^ So true. People are being way too overdramatic. No, you are not entitled to a refund because you paid $120 for a show you thought was a disaster. Especially knowing you were going to see an early preview!
I think people are surprised that the show opening is a mess because the songs are really unmemorable, the book is a shamble and you have the highest calibre stage talent being completely wasted. I would never complain about glitches or tech stuff or even character creation/acting at this point.
The core elements (book, score) of the show were quite dismal. I saw the Saturday matinee.
The show was an bombastic mess-"over visual" if that is even possible. It's like watching ADHD on stage. A frantic mess. I had no emotional connection to any character. No character is developed and a majority of songs lead to no where and do not advance anything.
Sherie is completely squandered. As many have stated Benanti is the show's one saving grace who actually made me think of Almodovar's style. From what I saw from her, she deserves another Tony nod. She brought absolute joy to the audience whenever she appeared. Her Act 1 number is an endurance test and a complete joy.
This being said, the women behind me said, "this show is going to be a huge hit!" so clearly some people are liking it. I was pretty bored throughout the show. Characters and story lines were muddled and incoherent. People came on and offstage with no clear direction or connection. Patti switched wigs and people were definitely confused as to what she was doing.
I can appreciate deliberately surreal or non linear work, I don't think WOTV is that. I think it is very rough.
Also, I can appreciate Bart coming out and addressing possible kinks to the audience, but I think telling the audience that the cast is "completely exhausted" is throwing them under the bus. In essence, saying, "don't expect too much from them." I thought it was tacky.
Overall, greatly disappointed. I can handle all the glitches in the world if the actors have great material and sharp songs to sing. Nothing like that here in my opinion.
Agreed, ljay. All of the posters on here who paid for a very early preview for the world premiere of a new musical that was delayed not once, but twice, HAD to know what they were getting themselves into. I understand saying not every audience member knew it was an early preview but the reality is that every BWWer who attended knew it was an early preview and, probably, had their expectations set extraordinarily high. Understandable, but just because it doesn't meet your expectations doesn't mean Bart Sher should be standing outside handing you back your $120 as you walk out the door when the show is over.
Oh, this thread is a hoot!
Hysterical pearls and tampons flying everywhere!! Now this is why I come to BWW, boys and girls!
Keep up the fine work, y'all!
Borstal, you made me laugh. I do wonder if straight people feel totally different since they are not all wrapped up in how their "divas" are being squandered! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
What is the approximate run time?
I believe someone already said it was about two hours and fifty minutes, when all was said and done.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
ok thanks, I missed that :)
I really wanted to like this. I found myself trying to defend the poor book, score, and direction but by the second act I had to admit to myself that it was just a mess.
There is no way they can fix the show to become what I think many here (myself included) were hoping for. They would need to scrap everything and redo it from the ground up.
That being said, I can see them tweaking what they have here enough to make it an audience pleaser.
This is the show that the creative team wrote and directed, so I'm sure they think that it has the right tone for their vision.
For whatever reason their vision ended up being different from our expectations. It is what it is, and I don't think there will be any substantial changes.
As far as my personal opinions:
The score was grating and/or boring. Except for Benanti's voicemail number and Patti's big act 2 solo it was really a snooze. For perscpective I loved DRS's score but hated The Full Monty's. So while i like Yazbek, I don't love everything he's done.
The cast are all doing their best. Benanti's part is the showiest and she runs with it.
Patti scores, but her role is confusing. If they clean up the narrative I think she'll be great.
Scott fares the worst b/c she is completely underwritten.
Stokes Mitchell sounds great and is having fun.
Guarini impressed me. Another AI alum finds a home on The Great White Way
Hated the suspension bit (and that lolly?). Like the opening of Act 2 for its energy.
So to sum up: I liked the energy and thought the cast is really trying to work with what they have. In the end though, it's a missed opputunity to be a great show but will probably be a decent enough tourist show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/06
I just started college and have been paying $120 for books i hardly ever use or for classes that mean nothing to me. I would rather have seen this supposed mess of a show. I think the cast must be working round the clock with changes to make this a better show. If you didn't wanna spend $120 buck, you shouldn't have. I bought a sweater yesterday. Do i feel guilty? A little bit, I don't like it as much as I thought I did. But alas the tag has been removed, what am I to do?
I mean it has nowhere to go but up, right?
Good show everybody!
Swing Joined: 10/10/10
your review is on point- saw the show sat night and agree 100%
Swing Joined: 10/10/10
should be one more at least for the people responsable for this mess of a show
Stage door? How craaaazy?
Well I saw Yazbek outside the theater a few hours ago trying to figure out some new changes so I'm sure there a lot to come. I do want to see it this week though so I can compare it later in the run.
Out of curiosity, has anyone tried getting rush tickets for this yet?
Yep, that's why I went to the theater actually!
They are not doing any sort of rush for the show.
Now I am not a seasoned theater goer, so my opinion may be irrelevant, but it does seem to me that if you are paying to see a show that is in previews, and especially if you know it is a brand new show and not a proven revival, you would logically want to purchase tickets in the lower price range. Then, as I know a lot of you seem to be able to do, you could return after it has officially opened and the kinks have been worked out and buy tickets for better seating. It only makes sense to me. I have no doubts that everyone involved is working endlessly right now to improve the show, so lets give them a chance, and then return and give it a second viewing later on. From his curtain speeches it is clear that Mr. Sher is aware of the problems, so give him a chance to make the changes needed.
^ That would seem logical, but it seems clear to me that some theatergoers go to first and early previews specifically to tear apart a production in progress.
Ljay, I don't believe it is tearing it apart to say I feel the score is dismal and the book is awful. I think it's my opinion on a message board. Im not Ben Brantley and no one really cares what we say on here anyway. It's theatre fans bitching to each other.
I didn't attack the kinks in the show, I shared what I didn't like about some of the main parts of the book and score.
Personally, if this is a limited run, I think they owe it to their subscribers to be a little farther along or at least book their subscribers after previews.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
"They are not doing any sort of rush for the show."
Not even post-opening?
Betty, I was not referring to you. Your post was very respectful. I was referring to the people proclaiming "unfixable disaster! There should be refunds on the way out! No way this will open!"
I do think that the show will open. It is a Lincoln Center production after all, but they would be wise to delay opening another 2-3 weeks to give them more time to fix this.
I was very disappointed in the book, score and choreography. Also, the set was just too much to look at...I was very confused at times (I have never seen the movie).
As most others have said, Laura Benanti fared the best out of the entire cast. I thought Brian Stokes Mitchell fared the worst...his material was dreadful, and he just didn't seem to care about being on the stage. Patti's material needs some rewriting/tweaking and maybe a new song for her for Act 1. Sherie was very bland (probably due to her bland material).
It just shocks me that with all the wonderful actors on that stage, that they couldn't write material that suits the talents of these stars. Hopefully the creative team will use this critical preview period to analyze audience reactions, make changes, and turn this theatrical disaster into a somewhat mediocre musical that can play out its limited engagement without severely damaging everyone's reputations.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I am absolutely shocked at these reviews. I mean we've heard Patti praise this show plus you look at the names attached to a project like this and you think, "Hit!"...maybe it's for the best that it's a limited run.
I really think it's too early to write it off. Let's wait until it's frozen. Reviews and ticket sales will influence any possibility of an extension/open-ended run.
Updated On: 10/10/10 at 06:52 PM
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
"They are not doing any sort of rush for the show."
i RUSHED out at the beginning of ACT 2!