Is it Night of 1000 Sock Puppets? I forgot to mark my calendar.
Swing Joined: 10/10/10
saw the show sat eve and it really is a mess- such huge talent wasted- it deserves to be so much better
I saw it this afternoon. Odd show, but lots of fun and good music. I love that Patti will take a non-starring role because it speaks to her. Laura Benanti, who I have always been on the fence about, it terrific. One could find things to pick on if one is so inclined, but I expect there will be some tightening up before opening night. It's refreshing to see something that's taken a risk and isn't the same recycled concept in a new package.
Did I mention I had fun?
Do they ARE doing rush? Because the woman today told me they had no plans to do it for this show.
saw the show sat eve and it really is a mess- such huge talent wasted- it deserves to be so much better
Kyle4, is that you under another name?
Kyle4, polar65, whoever you are today,
i just took a sizable ****. the **** was very long and tired. the scoring was completely bland.
i feel sorry for my ass.
i've been taking ****s since 1975, around the time i began seeing shows like The Wiz. i consider myself higher than everyone else because i've taken every major **** that has hit my gastric system.
i feel sorry for my ass.
i wish that my **** was directed better, it was sloppy, and running rampant all over my toilet. that immodium was completely unnecessary and it opened phase 2 terribly.
i feel sorry for my ass.
i think this **** was **** and i rushed out of the bathroom before it was over. i feel sorry for my ass.
i feel sorry for my ass.
i hope nobody else has to endure the same **** i did.
i feel sorry for my ass.
Updated On: 10/10/10 at 10:59 PM
Limited run indeed. It should have been limited to one performance.
rotflmao , aasjb4ever. (Your latest rebuttal to kyle) (however, your screen name always makes me laugh - far from the keyboard it looks like "ass j beaver'!?
My goodness, get over it. Let's stop spewing unnecessary hate at the show. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, of course, but this kind of venom for the first (and 2-4) performances of a show (ever!) is completely unnecessary. I appreciate hearing the opinions of the people who have noted that the material needs work, but let's not be overdramatic, claim the show is never going to open or any of that nonsense. In spite of all of this thread, I am looking forward to seeing the show in November and if there is any director that could pull a show together, it would be Bart Sher.
THANK YOU CO2!!! my god, these people are disgusting on here! kyle4 & luscious should get together & have a baby & sacrifice it on an altar in front of sarah palin & the tea party. geez....
Yeah. Geez.
This bashing has gotten pretty out of control.
So you saw the show and didn't like it? That's always frustrating and disappointing, especially at the exorbitant ticket prices today but let it go. It's one thing to state your opinions, whether positive or negative, but to outright bash the production relentlessly is frankly immature and not something anyone here wants to read.
Take this as a lesson to not purchase preview tickets especially for a show without an out-of-town preview, or any "buzz" that gives you some sort of idea of what the show will be like.
You chose to purchase a ticket based solely on hype, with only a cast list, a 20yr old movie as source material, a few production photos and a one minute radio promo to guide your decision.
Wait for a frozen show, for reviews, for video/music previews - otherwise don't harp on your poor decision to purchase a ticket for a show you knew nothing about - it's like going to the cinema and buying a ticket for any random movie on the board simply because you recognize an actor's name or saw interesting movie poster art yet never seeing a TV spot or movie trailer.
^ Wow, I agree with you 100% about this, dshnookie.
btw, notice that Luscious is spewing hate towards Verge, yet is advertising BURLESQUE with CHER & CHRISTINA AGUILERA?????!!! REEEEEALLY???? and you're supposed to be an expert on taste??? i think not......and your signature says you want to have dignity??! strike two. *sigh*
why thank you ljay.
CockeyedOptimist summed it up pretty well too but his/her post went up as I was typing mine.
LuPone will be here in Boston tomorrow to discuss her book, perhaps she'll mention a word or two about Verge. If so, I'll report back.
