up doing 3 times) - and then, years later, I got to direct it and play Merrick. It reconfirmed and solidified my opinion that humans are foundationally good. Not everyone agrees with that, and I know it can be hard to believe at times - but my own feeling is that it is true, and this play spoke to that choice.

Qfan Profile Photo
#40re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 3:43pm

The show that started this theatre lovers love of theatre was RENT. And I'm glad to say it still holds up to this day (i've seen it 4 times)

"Look on the Bright Side Not on the Blackside get off your backside shine those shoes! This is your golden opportunity: Your the lightning and the news!" -Assassins

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#41re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 4:00pm

DGrant - thank you very much. I like your choice also - that is one very moving show...very touching.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#42re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 4:01pm

I don't if I could claim one show first show was Annie Get Your Gun when I was 12 or 13 I think. I saw it with Bernadette and I was immediately hooked. I went right home and had to order the cast recording. When I got it I would make some of my friends listen and try to show them what was so special. It made me feel so special and I just wanted to share that with everyone.

I listened to it over and over and everytime I would just become lost in the story and the music. This was really important to me because I had I reallly hard time. My dad died when I was 12 so it was something to take me away from everything that was going on. Although I don't listen to it a lot now and it's not my favorite show I know that it is because of it that I got through that time.

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#43re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 4:19pm

Thoroughly Modern Millie. It's the show that introduced my love to Broadway.

#44re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 9:21pm

It's clear that nearly everyone who has posted so far has written from their heart. This has turned into a rewarding thread to read because of it. The power of theatre has touched us in very personal ways. Many of the anecdotes and stories are touching and funny but all of them are a personal testament to our values. To me each post reflects the individual much more than countless other posts that might be dashed off by the same person.

Thank you to everyone who contributed positively to this. I can only speak for myself when I say that it would very nice to hear from other members, too.

Jose' Updated On: 7/12/04 at 09:21 PM

#45re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 10:40pm

So what's her name? Don't tease us with hints about the "special person" without spilling the details!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#46re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 11:34pm

I expect I'll never hear the end of it, but "my" show is CATS. I first saw it when I was 14 and experiencing all the typical trappings of adolescense. I felt stuck somewhere between comfortable, familliar childhood and the adulthood everyone else around me seemed to dive into headfirst, not at all sure if I should follow them or run screaming back to my Barbies. But from the instant I stepped into the theater and saw the oversized set and the whimsical costumes, I felt like I was five again, and I was enthralled through every minute. The more I thought about it, I realized that what makes CATS so special to me is that it helped me realize that I never have to grow up completely, and knowing that made growing up a little easier. Whenever I want to escape back to my childhood, I can always pop in my DVD and away I go. It's silly, I know, but that's the brand of magic that CATS has, and will always have, over me.

#47re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 11:39pm

Hey, it's fine. Cats isn't my favorite show, but it was my first. And I was as taken by it as you were.

#48re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 11:52pm

Rose_MacShane - This is ONLY my opinion, but I don't think you should EVER feel the need to apologize because of something you have felt. If there are others who want to voice an opinion that runs contrary to your own, so be it. But you are talking about something that touched your heart, and in those matters there is no 'right or wrong,' only truth.

BroadwayBound06 Profile Photo
#49re: This is 'Your' Show Because...
Posted: 7/12/04 at 11:53pm

Pippin- It's a show near and dear to my heart. I feel like Pippin alot, I'm constantly looking for somthing to fufill me, to fill a place inside me. Everytime I feel like I've found somthing I mess it up. I can really connect with him. It has a beautiful score and is an enthralling show. I feel like Pippin right now.
