Leading Actor Joined: 4/18/06
I was at the concert last night at City Center and I really really really enjoyed all the music she and her band played from the show. I was surprised how much I wanted to move along with the music. It definitely SOUNDS like Sara (of course, when she's singing the songs.. duh), but it also made me realize how great of a composer she is. She plays with rhythm, meter change, unexpected melody changes... it's quite interesting. I'm excited for the show!
Leading Actor Joined: 4/18/06
Also, her album is on iTunes now!
The concert: https://screen.yahoo.com/live/event/sara-bareilles
Stand-by Joined: 2/17/10
Am I the only one who thinks that Jessie Mueller and Sara Bareilles sound exactly the same? What are the odds that Sara goes into the show at some point?
Sara has said that she'd love to do musical theatre again (did it in HS/college) and hinted that she'd love the chance to play Jenna.
If Waitress ends up struggling, she could just do what Sting did with The Last Ship by going into the show in order to save it.
Updated On: 11/6/15 at 09:50 AM
What makes you think Sara can save her show if sting couldn't even save his.
^It would have to depend on how all she'd be willing to commit to it. Sting could only commit to a few weeks because of a concert tour he had coming up. While business for The Last Ship did improve, the producers still noticed what the numbers were going to be like post Sting's departure, so they pretty much decided to close the show with him.
Waitress has Jessie Mueller - if it's not doing well, replacing her won't be the key to fixing it.
Also Jessie and Sara are doing lots of promo work together which I think will help introduce and endear her to SB's fanabase, which is certainly going to be a key audience draw early on.
Understudy Joined: 10/11/14
It is so surpassing to me the Jeana is not continuing on with the production. Two summers at the ART and two times not continuing on? I wonder what happened. Do we know that she was fired from NEVERLAND?
I bet she quit, because they basically cut her roles only song.
Understudy Joined: 10/11/14
Yeah - I also always assumed she quit Neverland when she found out they were hacking the role of Mary Barrie into nothing.
Wasn't Bryce Pinkham attached to Waitress at some point? When they announced GGTLM was closing, I thought maybe he would come back for the Broadway run. I enjoyed Drew Gehling at the ART, but was not blown away.
Gehling has a relaxed easy charm, a goofy comedic sense and he soars on the music. Thought he was great at A.R.T.
What happened to the thread about the Waitress artwork/poster released today? I left for a couple of hours and it's gone. Did someone get mean?
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
Call me- which song of jeana's was cut?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Does anyone have any detailed info on how Laura Benanti was involved at one point? I would love to see/hear if any audio exists of her doing Jenna.
Apparently, Nick Cordero is joining the cast...
Was really looking forward to Corey Mach transferring with this! He was a standout at the A.R.T.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Nick Cordero as Earl is INSPIRED casting.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
broadwayboy223 said: "Does anyone have any detailed info on how Laura Benanti was involved at one point? I would love to see/hear if any audio exists of her doing Jenna."
I believe she did a workshop. There's no audio.
I was listening to Sara Bareilles' concept album the other day (I've listened quite a bit) and got back to thinking about the whole Ogie "Never Getting Rid of Me" song and his whole character arc. As we have discussed on here, both he and the song are really a bit stalker-ish and creepy. But having seen the show, Ogie is presented as a harmless character so it is passable.
I'm not looking for drama where it doesn't exist, BUT the problem I see is that the show is about a woman struggling to leave an abusive relationship with a man who also uses verbal and psychological threats. As I listened to "Never Getting Rid of Me" I thought, can you image if Earl said the line "I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me." Now that's scary. Is it okay because Ogie says it? I just hope someone involved with the production at least poses that question.
I really liked the show at A.R.T. and think it's a beautiful story about women being told by women creatives. I don't know what the reaction will be on Broadway but I would just hate to see something like that song mar the production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
NJ Broadway Girl, I've heard that criticism from multiple people who saw the show at ART so I hope that it is something the creative team considers before the Broadway run.
Yeah it was definitely discussed on these boards too. Hopefully it's prevalent enough that the creatives at least look at it. In any other context Ogie could be judged as creepy but passable, but when he's a character in the same story as an abuser it doesn't sit well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
Jeanna was dropped as Dawn after she was promised she could come to Broadway this time after being dropped in Finding Neverland.
She wasn't dropped from Neverland...she walked away. Don't know about Waitress.