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Unpopular opinions you hold

devonian.t Profile Photo
#550Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 6:25pm

I agree- in 10 years it will seem as hip as A Chorus Line the movie...

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#551Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 8:42pm

The whole concept behind CATS as a show was extremely creative, and it really is a fun show to see when you want to be entertained by fluff. (Which isn't a bad thing at all if you're looking for an easy night out.) It has every right to be back on Broadway.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#552Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 9:23pm

I love Hamilton but it's going to be unbearably dated in about five years.

I don't understand why people think Company is "dated."  I really believe that it has become a period piece.  It is an observation of that section of 1960's society.

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#553Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 10:16pm

ice-cream that is exactly the phenomenon I am talking about. It was written to happen in the then-present but has become a period piece because of how out of place it would be if set in the present. 

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#554Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 10:46pm

icecreambenjamin said: "I love Hamilton but it's going to be unbearably dated in about five years.



Yes, I unfortunately feel the same way. It's a great show, but it will probably never be revived after it closes. Not that it doesn't deserve to, but I think it has a lot less staying power than most more classic Broadway musicals (which is probably why that's what we get most of the time!). The music in Hamilton is just what we listen to in the present, but, maybe not in five years but in ten or fifteen, the music will be extremely dated.

I don't think Renee Elise Goldsberry should win the Tony for Hamilton either. I love her in the show, but I personally would love to see any of the other nominees take it (particularly Simard or Brooks).

itis2l84u Profile Photo
#555Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 10:54pm

I'm not sure how unpopular this is and is love to hear what others think of this but I didn't feel like making a thread for it in case it's been done before and I get yelled at but I think it's unprofessional for actors to be tweeting about audience members taking photos or videos during the show. I think they should just report it to the stage manager so the patrons in question get taken care of and move on. From my experience the people openly taking photos and videos are tourists who are very casual theatre goers. More likely than not they don't follow these actors on twitter. The tweets only are seen by people who hold the same view as the actors so they aren't productive in getting the people who'd take photos during the show to not take photos. The tweets seem more self indulgent and soapboxy than anything else.

#556Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/12/16 at 10:57pm

1. I cannot stand Phantom of the Opera. Seen it 3 times, fell asleep each time.

2. I really like The Rothschilds.

3. The Producers was funny but musically-bland, and basically took all the best material from the movie and pushed it over the top.

4. I loved RENT when it came out but now I find it virtually unwatchable, especially Act II.

5. Sondheim's best was A Little Night Music.

6. Hamilton hate is more irritating than Hamilton fandom.

Alex M Profile Photo
Alex M
#557Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 1:02am

itis2l84u said: "I'm not sure how unpopular this is and is love to hear what others think of this but I didn't feel like making a thread for it in case it's been done before and I get yelled at but I think it's unprofessional for actors to be tweeting about audience members taking photos or videos during the show. I think they should just report it to the stage manager so the patrons in question get taken care of and move on. From my experience the people openly taking photos and videos are tourists who are very casual theatre goers. More likely than not they don't follow these actors on twitter. The tweets only are seen by people who hold the same view as the actors so they aren't productive in getting the people who'd take photos during the show to not take photos. The tweets seem more self indulgent and soapboxy than anything else."

completely agree 


gypsy101 Profile Photo
#558Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 1:16am

You people are ridiculous for thinking Hamilton will be dated in five years. It's not like the type of music used in the show (which spans like a dozen genres) were invented recently. It is literally not just the type of music we listen to in the present. Which of the genres will no longer be prevalent in 5 years? Rap, hip-hop, R&B, pop, jazz...they'll still be here and so will Hamilton.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#559Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 1:28am

gypsy101 said: "You people are ridiculous for thinking Hamilton will be dated in five years. It's not like the type of music used in the show (which spans like a dozen genres) were invented recently. It is literally not just the type of music we listen to in the present. Which of the genres will no longer be prevalent in 5 years? Rap, hip-hop, R&B, pop, jazz...they'll still be here and so will Hamilton.


