Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/16
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/16
Idina's Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah at the end of "Defying Gravity" is a legitimately awesome theatre moment that's been ruined by being turned into a meme.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
This is probably not the best time to share this one, given recent events, but I actually thought Patti Murin was great in Frozen and should have gotten a Tony nomination over Jessie Mueller.
Amanda Jane Cooper, though being a genuinely sweet individual, is one of the worst Glinda's that Wicked has ever had.
Stand-by Joined: 9/27/18
I always rooted for the Wicked Witch of the West as a child.
Stand-by Joined: 11/25/18
FlyHigh523 said: "Amanda Jane Cooper, though being a genuinely sweet individual, is one of the worst Glinda's that Wicked has ever had."
That's funny way to spell Kendra Kassebaum and Kate Reinders
I’m kind of surprised at all the dislike towards Amanda’s Glinda. She wasn’t the most consistent singer, for sure, but when she was ‘on’ her voice was lovely. I truly liked all of her acting choices and thought she was a great Glinda (but hey, I saw her at the beginning of the year. who knows what changed).
If we’re talking worst Glinda, I’m dissapointed no one said Laura Woyasz. Now that was bad
Um, my post was deleted? Seriously? This is AN UNPOPULAR OPINION THREAD. So, I will say it again.
Lin Manuel Miranda was great before he went all Hollywood. Getting a star in Hollywood now when people work their whole lives for it? Ridiculous. I am sick to death of him. This is AN OPINION.
If this gets deleted, this whole entire site is ****ed.
My post got deleted too!!! Shooooooocking. I’ll say it again: I saw AJC 8 times. 7/8 of those times she was extremely lackluster and it was so disappointing.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
There are stans of certain shows that need to realize that other people are allowed to like the shows and express their opinions about those shows. Stans of shows do not own those shows.
BOOTLEGGING NEVER OKAY. Never. You’re stealing from the production team, you’re disrespecting the actors. You’re breaking the law. It doesn’t matter how far away you live-theater is meant to be experienced live and bootlegging is never okay. Actors do care. I think bootleggers are the most disrespectful people and don’t care about the show.
I love Rent.
I think Jessica Vosk is one of the best Elphabas.
"Revenge Party" is the worst song in the Mean Girls soundtrack. Grey Henson is funny in it but the rest of the song is pretty basic. Also it REALLY shows how bad some of the lyrics are ("It's a revenge party, a party with revenge is what it's like".... seriously?).
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/18
Glinda is a much more interesting character than Elphaba because she changes over the course of the show.
Sincerely Werk! said: ""Revenge Party" is the worst song in the Mean Girls soundtrack. Grey Henson is funny in it but the rest of the song is pretty basic. Also it REALLY shows how bad some of the lyrics are ("It's a revenge party, a party with revenge is what it's like".... seriously?)."
Mean Girls has some pretty lazy lyrics. Like, “And if you treat me bad, I’ll say you’re bad” or “Imagine a party with dresses and cake and singing and dancing and cake”
Also, “I learned math so I could learn love” .... that makes me cringe every time. And then she goes “2 OVER 0 IS UNDEFINED!” That’s what y’all are learning in Calculus?? That’s basic Algebra? I’m half joking about that because it’s not a big deal but seriously, that whole song sounds so lazy.
That show doesn’t sound like it was nominated for 12 Tony’s.. the lyrics can be so horrid. They need to listen to some Sondheim and take notes.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
I personally don’t like the sound of Ben Platt’s voice. His vibrato is like nails on a blackboard for me
Jessie Mueller can do incredible things with her voice but I find her acting to be OTT and unnatural
Lin Manuel Miranda needs to just stop. HAMILTONn is a decent piece of theatre but it definitely isn't the game changer that people claim it to be. His sudden Hollywood fame and appearance EVERYWHERE really is grating on me. His accent in MARY POPPINS RETURNS turns what could have been an instant classic into a farce.
Teenage girls are ruining contemporary musical theatre.
ANASTASIA and MEAN GIRLS are two of the worst screen to stage adaptions I've come across which is heartbreaking as they're two of my favourite movies.
I'm already for regional and international productions of FROZEN to see what people with real creative talent can do with a show set in mystical Norway - because the Broadway show is duuuuuuuuull.
Wonderland is one of my favourite musicals to work out to. I love it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
"Audrey Hepburn's Eliza was better than Julie Andrews'."
I strongly suspect this is true, though Marni Nixon's singing was not (it's good, though).
I have always felt that it is May that's busting out all over, not June.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
Lea Michele should absolutely not go anywhere near the Wicked movie.
I love Rent.
I do not worship at the alrae of Lin-Manuel Miranda. He’s not the be all end all of musical theater and it bothers me when people act personally offended if your favorite musical isn’t Hamilton. It is not the golden standard of musicals. Is it incredibly well done? Yes.
I don’t ge the Book of Mornin hype.
Bright Star deserved a longer run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
The English wouldn't know good theatre if it slapped them across the face.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
GeorgeandDot said: "The English wouldn't know good theatre if it slapped them across the face."
I'm not English...
I liked the story, the performances were good, but the music and lyrics were dreadful.
Swing Joined: 3/1/18
POTO is nothing better than a third tier web fiction plus 1980s disco, tbh every alw show is mediocre and Sunset Boulevard is the best he could do.
Impossible2, I wasn't talking about you. I'm just surprised by what I'm seeing from over there that's supposed to be so good. The standards seem to be lower I guess.
However, on the subject of Caroline, or Change, I think it's the best musical of this century so far.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
GeorgeandDot said: "Impossible2, I wasn't talking about you. I'm just surprised by what I'm seeing from over there that's supposed to be so good. The standards seem to be lower I guess.
However, on the subject of Caroline, or Change, I think it's the best musical of this century so far."
Really? The best things I have seen on/off Broadway over the last few years were all British transfers.
Yerma, Angels, Streetcar, View from the Bridge were all amazing.
However on the more commercial side of things I would agree with you, but then the British have always had a tendency to over praise their works in order to keep the industry turning over.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
I hate how people think they're entitled to know when understudies are going on. Unless a specific announcement is made by the production, actors are under no obligation to the fans of the show to share when they're going on. I think fans/stans of certain shows have gotten very entitled and demanding.