Cheyenne jackson is one of the most unattractive men I've ever seen.
The original Ragtime was one of the most boring experiences of my life (the music was good, but there were so many little subplots - like the whole Harry Houndini thing - that I just didn't care about, and made the show way too long...)
The Story of My Life was one of the best musicals of last season - certainly better than 9 to 5 or Shrek - and I'll even go so far as to say it was comparable to N2N.
Hunter Bell was robbed of the Best Book Tony.
I hate Sutton Foster. I just don't like her. She's irritating. I respect her as a performer, the woman won a Tony for God's sake, so she must be okay to some people, but I do not like her.
I hate Patti LuPone. I think she's awful.
I ****ing detest The Battery's Down.
RENT changed my life. It will forever be my #1 favorite musical.
In second place is Legally Blonde. I believe that Elle is one of the most challenging roles ever to grace the stage. It's a fun show, it's an invigorating show, it's a downright fan-****ing-tastic show.
I enjoy the word "****" if you haven't noticed.
I don't enjoy telling people my favorite musicals because I fear that they'll tell me I know nothing about theatre which is wholly and abysmally untrue.
Christian Borle is a God damn comedic genius. No one knows how talented this man really is.
I could give a **** about him, Laura and Sutton. The "affair" does not alter my opinions of them. I still hate Sutton, I still ADORE Christian and I still think Laura is just dandy.
I do not like Kristin Chenoweth.
I enjoyed Shrek.
I think 9 to 5 is AMAZING.
Orfeh irritates me, but when I saw her tweet about Jandy, she became my new favorite.
I THINK BROADWAYSECRETS SHOULD DIE NOW. It's full of hate and cruelty and I don't understand how people can actually have the audacity to say what they say.
Julia Murney is my hero.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/05
I detest Sutton Foster, and if she's in a show, it will turn me off of the show until she leaves.
Little Women may not have worked on stage, but the score has some gems. "Some Things are Meant to Be," "Here Alone" and "Days of Plenty" come to mind. Notice I did not mention "Astonishing."
Kristin Chenoweth bugs the hell out of me.
I have not given up hope for a decent musical adaption of Gone With the Wind.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Wow, I thought I was the only one who didn't Kristin Chenoweth. Glad to see I wasn't the only one. And her fake, whiny Emmy acceptance speech really, really annoyed me.
I like The Lion King and thought it was a terrific piece of theater, although I don't think it should have beaten Ragtime for Best Musical.
I think a lot of the hate for The Lion King stems from the fact that it did win Best Musical over Ragtime.
Hair is VERY overrated.
I think The Phantom of The Opera is a wonderful show and Andrew Lloyd Weber's score (aside from the synthesized title number) is gorgeous.
There was no way in hell The Producers deserved 12 Tonys. Score
and book at least should have gone to The Full Monty.
I really don't care for In The Heights. Music was good, but the story did nothing for me.
I probably posted this at one point, but I really don't feel like looking back.
1) Sondheim is overrated and not a "god" as majority of musical lovers make him out to be. Not saying he is not good, because I am a fan...but no where near as AMAZING as people make him out to be.
2) Wishes people who get over picking on Webber in regards to the way POTO is staged and stuff. Webber did not direct it. Why doesn't anyone bash Hal Prince?
3) Sutton Foster annoys the crap out of me and I have seen high school girls act better than her
4) Legally Blonde needs to die forever.
5) Does not like Patti LuPone. Her voice is grating and she screams notes instead of actually singing it (and the same people who praise her, bash Idina Menzel and others that scream).
4) Kind of a continuation of above..... I am not a fan of Idina Menzel, due to the screaming.
There are more, but I can't think of any right now.
Understudy Joined: 2/28/05
Unpopular Opinions
I find that in Shakespeare plays, the deaths are often too convenient, and sometimes too numerous.
Also I don't completely buy Lady Macbeth's descent into guilt after her husband's crime. For me it's a total change of who she was at the beginning.