Not to mention the fact that a lot of the music of Hamilton is based on rap music from over 20 years ago and it's not dated today in the slightest.

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#560Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 2:23am

Let me just point out that I am not talking about a 5-year timeframe with my comment, though I did say quickly.

I also don't think it's the music will date it but rather the language.

But I am just being contrary to be contrary. On the thread invented for that.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#561Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 8:38am

Two things on Hamilton:

1. The music of Hamilton won't become dated anytime soon -- the music of Hair, Chicago, or just about anything ALW has done have not hurt their respective shows over time. Remember too that revivals often rearrange & reorchestrate scores to update their sounds.

But the politics of Hamilton might. It seems relevant and contemporary to us because there are recognizably relevant and contemporary issues interwoven throughout: immigration, race, gun violence, etc. But what if in 20 years, for example, immigration is no longer a front-burner political concern? Then the show would lose some of its urgency. I love 1776, but there are lines in that musical that are clearly reactions to Nixon and, as a result, don't work as well today. Mind you, this doesn't make shows bad but it does make them more obviously born of a specific time and mentality. 

2. I go back and forth on LMM, but for those of you who think he's phony or at least highly staged in his public persona, what makes you think that? He has a pretty similar demeanor in interviews from the In the Heights era when he wasn't as famous. I get more of an impression that he's just extraordinarily intense -- with all the good and bad that flows from that -- and is trying to keep it under control most of the time.

My unpopular opinion on LMM is that I don't think he's all that versatile a rapper stylistically, and most of his raps sound similar. This will be more obvious next time around if he writes another rap musical.

Updated On: 5/13/16 at 08:38 AM

jakebloke Profile Photo
#562Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 4:46pm

lol I'm just naturally suspicious of anyone who is so likable. I'd feel better If ANYONE hated him!


My husband hates him.  He can't stomach looking at him and can't be in the same room if I'm listening to Hamilton.  Lin's voice grates his nerves.  (which I kinda get).

Although obviously he's very talented, he's a bit arrogant to feel the need to cast himself as the lead when there's plenty more actors who'd prob do a better job.  IMO.   

#563Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 4:52pm

I don't think that's arrogance. He has said before that there are hardly any roles for latinos and the ones that there are he isn't suited for so he writes his own. He's a good actor and there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to play the roles that he writes, especially as they are suited to him in terms of rapping and lack of singing. There are plenty of other people that will be able to play Hamilton in years to come. 

#564Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 4:58pm

I'm sick to death of every single website featuring articles on Hamilton and these million Hamilton threads now on BWW.  I know, I know, "then don't read them", its just annoying to see Hamilton everywhere.


"From my experience the people openly taking photos and videos are tourists who are very casual theatre goers. More likely than not they don't follow these actors on twitter. The tweets only are seen by people who hold the same view as the actors so they aren't productive in getting the people who'd take photos during the show to not take photos. The tweets seem more self indulgent and soapboxy than anything else."

These morons at the theater have reminders when they come in, in their playbill and right before a performance.  Do not justify their illegal, disrespectful behavior.  Soapboxy?  To say it's RUDE to take photos and be filming?  They are breaking the law and disrespecting every single person involved in the creation of a show.  They should be telling these people off.  They should also include not to have them come back to any theater until they can respect the art.  

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#565Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 6:49pm

Sterilization for chronic breeders.


StageManager2 Profile Photo
#566Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 7:38pm

He has said before that there are hardly any roles for latinos and the ones that there are he isn't suited for so he writes his own. 


Yeah, 'cause Alexander Hamilton was very Latino.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

#567Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 7:57pm

StageManager2 said: "Yeah, 'cause Alexander Hamilton was very Latino."

Erm? The role of 'Alexander Hamilton' in 'Hamilton' is for a person of color. The role is what we're discussing, not the person.

