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Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.- Page 4

Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#75Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 11:15am


The people I know who have said that Streisand got bored early in the run of FUNNY GIRL are largely theatre types. While I have no doubt they are probably true, I imagine the thrill of seeing Streisand live (and hearing that voice live) was no doubt more thrilling than not to the average theatre goer experiencing her for the first time, even during performances in which she may not have been 100 percent committed. It was sort of irrelevant. Most weren't there to see a committed performance in the play, they were there to see her.

It's hard for young people now to understand how big a star Streisand really was starting with Funny Girl going through the late 70s. She was massively huge. Lady Gaga huge. She was an event.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#76Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 11:29am

Casting someone who is an actor first and a singer second would solidify exactly why Sher is the wrong guy for this show. I guess I can understand the rational, to some degree- Ambrose is so out of the box that comparisons to Streisand won't even be part of the picture. But she's also so wrong for the show that, no matter what, there's no chance she'll succeed in putting this material over.

The role of Fanny Brice a demands a once in a lifetime musical comedy star. Is Ambrose a phenomenal actor with a unique sensibility who can carry a tune? Absolutely. But does she have the type of thrilling voice that could set a theater on fire? No. Watch the videos that everyone's posted. While she can certainly sing, she's not anywhere near the dynamo that the role requires. The book of this show doesn't demand someone who can master intricate subtlety with a quirky presence. It needs a real comedienne who can sing the hell out of a song called "I'm The Greatest Star" and make it absolutely believable beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's not Ambrose.

FUNNY GIRL is the type of show that you do when you already have someone to do it for. Deciding do it and then trying to find someone after the fact was already this production's biggest mistake.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 7/26/11 at 11:29 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#77Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 11:41am

Such defensiveness, AC. You keep saying that you're only posting your opinion, but then you keep adding that the reviewers and many others agree with you, implying that that makes you right, and explicitly stating that it means that my "characterization of her ... might not be shared by as many people as you (I) think," when I have no interest at all in who shares my opinion. My opinion is mine; I'm certainly not going to cite anyone else to validate it (particularly media reviewers, about whom I've made it clear have no reason to exist except as marketing tools). That's an exercise for people who have so little confidence in their opinions, they need the support from being part of a like-minded group.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#78Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 11:50am

I don't often agree with you, newintown, but I think you're smart enough to know that when someone posts an opinion on a Broadway message board, it is an opinion. You're trying to hang me on what comes down to a syntax error--the fact that I said "your" instead of "my"--even though I already stated earlier in my initial post that what I'm stating is my opinion. I'm certain that anyone with basic reading comprehension could take away that I wasn't editorializing, but you love to pick a fight (I've seen you do it on other threads) and you've chosen me to be your daily "victim". And I've let it go on long enough.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

newintown Profile Photo
#79Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 12:05pm

I disagreed with you, you flew off the handle, brought in reviews to "prove" your opinion was the valid one, and I'm the one picking a fight?

I moved on from the syntax thing long ago; my most recent comments have been about your need to feel that your opinion is the majority opinion, and therefore, a better opinion. And that, you haven't responded to.

#80Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 12:18pm

While people say they would rather summon the ghost of Fanny Brice than the ghost of Barbra Streisand in the casting of this production, or that they want to see something totally different than what Streisand brought to the role... I think it is interesting to note that this musical was largely written around and for Barbra Streisand's talents. And yeah, I love the show, but the show without Barbra Streisand seems kind of pointless to me.

This whole operation sounds like we might as well cast Lauren Ambrose in Chita Rivera: A Dancer's Life.

newintown Profile Photo
#81Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 12:28pm

That's a perfect analogy, guettboy.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#82Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 1:03pm

I would suggest we parse the questions.

1) Is there a truly compelling reason for a revival of Funny Girl?

2) If not, could it still be an enjoyable experience to see a revival of Funny Girl?

3) If it's worth doing at all, is Lauren Ambrose someone to consider?

I can only give my own opinions.

1) No. It is not a first rate musical. It is known mostly, with a great deal of justification, as a star vehicle. Perhaps more than any other musical, it's importance is linked, to a legendary degree, to a particular and unique leading lady, and that leading lady's performance is recorded in a famous and great film. As Rosie Brice would say, "Now it belongs to the ages."

It's hard to imagine any other leading lady, no matter how extraordinary a talent, who could give impetus to a Funny Girl that absolutely must be staged.

