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Unpopular opinions you hold

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#350Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/6/13 at 11:17am

I think Sondheim fans such as pennybankBill are pretentious and the very reason why many people find them obnoxious.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#351Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/6/13 at 11:24am

I think Cheno is obnoxious. I'm also in love with her, though.

I liked Russell Crowe in Les Miserables - I hated Anne Hathaway.

They should have let Natalie Wood do her own singing in West Side Story and just edited her voice, or not have cast her at all. She was really suffering from a depression at the time and finding out she was dubbed really hurt her, not to mention people on set were pretty mean to her about her voice and her dancing.

"Nice is different than good."

PennybankBill Profile Photo
#352Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/6/13 at 4:23pm

Wait, now I'm pretentious? Buddy, you don't know me and I sure as hell don't know you, but I was just saying Sondheim doesn't seem very pretentious when he lists two comedies rife with dick and fart jokes as his favorite movies.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#353Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/6/13 at 7:38pm

I like

Dracula musicals

Poster Emeritus

#354Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/6/13 at 8:06pm

To echo a few...

-I don't think Santino Fontana is attractive at all.
-Liza Minelli is WAY overrated
-I didn't think Anne Hathaway was all that great in the Les Mis movie

Updated On: 3/7/13 at 08:06 PM

#355Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 10:07am

I thought Russell Crowe was an excellent Javert.
Both American Idiot and Rent should still be on Broadway.

#356Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 11:57am

Les Miz movie was overrated and now everyone is going to copy Anne Hathaway's hack performance of I Dreamed a Dream.

I listen to Wonderland (Concept Album) once a week. Wonderland could be a good musical if it wasn't trying to be wicked. Frank Wildhorne has become a guilty pleasure but needs a good book writer.

#357Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 12:00pm

Yes rorschach37, I liked Russel Crowe in Les Miz. People complained about his singing. Amanda Seyfried's singing was worse.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#358Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 12:01pm

I hated ONCE and thought it was a depressing piece of sh!+ that didn't have an ounce of hope in it.

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#359Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 12:28pm

I think that Alexia Khadime is the best Elphie and that Idina Menzel is only second best.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#360Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 12:31pm

1) I thought Chad Kimball was great in "Memphis".
2) "Noises Off" was the worst show I ever saw on Broadway.
3) I happen to like some of Frank Wildhorn's music.

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#361Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 12:58pm

like some of Frank Wildhorn's music too

suestorm Profile Photo
#362Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 1:48pm

i love tourist. dont get the touristhate.

they are usually really nice people when you take the time to talk to them. and they create jobs

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#363Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 1:53pm

Oh and I forgot one:

1) Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth just weren't the best Elphaba and Glinda.

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#364Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:04pm

Amanda Seyfried-I find her voice a little annoying... The higher she goes-the more shrilled it sounds (imo)

Wynbish Profile Photo
#365Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:05pm

Don't think that's unpopular

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#366Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:07pm

well, most of my 'fellow-students' absolutely love her voice and they think she's amazing. I disagree... a lot

#367Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:25pm

OK here are some more
-Idina Menzel cannot sing well
-prefer Sherie Rene over Idina
-I think Judy Kuhn has the perfect Broadway voice, over Cheno, Sutton, Audra, and everyone else
-I really want to hear a recording of LaChanze's Sarah from Ragtime. I think she actually would be better than Audra.

Patronus Profile Photo
#368Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:31pm

chinto1984 said:
I really want to hear a recording of LaChanze's Sarah from Ragtime. I think she actually would be better than Audra.

She was.

#369Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 2:34pm

I knew it.

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#370Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 3:50pm

Thought of another one, and this is controversial among my fellow musical theatre addicts:
I do not ship the Phantom and Christine. I ship Christine and Raoul , therefore, I think that Love Never Dies just ruins stuff.

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#371Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 3:52pm

^I have never seen Love Never Dies, only heard the music, but I agree.

"Nice is different than good."

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#372Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 3:54pm

oh trust me, you're not missing out on anything. The whole point of Phantom was that you didn't know what happened-but everything gets explained in Love never dies! Also, there is only (in my opinion) one good song.

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#373Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 3:56pm

I always feel bad for the guys like Raoul. Poor guy, just wants to be loved, but instead she's off with this abusive ghost guy who's favourite activities include romantic songs and killing people.

"Nice is different than good."

MusicalTheatreNerd Profile Photo
#374Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 3/7/13 at 3:58pm

EXACTLY!-I agree entirely! And also, I don't understand why she has a thing for a semi-serial-killer... 'Tis a little odd in my opinion, but I still love Phantom