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#568Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 9:12pm

The 5 year time frame was an exaggeration.  The lyrics (werk,werk) will be very dated in about ten years.  The difference between shows like Hair and Hamilton is that Hair has become a period piece because the music is a reflection of the show's setting.  Hamilton's score is not a reflection of show's setting however.  I love it though, but I cannot guarantee that my children will enjoy it.

itis2l84u Profile Photo
#569Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 10:13pm

Margo319 said: "I'm sick to death of every single website featuring articles on Hamilton and these million Hamilton threads now on BWW.  I know, I know, "then don't read them", its just annoying to see Hamilton everywhere.


"From my experience the people openly taking photos and videos are tourists who are very casual theatre goers. More likely than not they don't follow these actors on twitter. The tweets only are seen by people who hold the same view as the actors so they aren't productive in getting the people who'd take photos during the show to not take photos. The tweets seem more self indulgent and soapboxy than anything else."

These morons at the theater have reminders when they come in, in their playbill and right before a performance.  Do not justify their illegal, disrespectful behavior.  Soapboxy?  To say it's RUDE to take photos and be filming?  They are breaking the law and disrespecting every single person involved in the creation of a show.  They should be telling these people off.  They should also include not to have them come back to any theater until they can respect the art.  



Please show me where exactly I said I was ok with this behavior. You can't because I never said that. I also never said that they shouldn't get in trouble for taking the photos. I said to report them then let the ushers do their jobs and take care of the situation. 

What I'm not a fan of is seemingly every actor feeling the need to tweet every time they see someone. Like I said before from my experience seeing shows the people who take these photos are people who are tourists seeing a show because that's what you do in New York. They won't ever see the tweets about them only the theatre fans who agree with the actors see them so no the tweets aren't productive in stopping anyone.


i wanted to hear other opinions but you seem to completely have misinterpreted what I was trying to say.


MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#570Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 10:33pm

The 20-somethings on this board will not be seeing endless revivals of HAMILTON as they we have been seeing endless revivals of, oh, GYPSY...

HAMILTON is of its time and it's the best there is right now. It will not age well, but it will have quite a ride before the next one comes along.

Updated On: 5/13/16 at 10:33 PM

#571Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/13/16 at 11:07pm

I absolutely hated Noises Off this year...everyone else seemed to love it.

seahag2 Profile Photo
#572Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/14/16 at 1:46am

I love the show itself but dear lord I cannot stand the Hamilton fandom. They are loud and obnoxious. It drives me nuts when I hear them talking about their Tony predictions and complaints without giving a second glance at any of the other shows that were nominated (and even overlooked). I've seen too many people say that Ramos and Oak here snubbed and someone even mentioned how they gave the nom to Groff because of "deep rooted problems within The Academy." I think it's great that Hamilton is exciting to a new type of audience but I wish this same audience wouldn't get so upset over the prospect of Phillipa Soo losing to Cynthia Erivo (also known as: a Non-Hamilton Broadway Actress and Therefore Unimportant). 

so I smile like Mona Lisa and I lay my Visa down

#573Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/14/16 at 2:46am

-American Psycho is one of my favorite shows that I've ever seen (and I'll be beyond distraught if it closes before I can see it again in the early fall, but that's a tangent sorry) 


-On that note, kinda, I really do love the show but the tech in Hamilton isn't that impressive really. The set and costumes are nice and all but they aren't groundbreaking or new by any means or anything to really rave about. Not bad, of course, but not deserving of the Tonys in their categories. Nominations, sure, but not wins. And the lights are... well, it takes a lot of lighting knowledge to make such flashy lights but it ends up being distracting and nothing too special. This is all phrased awfully but basically I just need Hamilton to not win visible tech Tonys (direction or choreography or orchestrations would be fine)

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#574Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 5/14/16 at 12:24pm

It's not about being about the design serving t be show the best.


That being said, I'd like to see AP WIN for lighting.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
