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Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#325re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/13/10 at 11:01pm


Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#326re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/13/10 at 11:09pm

I chose to sit this one out. I decided my life it too precious. I know, right? Totally surprised me, too!

#327re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/13/10 at 11:21pm

I'm the one who started this thread back in September. I'm still not a huge fan of the show. But Jane Lynch's rendition of VOGUE tonight was absolutely hilarious ! It was the 55 minutes preceding it which were mundane. Menzel, Groff and all.

Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#328re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/13/10 at 11:42pm

I liked Jane's 'Vogue' too.
The rest was 'meh.'

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing

#329re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 10:47am

I had hoped the time off would give them the chance to improve the writing, but last night's show was the same as all the others; absurd out-of-character plot devices, sappy sentimentality, and not a lot of laughs. If I am not mistaken, EVERY show has been about some character leaving Glee club, or threatening to leave, or destroying Glee Club in some way. I mean, how many times can they do that? It's old already, and we're only at the beginning of the 2nd season.
Vogue was entertaining, but it was basically just a shot for shot remake of the original, wasnt it? (with a few lines changed). Not very creative.
And poor Idina. A face made to be seen from row M, seat 7.

#330re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 12:13pm

I agree with you there Sheldon. The camera is not kind to Menzel's face. Some folks just come alive better on stage.

Although the Vogue segment was an almost exact replica, it is Lynch who deserves praise for making it work. I couldn't help but think of Cloris Leachman trying to be sexy.

Oddly enough, I don't feel Groff has a great persona for the camera either.

#331re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 12:23pm

Yea, Trish, I was very excited to see Groff, but he (or maybe it was his character) just didn't do it for me. I expected more. Maybe in the next few eps. He is cute, though.

And I am going to watch Vogue again, since many have said it takes a few viewings to really appreciate it.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#332re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 12:32pm

"Do Santana and Brittney have any other clothes? Why are they wearing their Cheerios' uniform on a Saturday? "

they are always wearing them. that is what makes me ask if this show is more spoof like in some ways. maybe it isn't realistic at all because it pokes fun of stereo types in an exaggerated way. seriously, we know that when groff and michele were singing Hello an orchestra would not just chime in. i don't know the ins and outs. i know in some schools, if they had a GLEE club like this, they would not be unpopular, that's for sure. at my high school, if you were a cheerleader you were laughed at. i know not in this school...jocks and cheerios are where it's at.

i can't find my question in one of these glee threads about its original airing. i thought it had a preview last summer then started prime time in the fall.

"it's a dirty little war"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#333re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 12:34pm

Yeah, I think they showed the pilot in May or so, and then continued when the season started in the fall.

#334re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 1:09pm

Groff looked greasy and Idina looked old. I skipped a few episodes last season (or before their break, if this isn't actually a new season) and was hoping to pick back up with new writing, better songs, less autotuning, luck.

jpbran Profile Photo
#335re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 3:39pm

Being cheerleaders is the source of all their "power" at school. I'd wear mine all the time too. re: UnGLEEful

kchenofan Profile Photo
#336re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 5:26pm

^ Yeah. In high school, the cheerleaders and football players are seen as the popular ones. Our school has a drama club (equivalent of a glee club) and we are absolutely not looked up to. And during football season, our cheerleaders DO wear their uniforms at school all the time and on weekends. If it's not their full uniform, it's a warmup suit or competition short/tee shirt set. So Glee is realistic in my case. (The orchestra is really a stretch, though)

kchenofan's computer is broken right now. This is her fridge. Now, you can leave a message, but say it slowly, so I can write it on a post-it note and stick it to myself.

Marquise Profile Photo
#337re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 5:56pm

And poor Idina. A face made to be seen from row M, seat 7.

This comment was unnecessary and cruel.

#338re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 7:33pm

Hey if we removed all the cruel/unnecessary comments from these boards, there would be almost nothing left.
And I didn't mean she's unattractive, really. She just has a look that is better suited to the theatre, since her features are very distinct, and in close-up they don't always translate well. But hell, she's better looking than I'll ever be.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#339re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 4/14/10 at 7:42pm

"Being cheerleaders is the source of all their "power" at school. I'd wear mine all the time too"

I know all of that, but I thought they were in Ohio. It would be cold in the winter to wear it all over.

