"They should get Teri White who was so wondaful in Follies, to play that role!!"
Yeah.. that will bring them in. She has done it. It wasn't her best. Wendy will bring her audience in. And I bet they will love seeing her. I am so over you Hussys going on about stunt casting. You don't like it? Don't go! They are doing fine without you. Not everything is meant for you .
It isn't really about ME, it's about BROADWAY.
Because Wendy Williams is the nadir of Broadway performers in history.
Either you're hyperbolic or ignorant. This BROADWAY you love, BABY, has had far worse performers with far less reserves of talent in far more inappropriate roles. If this is the line in the sand which you cannot and will not abide by in your defiant act of chivalrous love towards that unbesmirched lady to whom you are sworn, the Lady BROADWAY, then you have some surprises in store when you get her home tonight, BABY.
I have great memories of some stunt casting on Broadway. David Cassidy, Joan Rivers, Alice Ghostly, Reba, the list goes on and on.
Broadway's been though the mill, baby, but she's always come out of it smellin' like a ROSE! I fear, though, with people like Williams being allowed to tread the boards that she may NOT survive.
Oh hon. Maybe you need to put the funny cigarettes down.
I don't go in for THAT stuff, Dame.
Well then.. you are just a natural mess.
Why don't you say something racist to Dame. You're good at that.
I love all people no matter their race or creed.
I just don't think Wendy Williams belongs on Broadway. She belongs in a television studio doing her talk show.
lovebway, most people on this board don't have alzheimer's quite yet. We know you don't approve of Ms. Williams in the show and there is no need for you to keep restating that.
Wait, does lovebwy think Wendy should be on Broadway?? I'm confused...
Calling her audience "low rent" and then expecting us to get a reference from her show? Are we low-rent? Are you? Whatever happened to class?
I saw the Slim Jim thing on The Soup. I never see her show.
"I never see her show."
Glad we're dealing with such an informed expert in his outrage!
I'm glad you don't mind explaining the Slim Jim comment over and over, yet you refuse to address the Grape Soda comment.
Joel McHale should totally play Billy Flynn
Jordan, I've expressed that saying grape soda was a mistake and I'm sorry to anyone who found it offensive. Such was not my intention.
Yes, I think Joel would be good. He is sexy.
Oh I get it. You have to be sexy to be on Broadway. Forget talent, just be sexy.
I also think McHale has talent.
Please elaborate on said talents that Mr. McHale has that would allow him to be on "your precious."
What kind of soda do McHale's fans drink?