2) Yes. To hear that terrific overture again - one of the finest ever written for the theater, and if his helming of South Pacific offers any indication, Sher would make damn sure it is performed splendidly - that alone is reason enough to go see a production of Funny Girl. Funny Girl has its charms: a poignant Cinderella show with humor, heartache, a strong first act curtain, a first rate score (not only notable for its famous showstoppers but for other numbers, the lovely and lyrical Who Are You Now? and The Music That Makes Me Dance, and the charming Who Taught Her Everything She Knows?, some of which were not featured in the movie), lavish production numbers tbat revisit the glory of the Ziegfreld Follies, and a little gem of a featured role for the gal lucky enough to be cast as "Mamma Who?" (it would be lovely to see, for example, Cyndi Lauper as Rosie Brice).

3) Among some highly qualified candidates for Fanny, Ambrose, is more than worthy of consideration, as I've already pointed out here, so I won't repeat myself.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#83Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 1:54pm

"I disagreed with you, you flew off the handle, brought in reviews to "prove" your opinion was the valid one, and I'm the one picking a fight?"

AC certainly doesn't need me to fight his battles, he's more than qualified to intelligently respond to anything you are dishing out.

However, he hasn't flown off the handle.

And as for bringing in reviews to "prove" his opinionn was the valid one, he did no such thing. He did, however, refer to the fact that Ambrose is somewhat of a critic's darling, to effectively answer your charges that his high praise of Ambrose was somehow idiosyncratic, to rebuff your suggestion - and forgive me if you didn't intend this but I think many, including myself took it this way - that his adulation of Ambrose was so subjective as to be out of touch with reality.

It's fine to disagree with others who hold Lauren Ambrose in esteem. From time to time I disagree, and sometimes strongly, with a view held by many - even by a majority - that a performer has got the real stuff, or that a particular show isn't good, or etc., etc., etc.

If we all agreed about everything, what would be the fun of

What really isn't cool is suggesting that someone is flying off the handle because of the passion they invest in an opinion with which you disagree.

Of course there are some limits as defined by the parameters of common sense and sanity.

But it's not as if AC is championing the idea of Mel Gibson as Tevye here.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#84Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 3:01pm

One fact everyone seems to forget is that FUNNY GIRL ran another 18 successful months after Streisand was replaced with Mimi Hines, who neither looked or sounded like Babs. Comparing this show to BOY FROM OZ is, in my opinion way off the mark. It was also a standard on the Straw Hat Circuit and has had many other well received outings.
I saw Hines and she was terrific and she made it her own, her voice and comic timing were thrilling. The only change, I believe, was the lyric: "Are some teeth of deviation, such a crime against the nation?"
Updated On: 7/26/11 at 03:01 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#85Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 3:23pm

Henrik, I never made "charges that his high praise of Ambrose was somehow idiosyncratic;" I only disagreed with his statement "When she is on stage, your focus can be nowhere but on her." I never said that he was alone in that assessment (not that it matters whether he is the only one who believes it or not). I was responding to the universality of his claim.

To imply that I said "that his adulation of Ambrose was so subjective as to be out of touch with reality" is an over-reaction of great proportion, and looking for insult where there is mere disagreement.

I disagreed with his claim that she has universal star quality, he brought in reviews to "prove" his point, and became increasingly defensive when I said reviews "prove" nothing, and that's about it.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#86Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 3:36pm

I've always contended that one of the downsides to emails and social networking is that, in quick and informal written communications, sometimes things are taken out of context or easily misunderstood. My apologies, newintown, if I got it wrong.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#87Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 6:55pm

henrik, you are a class act.

back to Ambrose, she's certainly an interesting idea. Very inspired, indeed. Is she a Streisand? Obviously not. And while her voice is cool, when I think of the score, one can help but think of power belters knocking those tunes out of the park.

However, this may not be a bad thing. As henrik said earlier, while we may not need a revival of Funny Girl, the show is certainly good enough to warrant a second look. And maybe this upcoming revival should be looked at as a chance to really investigate the piece itself, and how it stands up today. What about this story interests people? Curtain noted earlier that the show continued to run well after Streisand left it. Of course, we were entranced by la diva herself, and the show lives through her - a superstar in every sense of the word.

But maybe it's ok now to let go of the show's connection with Streisand and really investigate the piece itself. Look at "Hello, Dolly!". That show has a legendary diva role that has been re-imagined by dozens and dozens of leading ladies. While it requires a great actress to send it to the moon, the appeal of "Hello, Dolly!" lies in the show itself - a slam-bang score and a funny and touching book that tells the story about a strong, powerful, dazzling woman that everyone loves - who needs to re-connect in a very personal sense.

