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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#275re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 1:00am

Oh, pish, Tag. I just expect a reality created on a tv show to work within its own and not seem to adjust it as it needs. I always thought Pushing Daisies did the whole "this is kinda of the real world, but it's a little off."

Plus I just love to hate the show.

#276re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 6:36am

"Oh, pish, Tag. I just expect a reality created on a tv show to work within its own and not seem to adjust it as it needs. I always thought Pushing Daisies did the whole "this is kinda of the real world, but it's a little off."

I take it you haven't watched Ryan Murphy's past shows Popular or, particularly Nip/Tuck

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#277re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 9:20am

No, I watched Popular regularly and I catch Nip/Tuck here and there. While they both are also ridiculous, I thought those shows actually made/make sense within their world.

#278re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 9:50am

I'll grant you Popular (wasn't Murphy only CO creator there?maybe that played a part) but I gave upon Nip Tuck not cuz of how outrageous it was for outrageousness sake, but because it was filled with characters whowould suddenly behave outof character to serve a wacky plot twist, dropped stories everywhere, etc--basically everything I'm finding with Glee

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#279re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 10:02am

To be fair, I never watch Nip/Tuck with any regularity, but I catch it here and there if I'm with someone who watches it. Perhaps I'd notice those shifts if I watched it more religiously, but the whole tone of that show seems to be cohesive, at least to me.

Ugh. I just keep thinking back to that kitchen scene last night.

#280re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:17am

"I still don't understand why - and I mean this beyond BWW - I was the only one who thought it was so rude and patronizing for them to totally bust up on that deaf people number last week?"

I thought exactly the same thing when I watched it. If my deaf Glee Club worked to perform "Imagine" and some sassy fat black chick started singing the song over them, I'd be pretty pissed. It's like, we just sat through your lousy "Hair" mash-up, the least you can do is keep quiet during our song.

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#281re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:23am

How would they know if someone had joined in? re: UnGLEEful

When I think about you, I touch myself.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#282re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:31am

Because they all got up and stood with them!

#283re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:51am

The fun of watching the show to see how badly it's written is wearing off for me. Now I basically watch it so that I can come to this board the next day and see all the great comments! Even on the GLEE LOVE thread on the OT board, they are starting to complain.
Sue's TV commentary about not wanting to look at ugly people was just STUPID and NOT FUNNY, whereas Matt's borderline abusive scene with his wife was hysterical...though I doubt that was the writer's intention.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#284re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:57am

Yeah, I was close to bailing on my Glee watch, but I've decided I'll watch through next week and then probably not resume watching it when it comes back.

Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#285re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:02pm

Agreed the WILL/TERRU scene last night was EPIC. And total CAMP.

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing

#286re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:04pm

Phyllis, I probably keep watching too. (sort of like watching a car wreck) The Kurt storyline is usually fun and well written,(it almost seems like it's from another, better show). And I do want to see Groff when he's on.

But the "fall finale" better have the most incredible sectionals sequence in the history of TV, after the way they have harped about it all this time. If I hear one more character refer to the fact that "sectionals are coming up", my lunch is going to come up.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#287re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:23pm

In all fairness, they HAD to drag out the "sectional" talk.

What happens after the Spring season? Once they presumably win state? Do they go for National honors?

So what happens after that? As popular as it has become, I think people are more obsessed with the concept and characters and production numbers... rather than the actual quality of material.

It's only a matter of time until Glee hits a dead end. How far can they go? Seriously.

When I think about you, I touch myself.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#288re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:30pm

They mentioned either regional or nationals last night. I forget.

Do any schools actually call it Glee Club anymore? We had chorus and show choir.

#289re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/3/09 at 1:11pm

I agree that people probably watch it more for the performances than the storyline. Or so I hope, anyway.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#290re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 2:56pm

Remember two weeks ago when Puck and Quinn charmed those children with a "real live music video"? WTF?

Pgenre Profile Photo
#291re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 2:58pm

Although I find this thread distasteful, I thought a few of you haters would even find something to like, or even love, in this endlessly charming and sweet music video by Mark Salling about his experiences on GLEE.

Why it doesn't suck to be on GLEE

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#292re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 3:04pm

My thoughts on the show (because I'm sure you all care) and why I watch and probably will continue to do so:
Is it stupid? Absolutely.
Does it offend me at times? Yes.
Is the writing absurd and completely camp? Of course.

However, I really don't think this show takes itself too seriously. At least thats not the impression I get. Its fun to watch something and be completely in a world that makes no sense whatsoever. I'm so sick of these TV shows that are heavy and depressing. I'm stressed out all day at work, I don't want to be stressed when I get home. I want to see people break into song and dance and I want to watch something that doesn't involve thinking. I want to have fun. I enjoy myself watching Glee. Its fun. I don't take the story lines seriously, I'd rather see them sing and dance all episode.

#293re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 3:14pm

But if he's having more fun making it than I am watching it... that doesn't help me much.

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#294re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 3:18pm

I love making fun of it.

Hest882 Profile Photo
#295re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 3:30pm

Oh Phyllis, I just laughed and laughed over your entire initial post about this week's episode. Oh, they not only can't seem to keep plotlines or characters consistent, they can't keep the tone of their show consistent either. I miss Pushing Daisies very much and for those who say we critics don't understand that it's a fantasy, I point to Pushing Daisies, which worked because it kept a more consistent worldview.

Plus, Glee isn't a true fantasy, not if it's rooted in the real world. This is not set in an alternate place like Lost or Battlestar Galactica; it's *Ohio*!
Updated On: 12/6/09 at 03:30 PM

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#296re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 4:12pm

Wait, speaking of offensive...

Has anyone watched the sneak peak of this coming episode on BWW? Thy COMPLETELY steal the "walking down the hall talking to someone next to her on her cell phone" joke from Clueless. GET YOUR OWN JOKES GLEE!!!! Stop stealing other people's.

Also, since when can you do party lines on cell phones?

#297re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 6:11pm

I don't get what people mean when they say Glee has its own alternate reality. Apparently alternate reality means a reality that's exactly like ours only people sing more and men are completely clueless about pregnancy.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#298re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 6:31pm

I think I have a problem. I more or less hate this show and find it completely ridiculous and usually offensive, yet I watch it religiously every week. What is this madness? I think it's mainly because I like Emma (though her incessant fawning over Will has gotten to be too much) and Sue (sometimes). I really have no investment in or affection for any other character.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#299re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 12/6/09 at 7:19pm

That is exactly how I feel.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
