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Twelfth Night - Shakespear In The Park- Page 12

Twelfth Night - Shakespear In The Park

humbugfoto Profile Photo
#275re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 1:17am

Has anyone ever been attacked or bitten by a raccoon during a show there? I'd think that would bring things to a screeching halt pretty quickly!

Sarcasm is an allergic reaction to stupid people.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#276re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 1:28am

There's raccoons??? That's horrifying. Those things scare me.

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#277re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 5:57am

I'm in line now. got here at about 5:15 and there was close to 35 people here. Right now the line has gone around that bend and it's filling up pretty quick. someone entertain me.


orangeskittles Profile Photo
#278re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 9:32am

They're actually reclusive animals and would probably only attack if provoked or rabid. We were on the end right next to the lighting booth. It scuttled around the base of the scaffolding for a few minutes, then went away.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#279re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 3:45pm

"Aaah, that is disturbing. They can be down right mean!"

Oh they are not. Like 'skittles says, they'll skitter away when startled.

"If the Public Theater stopped allowing people to bring in food, it wouldn't be such an issue. But of course, the food is an important part of the experience".

It is?

"Has anyone ever been attacked or bitten by a raccoon during a show there"

No one has ever been attacked, much less bitten by a raccoon in Central Park. No raccoons in Manhattan have ever been found to have rabies. For a period of time, dead raccoons were frequently found in the park, and eventually the cause was found to be a pack of feral dogs. You want to worry about being bitten, worry about the dogs. The raccoons are just there for the show.

And apparently Chrysanthemum's food re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Updated On: 6/28/09 at 03:45 PM

#280re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 5:19pm

if i went to standby now (5:31 PM SUN) for cancellation would i get a seat? thanks!

#281re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 5:21pm

It's a beautiful day for a walk in the park - why not give it a try?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#282re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 5:22pm

Probably not, because not only is the weather nice, but it's one of the only nice days we've had during the run.

If a raccoon is out during the night, the chances of it attacking are slim; if they're out during the day, then you can all worry.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Mrfreeze Profile Photo
#283re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 9:09pm

You got there at 5:15 and there were 35 ppl there already? Wow! I wonder if it's because it's the weekend (and the nice weather of course).

I want to go with my sister when she'll be here visiting from Europe, probably Tuesday the 7th. Wonder if it will be that crazy!

#284re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 9:53pm

35 people @ 5:15 isn't that crazy after reviews have come out, not with a star-studded cast and the lovely weather, and only so many performances left.

And the raccoons. What is with all the raccoon hate? Has there been some rash of killer raccoon attacks I haven't heard about? If you see a raccoon during the day at Delacorte, it's because they're smart raccoons. People have been actually feeding the damn things while they're waiting for the show to start. A raccoon is going to make an early start rather than pass that up.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#285re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 10:22pm

The girl behind me ordered her dad to kill the raccoon. Er, why? And with what exactly? His bare hands? With all the hysteria over texting, can you imagine Patti LuPone's reaction to someone throttling a raccoon to death in the audience mid-show?

The dad just laughed at her and told her to swat at it with her playbill if it came close. It was actually a pretty amusing distraction.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

madbrian Profile Photo
#286re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 10:41pm

"If you see a raccoon during the day at Delacorte, it's because they're smart raccoons."

Or, it could very well be a rabid raccoon. If you see a reccoon before dusk, you should be VERY cautious.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#287re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/28/09 at 11:58pm

Wow...wish I had experienced this! I love the idea of sitting outside, surrounded by trees and Nature, watching a play re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park

About the racoon, though... :I

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#288re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 2:08am

adding on to the line update. by 9 o'clock the security guy(Zach?) said the line was already to the reservoir

the show was great today. even better than the first preview. everyone's really fitting into their roles really well. stagedoored after and almost everyone was signing. of course, everyone was waiting for Anne and she was really sweet. i told her to please please do a musical and she said hopefully soon. no sign of the raccoon today for all of the rabid animal lovers.


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#289re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 2:10am

How were your seats?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#290re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 2:17am

Ha, ha...I guess those racoons have seen the show so many times, they are up to something else now re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#291re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 3:00am

for being one of the first 30/40 people in line, i had horrible seats. i really don't understand the seat selection process. it really isn't fair that i got there at 5 and got section g row s seats 201 and 202, and people farther back in the line probably got much better seats.

but it is free and a small theater so i'm done with complaining. people have said that they have gotten really good seats with the stand-by line on this board somewhere. i might give that a shot.


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#292re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 10:24am

I would assume it depends at least in part on how many seats they've set aside for donors/important people on any given day. Like I said, the day I went, the people up front got incredible seats, but that sounds like it was likely a fluke.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Millie315 Profile Photo
#293re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 1:19pm

From what I heard on Saturday, the last person to get a ticket was there at 7 am and then the last person to get a stand-by ticket was in line by 5:30 pm.

Also who ever said they were in section C row W, there is no row W in section C.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#294re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/29/09 at 2:16pm

Eh whatever, I was going off the top of my head. I did say I was next to the lighting scaffolding in the same post, so the point was still obvious- the seats weren't close.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#295re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/30/09 at 2:01pm

So - tried the virtual line for almost every show, and hubby too (he's a senior), and still haven't made it. I know it's a random selection process but I am beginning to feel like I am trapped in the first scene of ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD!

#296re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/30/09 at 2:06pm


orangeskittles Profile Photo
#297re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/30/09 at 4:18pm

Don't seniors have their own section at the theatre? You should have your husband go wait in line for tickets.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#298re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/30/09 at 4:29pm

Wonkit might be referring to the fact that there's a separate Seniors virtual line?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#299re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park
Posted: 6/30/09 at 5:01pm

Wonkit, I share your frustration. I am 0/13 this year so far. And NEVER got a ticket through it last year. I don't think their computer likes mine.

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