Is "Funny Girl" that different? The shows are fairly similar. The score is brassy, and full of big production numbers. The book is funny, touching, and full of great supporting roles. And like Dolly, Fanny is a strong, powerful, quirky, woman who dazzles everyone she meets. Her big conflict is that she wants to connect to having a real, personal love (the big difference lies here, as Fanny is going for that connection in the here and now, where as Dolly seeks to re-connect to something long gone. And unlike Dolly, Fanny does not have success by the end of the show.) And really, I feel it's not a coincidence that Barbra played both roles (although maybe she shouldn't have played Dolly, her take is unique, and is not a complete disaster.)

Maybe we can now find the appeal we find in "Hello, Dolly!" in "Funny Girl". The show itself may just be good enough to support a star entirely different from Streisand. And wouldn't it be lovely for this revival to be a smash hit and run for years will all kinds of different Fannys, just like the original production of Dolly?
Updated On: 7/26/11 at 06:55 PM

#88Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 7:19pm

There is no reason to revive Funny Girl if Lea Michelle is not going to play Fanny. She is the only star who is completely right for the role, she is the only one the public will accept in the role and I do not believe this revival will happen without her. I know she's contracted to Glee, I know Sher is supposedly doing a country-wide talent search (this might be happening, the only person people would readily accept at the moment instead of Lea is a complete, yet amazing, unknown) but a revival of Funny Girl after ALL these years happening right at the moment the perfect young actress to portray Fanny Brice is ascending (and even those of you who do not like her, have to admit she IS perfect casting in the Streisand mold--which is the only mold for this role, sorry) I just don't think its a coincidence. Lea Michelle will be playing Fanny Brice in Bartlett Sher's "Funny Girl". Trust me. This revival is happening mostly BECAUSE of her.
Updated On: 7/26/11 at 07:19 PM

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#90Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 8:03pm

AC126748, I for one am very grateful for your opinion. No, I have never seen Lauren Ambrose live, but I've also never seen anything less than an exceptional performance from her on screen. I'm happy to take your word that she has the charisma and sheer "star quality" to play Fanny Brice.

My point, however, was that the show isn't strong enough to survive anything but a phenomenal vocal instrument in the title role. The book gives Fanny no foil strong enough to create real conflict (and weak conflict means even a great actress can only do so much). And though Styne was a genius (can't say the same about Merrill), songs like "Who Are You Now?" and "Rat Tat Tat Tat" are far from classics.

From the film clips I've seen, Ambrose has a great belt and is a very interesting singer as well as actress. But to my ear, she's not even a match for Streisand's understudy (the amazing Lainie Kazan).

latitudex1 Profile Photo
#91Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 8:29pm

This really would be something fantastic and something completely different than what Barbra Streisand or Lea Michelle would bring to the show.

She's a quite wonderful, "quirky" screen actress with plenty of on stage experience.

And then Annaliese Van der Pol could be her alternate or understudy (they have a similar look/sound/build) and my dream casting would be fulfilled. I'll admit that I have strange dreams.

"Lea Michelle will be playing Fanny Brice in Bartlett Sher's "Funny Girl". Trust me. This revival is happening mostly BECAUSE of her."

Um, but Lea's doing Glee for 4 more years—I don't expect Sher to buy her out of her contract. This revival is supposed to get off the ground by next year. I don't see how any of that would work out, but okay.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#92Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/26/11 at 11:47pm

They all laughed at lovely Laurette Taylor
When she made Amanda hers
They all laugh at rumors ‘bout this show of Sher’s
They all laughed at silly Sandy Duncan
When she said that she could fly

Lavin in a drama?
Liv Ullman as yo Mama?
It's the same old cry
They laughed at Lauren Bacall
But the Times had a ball
And lionized her in “Åpplause” (be-bob-a-re-bob!)

They all say she never could be Fanny
Laugh! They bend in half!
(ever hear the story ‘bout the traveling salesman?)
But ho, ho, ho!
The Laughers ALWAYS laugh!

They laughed at a revival of Chicago
Still they clamor to get in
They all laughed at Stritchie when she gave up gin
They nay-sayed Antonio as Guido
Natasha in a Berlin bar

Audra and her Lizzie
Kept the laughers busy
That's how people are
Some laugh at Lauren as Fan
Say she is not "The Greatest Star”
But just suppose: Yes She Can!
Harty har har har har har!

They all laughed at Scarjo on Broadway
Before the tony she had won
They all laughed when Reba upped and got her gun
They all laughed at a show called Oklahoma
Said “No gags, no girls, no chance!”
They told Miss De Mille to stick to modern dance!

They laughed at Vivien Leigh
Said she could not “Fiddle-dee-dee!”
But, now, hear their plea:
“No one else could Scarlett be!”

