Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
I just looked a little while ago and there were tickets available. When I bought mine back in Dec there was only 4 left.
It's definitely worth a shot! Sometimes standing room tickets are withheld until after opening to allow the creative team to utilize that space, but here's hoping that won't be the case.
I'm a little surprised they haven't announced a rush/lottery for this yet! I thought most shows announce the night before or the morning of the first preview. Am I mistaken?
yea, usually morning of... Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Just stopped by the theatre. They're completely sold out for the night and I asked if a rush or lotto was going to be implemented and he said no. So...?
Like someone else said before, until there is an official announcement the BO people probably are either not told to told to say "no"...
If they truely won't implement one I'll very disappointed in the producers. Doesn't EVERY Broadway musical currently on Broadway have some sort of policy? I mean, even Lion King has one now... But I'll wait a couple more days before I complain and call them cheap ;p
(That being said I'll happy to pay the $50 or whatever for rear mezz with discount I guess)
_IrisTInkerbell said: "Like someone else said before, until there is an official announcement the BO people probably are either not told to told to say "no"...
If they truely won't implement one I'll very disappointed in the producers. Doesn't EVERY Broadway musical currently on Broadway have some sort of policy? I mean, even Lion King has one now... But I'll wait a couple more days before I complain and call them cheap ;p
(That being said I'll happy to pay the $50 or whatever for rear mezz with discount I guess)"
A group of people who raised millions of dollars to stage a Broadway musical are cheap because you have to pay $10 or $15 more than what the average rush ticket is going for these days?
I added a smiley there for a reason. But sure, ignore that.
I misinterpreted the intentions of the smiley, I apologize. I thought it was to emphasize 'disgust.'
Updated On: 3/25/16 at 08:26 PM
I'm a waiter and struggling artist, and rush is kind of the only way I can see so many shows. If I had to pay 65 for every show I'd only get to see one once in awhile. But I've managed to see 3 shows before for less than 70.
Cupid Boy2 said: "I misinterpreted the intentions of the smiley, I apologize. I thought it was to emphasize 'disgust.'"
Gottcha. No, it was so say that I was at least half joking. That is, joking with the choice of words. But I do think it would be very strange for them not to have any policy at all, like I said, and I definitely wouldn't be happy with the producers, because every other show manages & wants to do that. Let's just leave it there.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Given the subject matter, I wonder if this is a show that's interested in appealing to younger audiences (who are often, but not always, the main beneficiaries of these discount policies).
I think the Bareilles connection is already making it appeal strongly to a young audience. There were lots of young people there last night, but that being said they also seemed like the age where mom and dad had bought the tickets.
This is very disappointing. I know it's selling very well, but I was expecting some sort of rush/lottery. Guess I'll see something else on my one free slot in my trip.
valeposh said: "This is very disappointing. I know it's selling very well, but I was expecting some sort of rush/lottery. Guess I'll see something else on my one free slot in my trip."
It sounds like there's a discount out there that's putting rear mezz seats at $50 if that helps. Not sure when your trip is though - I think rear mezz is sold out for the next two weekends.
Thank you for that! Unfortunately we're going this upcoming weekend. My bad, I didn't think it'd be sold out this early in previews. I think we'll try The Color Purple. All our other slots are already occupied (Hamilton, She Loves Me, Shuffle Along). Thank you though!
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/15
I agree that this is really, really frustrating. As a student trying to pay for college, it's rare that I get to see shows that I don't get to pay rush prices for. And I agree that it feels off that every other show on Broadway is making cheaper tickets possible to help out people who can't afford full price. Yes, $50 for rear mezz isn't bad and is only $15 dollars cheaper than a lot of other rush, but some people do live a life where that $15 really makes a difference. I'd try to go for that discount myself, but it seems pretty sold out.
Ah well. I'd really been looking forward to seeing this. I hope we see some kind of policy when the craziness of the first few months starts to die down.
I hear you guys! I'm sure some kind of lotto or rush will show up soon enough. They're only 3 shows into previews and the social media accounts seem to be telling people to hang tight.
As discussed in the preview thread, they are at least selling $32 standing room tix if/when the perf is completely sold out, that's how I saw it last night! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Does anyone have the code for the mezzanine discount, that some have referred to? PULEEZE pm me if you do. Thanking you in advance.
in case I'm not supposed to post this here (am I allowed or is that against any rules?) just check the discount section on Theatermania. This one is only there from what I saw, now BroadwayBox.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Thanks. I found the Waitress code while utilizing the American Psycho code that someone mentioned in that thread.
Is there really no word on this yet? Shocked there's been no announcement yet...
Swing Joined: 11/16/14
My guess is that there will be an official statement made at some point, but it's totally possible that there will be SOME form of discount, but that it won't be put in place until the show is up and running ie not during previews.
I agree - rush/lotto is very important particularly for students/others who wouldn't get to experience theater otherwise. Fingers crossed that something comes through!
No SRO was sold last night as the show did not seem out completely. There were two of us waiting and we both ended up buying one of the partial view front side orchestra for $79. If it hadn't been my only chance to see the show I would have tried again on a weekend, but alas I'm moving very soon.