^Personal attacks on people's taste do not help your cause as a poster with an intelligent opinion. I disagree with everything Luscious has said in this thread, but don't let this become a bitch match between the two of you.
ETA: Directed at donthate...., not you!
Updated On: 10/10/10 at 11:59 PM
"it's like going to the cinema"
Except cinema don't cost $130 bucks after service charges.
This is a theatre message board where people who live and die by theatre come to share. We LOVE HARD and they HATE HARD. It goes with the turf and this is our playground. It ain't always pretty on here.
The only people who need to lighten up are the ones who think they are epitome of decorum. Go start a new thread that can exist solely to gently massage the creative team's ego.
Let the rest of us be red-blooded and passionate, even if at times a little crass.
I think everyone is pretty much unanimous that we love all of the parties involved, we just think the material is bad. No one is really bashing actors or did I miss something?
If Patti can hop on her blog and curse and swear and denigrate a Bank of America employee over her inability to buy lettuce with her debit card then I can write in public about her crappy show that I paid $130 bucks for (which she is great in, for the record).
I don't think I've ever wanted to see a show now as badly as this one.
^ But no one has a problem with you post/thoughts. You don't think Kyle4 and Luscious are being a bit cruel and over the top?
Feel free to HATE HARD, but only on a finished product.
The show can change significantly between now and opening. It may or may not.
Going back to my cinema reference since you brought it up, what you saw was a TEST SCREENING which is what producers do to gauge audience reaction/feedback and from that response they make changes.
Although test screenings are perhaps usually free to attend, no one forced you to purchase a ticket for an incomplete, work-in-progress production.
Updated On: 10/11/10 at 12:09 AM
Stand-by Joined: 5/3/09
I got a student rush ticket for today's matinee by showing up two hours before curtain and standing in the normal line. Didn't see anyone else there asking about rush (besides my group).
I'm not going to write a full-on review because my seat (end of first row) was pretty terrible and I really feel the need to go back and see it from the balcony or something to get the full visual. I will say that I thought the show was hilarious and really creative. I was impressed by the cast overall, though Sherie Rene Scott's part seemed a bit underwritten and Laura Benanti did pretty much steal every scene she was in. The music was enjoyable, but I had some trouble understanding lyrics and would definitely like to listen to it again.
The tech stuff looked fantastic from where I was, and I'm really excited to see the full picture from farther back. They do need to smooth out some scene changes, but that's completely understandable for this point in the show's evolution.
So, just wanted to contribute some general optimism from myself and the three friends I was with - I think this show is really interesting and can't wait to get another (better) look at it.
Why do people even acknowledge extremists and sock puppets? I will never understand that. Who even cares some morons say. I can easily ignore Kyle4. I know who the regulars are and the more serious folks are on here and I communicate with them.
I think with a subscriber base, you need to do better than what I saw this weekend. Like I said book subscribers after opening. To make subscribers (which was a LOT of elderly folks) sit through that was a bit trying. It felt like an invited dress. Also, if they were aware as Bart put it, "that we are trying to mount a brand new musical in New York with no out of town tryouts" then make the preview prices cheaper. If it's so daunting, then you should have known to not charge full price. That would actually make people be "kinder" as he so requested.
The preview prices are technically cheaper though....
Detailed Pricing Information
Orchestra: $116.50
Mezzanine Rows A-F: $116.50
Mezzanine Rows G-H: $81.50
Balcony Rows A-D: $51.50
Balcony Rows E-F: $36.50
For performances beginning November 4:
Orchestra: $126.50
Mezzanine Rows A-F: $126.50
Mezzanine Rows G-H: $91.50
Balcony Rows A-D: $51.50
Balcony Rows E-F: $36.50
And there is also a discount readily available.
No press is bad press . Alas, I'm tired. Keep spewing. I look forward to a bowl of hot, steaming hate when I awaken. I'll pray for all of the Haters. Hope you remembered to apply for unemployment today
Not to justify the prices or anything , but the salaries of Patti and Brian alone must be HUGE. What do you think their salaries are?