"Yeah. In high school, the cheerleaders and football players are seen as the popular ones. Our school has a drama club (equivalent of a glee club) and we are absolutely not looked up to. And during football season, our cheerleaders DO wear their uniforms at school all the time and on weekends. If it's not their full uniform, it's a warmup suit or competition short/tee shirt set. So Glee is realistic in my case. (The orchestra is really a stretch, though) "

Yep, I am sure that is in most schools. I still say if they had a GLEE club that good they would be more popular. Then again, it isn't A School of the Arts. :)

-I find Idina attractive, regardless. (stage or silver screen) Those who think she has a face better for stage, do you feel this way about the likes of Glenn Close? I am not offended by the comment.

"it's a dirty little war"

#340re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:03pm

A by-the-numbers episode tonight. Starting with Morrison's rendition of ICE ICE BABY which was so poorly choreographed it looked like they hired a different choreographer. The split screen focus during the trios is getting tiresome as well as Lynch's imitating of pop stars. The duet (Lets Get Physical) with Olivia Newton John was poorly conceived and landed with a thud. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" was the wham bam finale channeling an episode of a Debbie Allen dance class in FAME.

The series seems to be losing its luster fast.

First the odd TONY noms, now this !

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#341re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:16pm

The split screen focus during the trios is getting tiresome

That was done intentionally to give it an amateur "Windows Movie Maker" feel to it.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#342re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:34pm

The script was one of the worst ones yet. I thought it had been getting better... and then this. Oy.

#343re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:43pm

I like how the people that (claim to) find it awful watch it more religiously than those who love it...

I'mNOTthatGIRL72 Profile Photo
#344re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:53pm

i really liked the episode last week, i thought it had a lot of heart.
i am a huge glee fan but even i am usually annoyed by the plot lines. in my opinion they are so rushed, too much is happening and each episode revolves around small plots that are resolved within the episode and they don't advance the story along at all. then there's the more important plots lines (shue and emma, etc) which i find interesting. is it just me though, or is it less about a glee club now and more about stupid high school drama? i don't know. the only reason i watch it week after week is because i absolutely love the songs and the guest stars (esp. john groff...i know he is gay but every time he is on screen i scream like a little girl...)
i think glee got caught in a trap. it became popular way too early (before the first season officially began) and now its main focus is to be as flashy and sell-out-ish as possible...and less focus on the writing. i hope it fixes these glitches soon, but i don't know. for now i just love the music, i buy all the cds and drive around singing along to them. i love the broadway connections and i love that there is a tv show out there that is about real people. emma's OCD is close to me as i have dealt with anxieties and ocd tendencies all my life and i like how it's part of her character, and not something to be ashamed of. also, sue having a sister with down syndrome is also very touching. the show all together is not bad, it has lots of real messages. however, i think it needs to remember who it is, or it's going to become awfully hypocritical.
sorry about this rant lol this is just my opinion on the whole thing...i really like this season so far (although i didn't much care for the madonna episode..anyone else agree?)

"There's a fine, fine line between love...and a waste of your time" (L). Seth Rudetsky is AMAAAHHHZING! A Very Potter Musical FTW!

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#345re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:54pm

Absolutely. If my friends are going to insist that it's wonderful, I must watch it to make a detailed list of all the things wrong with the episode. Also, how did they get Olivia Newton-John to agree to that?

tellybox Profile Photo
#346re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 10:54pm

It's funny you say that. I used to watch it because I found it to be horrible. In the same vein of "so bad, it's good" if you get my drift.

But now it's just bad. I didn't think a show could Jump the Shark so early.

#347re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 11:31pm

What the hell else does Olivia Newton-John have going on? It's the most popular new show of the season, of course she'd want to be involved - not to mention the fact that her last major appearance was on the failed Sordid Lives: The Series. She'll take what she can get.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#348re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/4/10 at 11:34pm

I more meant the video itself. Not the guest spot. Like I am surprised she agreed to recreate Physical. But now that I think about, the woman must have **** tons of money. And everyone knows who she is. It's not like she NEEDS the exposure. Why not sit home relaxing and collecting royalties?

#349re: UnGLEEful
Posted: 5/5/10 at 12:56am

I think that this show is the the TV equivalent of a Jonas or a Bieber. I think that 12-16 months from now, it will be gone, or so over that nobody will be talking about it. The white hot attention it is getting now is just not warranted. I mean, to be resorting to stunt casting and theme shows when your first full season isn't even over is a bad sign. And to those who wonder why those of us who hate it are watching it, rest assured that we aren't. I merely drop by the show every few minutes each week, hoping to be pleasantly surprised, only to find the same old bizarre (and soon to be forgotten) plot lines and musical numbers that can't decide if they are supposed to be mocking or sincere.