They’ll all laugh like good old Mrs. Streikosh
At Bartlett’s Fanny TBA
But ho, ho, ho!
Who'll have the last laugh?
Hee, hee, hee!
Who’ll at the past laugh?
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
(A bit of pate?)
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
(I drink it all day)
Hee, hee, hee, hee!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
(In this pickle, what would Sadie say?)
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Ha, ha, hee, hee!
(Cuz if a girl’s just too pretty like a Miss Atlantic City
She’s a real Miss Nobody U.S.A.!)
Ho, ho, ha, ha!
(The Kaiser runs a blockaway!)

He, he, he (De Carlo as Carlotta! Stratas in a schmatta!)
Ha, ha, ha (Rex Harrison... in a musical? WTF!)
Ho, ho, ho, ho (So you're going to make a big budget movie from some English play about the death of Mozart to star Tom Hulce and F. Murray Abraham and you expect it to be a hit.... good luck!)
Ha, ha, ha (Estelle Parsons... is she still alive?)
Ho, ho, ho (Julie's leaving Victor, Victoria... they're NUTS if they don't get Liza; IT CAN'T MISS!)

Ha, ha, ha
Who has the last laugh now??

Updated On: 7/27/11 at 11:47 PM

ChiChi Profile Photo
#93Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 1:12am

Michael Bennet I love your post.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

Musical Director 109
#94Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 8:46am

Whoever plays Fanny certainly should be able to sing the score well, but SHE MUST be FUNNY!!! It should be a comedienne who can serve the score admirably. Thus the title: FUNNY Girl.

#95Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 9:11am

How about Diana Degarmo she is great at comedy and can SING. She's now at the Hollywood Bowl in Hairspray reprising her Penny role

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#96Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 11:08am

henrikegerman, in his question of whether FUNNY GIRL really needs to be revived, states, "...that leading lady's performance[Streisand's] is recorded in a famous and great film." I saw Barbra Streisand at the Winter Garden and I have seen the film. The two are miles apart, with the Broadway Musical's excellent first act taut and exciting, quickly moving from great scene to great scene, and with production numbers that filled the stage of the WInter Garden, not the giant sound stage of a Holywood studio. The believability of the stage show is not captured on film which has the look of a tired duck.

The stage show's second act and the film's second half slows down considerably, largely because of the interaction of Fanny with Nicky Arnstein, a wooden uninteresting character played by a bored Sydney Chaplin who can't sing his part in the show, and by a leaden Omar Sharif in the film. The film has the habit of having very long pauses in scenes involving Fanny and Nicky, providing further boredom. At least the second act of the show has some good musical numbers which perk things up; the musical numbers in the film's second half are enervating, with the lone exception of an exquisite "My Man" to end the film.

inlovewithjerryherman compares HELLO DOLLY with FUNNY GIRL, feeling that there are similarities, especially concerning Fanny Brice and Dolly Levi. I'm afraid I see little connection; they are such very different people. HELLO DOLLY has the edge over FUNNY GIRL in that its book is much tighter. True, production numbers in both stage shows are exciting and well executed, those in HELLO DOLLY arising out of characters and situations, while the big production numbers in FUNNY GIRL are designed as separate ZIEGFELD FOLLIES numbers. HELLO DOLLY 's starring role apparently has the advantage of being able to be cast more easily, from Carol Channing to Pearl Bailey to Ethel Merman, with no one worrying about those stars' different takes on the role of Dolly Levi. But everyone seems to have a very strong opinion as to,who should play Fanny Brice. Me, I have no idea. And I have never seen Lauren Ambrose, so I can't comment on her. But, given FUNNY GIRL's weaknesses, the producers and the director better find an amazing performer because the show rests on her shoulders alone.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"
Updated On: 7/27/11 at 11:08 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#97Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 12:11pm

"There is no reason to revive Funny Girl if Lea Michelle is not going to play Fanny. She is the only star who is completely right for the role, she is the only one the public will accept in the role and I do not believe this revival will happen without her."

Oh, please. People aren't going to revolt should Lea Michelle not be cast. And honestly, she is not a big enough name to base a production around (neither is Lauren Ambrose). The "name" here is FUNNY GIRL. THAT is the name people are going be drawn in by. "People" and "Don't Rain on My Parade" are the names people are going to be looking for.

Lea Michelle is a bagel on a plate of bagels.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#98Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 2:18pm

Shoshana Bean has been officially cast.

madbrian Profile Photo
#99Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
Posted: 7/27/11 at 2:29pm

Oh good, so I'll be able to stay at home in northern NJ and hear her shrieking without having to leave my living room.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