Updated On: 9/22/09 at 06:46 PM
I've never seen, nor do I have any desire to see or listen or talk about Singin' in the Rain.
I don't care for West Side Story. I don't find the characters particularly enthralling and music (Something's Coming aside) is rather dull.
I don't happen to like people whose "unpopular opinion" verges on "ignorant/misinformed/you're-making-yourself-look-like-an-idiot-because-of-your-just-plain-stupid opinion."
Stand-by Joined: 2/26/06
I don't get LuPone.
I've seen her several times and have yet to hear her get through an entire song in key, speak any lines intelligibly, or act in any way convincingly at all.
Guilty pleasure - I don't mind Juke Box musicals, as long as the audience doesn't sing along, full voice.
[monocle drops into teacup with a loud splash]
I have no many unpopular opinions it's hard to think of all of them:
-I loathe "Phantom of the Opera"
-Andrew Lloyd Webber writes 6 measures of melody, then recycles it for the rest of the show.
-I think Idina Menzel is very talented
-I don't think Patti LuPone is all that great.
-Sondheim is overrated; Jason Robert Brown is underrated.
Understudy Joined: 2/28/05
Well I thought I chose a safe person (Shakespeare) to have unpopular opinions about. Anybody can have an unpopular opinion about Shakespeare and nobody would really care.
I was just thinking about this thread on my walk to class today when I saw a West Side Story Playbill in the trash. It made me realize how much I don't care for West Side Story at all; the story, the music, and every production I have seen.
I have no interest in GLEE.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
"Bushel and Peck" has some of the worst lyrics I have ever heard. Ever.
I think Terrence Mann sounds like he is singing while having an omelette shoved down his throat.
I don't think that's an unpopular opinion... I mean, I completely agree, but I flippin' LOVE that man to bits. He's one of my all-time favorites. Oh, and I think he's hideously creepy-looking, too.
Side Show is really, really bad. That's not to say I don't like it. I love it. The cast is brilliant and there are some really catchy tunes... and I really love the premise. But I have never heard such preposterous and cliched lyrics, and so many of the songs are so generic that I'm surprised any hardcore theatre fans like it. I feel like people only like it because it's an obscure and intriguing show with a wonderful cast.
[tos] is a sophomoric youtube sketch that did not deserve to get anywhere near Broadway. Its fans are seriously grating, but not as grating as its creators who won't stop kicking a dead horse. Let it go, already. It was a HUGE flop and it wasn't that funny.
Patty LuPone is a slob and has let herself go. Would it kill her to wear a girdle or a gown when she performs instead of a frumpy empire waist dress or an oversized button down shirt and capri pants?
In The Heights was total junk and could anyone understand what the hell Lin-Manuel was saying? My whole row could not.
Josh Strickland is insanely talented and deserves another Broadway lead.I was surprised at all the homophobia he encountered on a freakin Broadway theatre message board.
I think Sarah Brightman has a very odd, unappealing voice. (I got some serious flack for this on a board a few weeks ago...)
I enjoyed Shrek.
I love Disney on Broadway.
Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical.
I've never seen Glee.
Sutton Foster's really not very pretty without makeup.
I don't 'get'/like Next to Normal, Rent, Spring Awakening, or In the Heights.
Updated On: 9/25/09 at 10:10 PM
Patty LuPone is a slob and has let herself go. Would it kill her to wear a girdle or a gown when she performs instead of a frumpy empire waist dress or an oversized button down shirt and capri pants?
1) this made me laugh.
2) do people other than my grandma still wear girdles?
"2) do people other than my grandma still wear girdles?"
hahahaha.....givesmevoice...ok....good point... ill send the diva some spanx to the stagedoor... is that better? :)
ha, well, I don't know. I personally don't think she's in desperate need of shaping garments, but you certainly could try.
I'd actually be too afraid to suggest it to her. She'd kill me. However, last time I saw her she had a front butt, muffin top, and her "girls" were long and all over the place.
the thing about Patti is she either looks AMAZING or OMG TERRIBLE.